West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Tha G-Spot => Topic started by: pappy on March 04, 2004, 04:55:31 PM

Title: have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: pappy on March 04, 2004, 04:55:31 PM
well i did 2day at work.  im on my break goin back to work goin down the escalator.  this old broad gets on the  escalator goin up.  it went up like 2 feet next thing i see is this old broad  fall backwards.  an cracks her head an shes layin there an the escalator is still goin up.  shes fell an was like arrrggghhh i cant feel my legs ive fallen an i cant get up.  I didnt kno what to do i felt bad for her but it was the funniest thing ive ever seen.  she was jus layin there like a beached whale but the escalator was still bringin her up.  this one lady is like STOP THE ELEVATOR JUS DONT STAND THERE.  SO I press the emergency button an it stops it.  so me an this other broad i guess in her 30's help stabalize the old broad untill help comes.  i felt bad an helped her out so she didnt tumble down the escalator.  but holy shit  it was hilarious.  i didnt laugh infront of her face i was biting my lip down.  omg i kno im goin to hell im fuckin laughing as i type.  you really had to see.  now i kno 80% of the dubcc is goin think im a cold hearted bastard but whatever
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Lincoln on March 04, 2004, 05:03:20 PM
People falling is one of life's greatest guilty pleasures.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: white Boy on March 04, 2004, 05:03:25 PM
funny how u call females broads, funny story too, hardest thing is not to laugh...
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: ACGRUNDY on March 04, 2004, 05:07:56 PM
LOL, old people suck.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Primo on March 04, 2004, 05:08:00 PM
lmao I worked at Kmart when I was about 16 and I was stacking vacuums in the overhead space in the aisle. I guess I didn't stack them that good. I came back about a half hour later and as I was walking towards the vacuum aisle The whole overhead display of vacuums fell on top of an old lady.The old lady was layin on the ground. I was laughin my ass off cuz I am evil. I couldn't help it
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: pappy on March 04, 2004, 05:12:48 PM
lmao I worked at Kmart when I was about 16 and I was stacking vacuums in the overhead space in the aisle. I guess I didn't stack them that good. I came back about a half hour later and as I was walking towards the vacuum aisle The whole overhead display of vacuums fell on top of an old lady.The old lady was layin on the ground. I was laughin my ass off cuz I am evil. I couldn't help it

Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Trauma-san on March 04, 2004, 05:20:00 PM
Get this shit. A girl I know, a couple months ago, had to take her grandma, and her mom, to the store.  Her Grandma is EVIL, and always trying to pull guilt trips, and was in a bad mood that day.  Anyways, out of the corner of her eye, as they're leaving the store, she sees her grandma LAY down on the curb, trying to act like she fell.  She started going "OH, HELP, I FELL!!" and this girl acted like she didn't hear her and just kept walking, LOL.  
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Noon Bank$ on March 04, 2004, 05:20:30 PM
lmao I worked at Kmart when I was about 16 and I was stacking vacuums in the overhead space in the aisle. I guess I didn't stack them that good. I came back about a half hour later and as I was walking towards the vacuum aisle The whole overhead display of vacuums fell on top of an old lady.The old lady was layin on the ground. I was laughin my ass off cuz I am evil. I couldn't help it

Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Primo on March 04, 2004, 05:24:39 PM
lmao..I have too many funny stories from the 2 years I worked there.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Noon Bank$ on March 04, 2004, 05:33:16 PM
Tell Some  :)
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on March 04, 2004, 05:33:20 PM
LoL...Too bad she didn't die. That woulda' REALLY been funny...
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: white Boy on March 04, 2004, 05:59:14 PM
that kmart shit is hilarious, that job sucked, only worked there for like a month
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Primo on March 04, 2004, 06:40:12 PM
Heres another one. Me and the security dude were cool with each other. There was this kid named Mikethat worked there  and I always thought the kid was a little pervert. So I started being sneaky with the help of the security guy. The security guy paged me and told me he saw Mike grab a Maxim Magazine and go into the spare stock room. The manager said he found tissues and a sticky magazine in the corner of a stack of pallets.
So another time, He pages me again and says 'He just shoved a magazine in his pants and went into the bathroom. So me and the security guard sneak into the bathroom. And he Mike is in one of the stalls.The security guard kicks the stall door open and he had his pants down to his ankles masturbating. LMFAO We told all the bosses and associates. He got fired. And if you don't beleive me I have an audio Mp3 of Kmarts manager recorded him admitting that it happened.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on March 04, 2004, 08:08:42 PM

