West Coast Connection Forum

DUBCC - Tha Connection => Outbound Connection => Topic started by: Don Jacob on May 22, 2004, 12:06:23 AM

Title: rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Don Jacob on May 22, 2004, 12:06:23 AM
right now i'm sitting here with the flu on a friday night watching some old ass 80's metal videos  on MTV2.

now the reoccuring themes i'm seeing is
-the objectifying of women
-flashy cars
-fake machismo
-corny ballods

now hmmmmmmm fast forward to today what do rap videos look like,lol

now if history has taught us anything two things are going to happen here

1. some nirvana type group is going to spring up and change things
2. another music genre will come into dominance.

Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: eS El Duque on May 22, 2004, 12:14:40 AM
hip-hop been around for a long ass time....the hair metal for hip-hop started in 1998 or so :D
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Don Jacob on May 22, 2004, 02:29:17 AM
well it's got a ways to go then

hair metal -1979-1990

while we're on this note of hair metal

nirvana didn't kill hair metal....if Guns N roses never happened i seriously doubt nirvana woulda knocked down that door

Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: West C. Connected on May 22, 2004, 02:54:51 AM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: eS El Duque on May 22, 2004, 11:30:20 AM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.

yea, but he's one of those poppy commercial rappers

i gotta give props to Kanye though, he hates Good Charlotte as much as I do
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: West C. Connected on May 22, 2004, 02:16:02 PM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.

yea, but he's one of those poppy commercial rappers

Why? Because he wears throwback jerseys, raps about bitches and drugs, has expensive videos and does everything he can do get people to buy his CDs? He doesn't do any of those in my opinion.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: KURUPTION-81 on May 22, 2004, 02:57:24 PM
i wouldnt say kanye was commercial, he may have been made commercial by his record sales. If u c what im sayin.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: davida.b. on May 22, 2004, 03:28:28 PM
Its kinda funny when you think about, cuz hair metal didn't completely die out, it just became really underground. So when you think about it, when people have lost interest for bling bling in the mainstream, Cash Money Millionares could officially qualify as underground hip hop.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: West C. Connected on May 22, 2004, 04:04:45 PM
lol Good point, rich underground rappers that'd be something.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: eS El Duque on May 22, 2004, 09:09:16 PM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.

yea, but he's one of those poppy commercial rappers

Why? Because he wears throwback jerseys, raps about bitches and drugs, has expensive videos and does everything he can do get people to buy his CDs? He doesn't do any of those in my opinion.

lol, guess you havn't heard his album or watch his video's. Well, that's what dick riding does to ya.

just my opinion, that's all ;)
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Shallow on May 22, 2004, 10:02:27 PM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.

yea, but he's one of those poppy commercial rappers

i gotta give props to Kanye though, he hates Good Charlotte as much as I do

I remember when he put down Good Charlotte for using the "this is the anthem" line by Jay Z. He said that that's Jays line and they shouldn't use it. This really made me dislike Kanye. But for Good Charlotte's sake, I hate those guys more than anybody, but for intelligents sake. Jay Z takes more lines any one, so why is it bad when some one uses one his. Kanye is either stupid or a ay Z ass kisser, either way I'm not impressed. I don't even like his music that much.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Kill on May 23, 2004, 04:56:49 AM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.

yea, but he's one of those poppy commercial rappers

Why? Because he wears throwback jerseys, raps about bitches and drugs, has expensive videos and does everything he can do get people to buy his CDs? He doesn't do any of those in my opinion.

well he does rap about bitches
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: West C. Connected on May 23, 2004, 05:11:00 AM
Well Kanye's both popular and not one of those bling rappers.

yea, but he's one of those poppy commercial rappers

Why? Because he wears throwback jerseys, raps about bitches and drugs, has expensive videos and does everything he can do get people to buy his CDs? He doesn't do any of those in my opinion.

well he does rap about bitches

Not like other people though, plus he doesn't really do it to sell.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Primo on May 23, 2004, 08:36:49 AM
I have seen a growing trend of more and more underground rappers becoming more popular. I can tell you its changing because the only people buying the Ja Rule are girls, gays, and club guys..
Look at Dilated.. I would never expect them to be on my local radio countdown at night in a million years.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Throwback on May 23, 2004, 10:01:00 AM
kanye doesnt make music for commercial succes i think, more because he's good at it ( prob the only thing he's good at) and he likes doin it. and the mass suddenly likes it
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Shallow on May 23, 2004, 11:40:19 AM
I'd say rock is going through another bullshit period. Hip hop falls into the rock category.