All the stories are funny as fuck I can picture the old lady laying prone on the escalator as it goes up LOL.

Old Women fuckin suck, most are angry and bitter.  Two days ago I was on the trolley going to school and before my stop I got up and stood by the door so I can get to my bus in time.  anyway this lady was sleeping across the aisle thingy , or at least resting, she had her eyes closed until I got up and I guess I woke her up with my backpack, anyway I walked over to the door and was holding the rail and then I get shoved in my back, and through the reflection in the window I see it is her and I turned and gave her the evil eye >:( <one of those.  then I turn around and she pushes to get past me and stand at the door so I put my shoulder in her way and stepped in front of her, then she steps to the left of me so I stepped to the left, then we get to the stop and I was getting off and I feel her try and push me again, fuckin bitch I couldn't do anything because she was old but I was pretty pissed.

then at the end of the day i was about to get on the bus at school and two old ladys push in front of me to get on the bus first.  Old people SuCK >:(
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on March 04, 2004, 09:29:41 PM
Heres another one. Me and the security dude were cool with each other. There was this kid named Mikethat worked there  and I always thought the kid was a little pervert. So I started being sneaky with the help of the security guy. The security guy paged me and told me he saw Mike grab a Maxim Magazine and go into the spare stock room. The manager said he found tissues and a sticky magazine in the corner of a stack of pallets.
So another time, He pages me again and says 'He just shoved a magazine in his pants and went into the bathroom. So me and the security guard sneak into the bathroom. And he Mike is in one of the stalls.The security guard kicks the stall door open and he had his pants down to his ankles masturbating. LMFAO We told all the bosses and associates. He got fired. And if you don't beleive me I have an audio Mp3 of Kmarts manager recorded him admitting that it happened.

LMAO, yea...I remember those prank calls you put up on soundclick...You got fired for them, lololol.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: pappy on March 04, 2004, 09:54:09 PM
Heres another one. Me and the security dude were cool with each other. There was this kid named Mikethat worked there  and I always thought the kid was a little pervert. So I started being sneaky with the help of the security guy. The security guy paged me and told me he saw Mike grab a Maxim Magazine and go into the spare stock room. The manager said he found tissues and a sticky magazine in the corner of a stack of pallets.
So another time, He pages me again and says 'He just shoved a magazine in his pants and went into the bathroom. So me and the security guard sneak into the bathroom. And he Mike is in one of the stalls.The security guard kicks the stall door open and he had his pants down to his ankles masturbating. LMFAO We told all the bosses and associates. He got fired. And if you don't beleive me I have an audio Mp3 of Kmarts manager recorded him admitting that it happened.

LMFAO that happened to a kid in my high school.  he was in the bathroom stall jackin off.  an the bathroom lady was like he was in there for a while so she a male teacher to go in there.  an he opens the door to the stall an the kid got his legs up jackin off.  he opens the door the kid nutted on the teachers leg lmao.  the teacher walked out the bathroom with  nut on his leg.  shit was hilarious
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on March 04, 2004, 10:19:17 PM
If u get caught jackin off at school what can they do?
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: West C. Connected on March 05, 2004, 05:42:21 AM
If u get caught jackin off at school what can they do?

Is there something you want to tell us?
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Primo on March 05, 2004, 08:31:57 AM
they were all my little brother doing too on that site. lmao..I had to delete the site because they threatened to take me too court.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: AlerG on March 05, 2004, 03:46:29 PM
this is one of the greatest threads ever, lmao...it reminds me of a story from way back...

this is back when i was in grade 7 or 8 which is like 8 years ago, but i remember this shit so clear. our bus stop always had the most kids getting on the bus at once and we would wait out by the road at this little girls house until the bus came. when the bus would arrive the little girl that lived there with her parents and grandmother would be walked out to the bus. so since she was always last on the bus i was nicely seated looking out the window with a clear view of what was gonna happen. the girl gets on the bus and as her grandmother is waving and smiling saying goodbye she turns around and walks right into the flashing stop-sign on the side of the bus and falls on her back and looked like she killed herself. us young kids being the assholes we are, are laughing our asses off because it was the funniest shit ever while the bus driver races out of the bus to help her up. apparenly she fucked her leg up cause for awhile after that she walked with a cane, and the best thing of all was the busdriver would tell her to cross the street after she turned the flashing sign off, that shit was classic, peace.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: Bluntz2DaDoMe on March 08, 2004, 03:14:20 PM
haha this thread is the shit...im new to this board but i got a story like that 2....hella funny when i was in high shool n shit one of my teachers was this old lady who had like add cuz she could never finish 1 topic of a conversation she started...anyways one day during lunch i was sitting at the table and just looking around and checking some bitch when i see the teacher walkin down the stairs of hallway next thing u see is her trip and her legs fly up in the air over her head and she lands flat on her back and doesnt move..shit was so funny, i didnt even do shit 2 help her i was laughin so hard, and like 4 grls ran up to help her and shit next day she comes to class wit a cane and a head bandage....it was classic
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: AlerG on March 08, 2004, 10:33:24 PM
^how can you not laugh at shit like that^

it's evil but you can't help it, peace.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: King Tech Quadafi on March 11, 2004, 09:11:16 PM
Classic thread.

I seen an old man (early 60ish) fall OFF A TREE. Me and my family and some family friends went cherry picking in Stony Creek (40 min away from toronto). My uncle is standing in the tree, showing off his skills. He reaches a bit too far for a juicy one, and his ass slips off. The crazy shit was he tried to stay on, so he fell with his arms flailing and his legs kicking. Dropped with a thud. He slept the rest of the afternoon!!!  Me and my cousins pissed my uncles son off by laughing in his face.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: King Tech Quadafi on March 11, 2004, 09:13:36 PM
Dont know if this counts, but for bonus, I seen an old woman hit her head against the edge of a wall. It was a wall, that had an extra section towards the ceiling. The woman is coming down the stairs, pokes her head out to yell some shit, then when she turns her head abrubtly, she cracks her head against the edge of the wall. We heard that man. We heard that.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: ACGRUNDY on March 11, 2004, 09:54:59 PM
damn you guys are lucky, I wish I could witness an old person fall down.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: AlerG on March 11, 2004, 10:15:13 PM
^lol, the day you witness it, you'll think of us^

Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: TobyTizzle on March 14, 2004, 08:10:30 PM
Thank u all for making me nearly die from laughter lol

Well I got a good one:
I was working out at the gym one day, and Im on the treadmill just warming up b4 I hit the weights and theres an old bird like 3 treadmills down from me (50-60years old). Theres no one in btween us, so I got a clear view. Well we both doing our thing, and I look over and shes got a jumper on, and I see her go to take the jumper off with one hand, but she's struggling. 2 seconds later...


I shit myself and look to my left...and up against the WALL, this old lady is standing/collapsing, with her arms up in the sky, tangled in her jumper which is up around her face!!!

oh man, funniest thing i seen for a while.

Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on March 14, 2004, 09:21:03 PM
damn you guys are lucky, I wish I could witness an old person fall down.

That's not soemthing you wish for, thats something you wait for.
Title: Re:have you ever seen an old person fall down
Post by: ACGRUNDY on March 14, 2004, 09:46:04 PM
damn you guys are lucky, I wish I could witness an old person fall down.

That's not soemthing you wish for, thats something you wait for.

hey some people wish for money, some people wish for peace, I wish to watch old people watch down.