Starting in the mid 70s rock started losing touch with its roots,

Springsteen's Born to Run came out and seemed to put things back on track,

but then disco came out, and the bullshit started again,

punk tried to overthrow disco,

but then Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie came out and kept the bullshit in the forefront.

Springsteen returned with the mega Born In The USA (15x platinum), and Mellencamp followed suit. But that wasn't enough to stop the bullshit hair bands that became very popular around those times.

Then came the Gunz n Roses who stuck a long steele blade right threw Motley Cru and every one like them, sending them all to an early grave.

When Nirvana came out they put the final nail in the coffin of bad music, and good music came back into the forefront.

Sending all the Motleys, and Jacksons, and White Snakes back into the over polished hell they came from.

But wait , that didn't last long because the same year Cobain died so did the glory (not neccessarily because of Cobain's death).

Kurt died, Pearl Jam puposely left the spotlight, Sound Garden later broke up, and so did GnR.

Boyz 2 Men and Mariah started getting popular. Rap became more popular, but that was only due to the hoes and bitches bullshit.

Then came the Bling era, along with Backstreet boys, Britany, and N Synch.

Eminem followed soon after and, say what you will, brought a breath of fresh air into the pop world.

But Em isn't going to be music's saviour this time round, something will come out in the next couple years and start a new phase of quality, what that will be, who knows?

However during this whole time one music stayed alive and kicking just as good (or bad) as it ever was, Country.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Primo on May 23, 2004, 08:16:03 PM
some people just need to chill on the "Rap is dead" shit because there still is alot of quality music coming out.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Trauma-san on May 23, 2004, 10:07:45 PM
Didn't Metal bands die a slow fuckin' death? That's what I see rap doing, the level of shit coming out of the speakers anymore is amazing.  Rap is literally void of any talent, there's nobody doing anything creative, even the few talented rappers don't utilize it anymore, and the even fewer that do never get played commercially, rap is dead, has been for years, it sounds like shit.

Throw on a SHITTY song from 1993 or so and it sounds better than anything on the radio today.  They played a Ghetto Boys track earlier today, it was greater than the sum of everything they had played up to that point.  Throw on an old Tribe Called Quest song, there's nothing even remotely on it's level today.  Rap is dead, I feel sad for the kids that missed out or that are actually deluded into thinking that the shit they hear today is actual talent.  
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Trauma-san on May 23, 2004, 10:17:14 PM
However during this whole time one music stayed alive and kicking just as good (or bad) as it ever was, Country.

That's because the people that listen to country generally don't want creative or deep or lyrically complex songs, they just want something they can relate to, or something that speaks the truth about some subject, whether it's drinking beer, beating women, or your dog dying.  I have a lot of respect for Country Music, because out of all the music forms, in my opinion, it's the most real, nobody gives a shit if people don't like it, or if people think it's corny, or over simplistic, they just say what they feel, and it's as simple as that.  Typical country song, biggest hit of last year:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere
Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffet

This Lunchbreak is Gonna take all afternoon
And half the night
Tommorow, I know they'll be hell to pay
Hey, but that's alright

I ain't had a day off now in over a year
My jamaican vacation's gonna start right here
If the phone's for me, you can tell 'em I just sailed away

Pour me something tall and strong
Make it a hurricane before I go insane
It's only half past 12, but I don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere

I could pay off my tab
Pour myself in a cab
and be back to work before 2
at a moment like this, I can't help but wonder
What would Jimmy Buffet do?

Buffet: I'd say, pour me something tall and strong
make it a hurricane before I go insane
It's only half past twelve, but I don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Who can't relate to that, that's what songwriting was meant to be, emotional, connected with people.  Not "I hate a bitch, fuck you bitch, I got money, Bling Bling I got a nice car and you don't, Fuck You, I'm stronger than you, Get more ass than you've ever seen, I make hits, I'm living with millions of dollars and you're listening wanting to be me, I'm gonna shoot you in the ass when I see you ooh lets do drugs together I do a lot of drugs and I'm high all the time but yet I'm still the best basketball player alive I've got a big dick and your woman wants me fuck you, did I mention I was going to try and shoot you in the ass?"

One day some rapper, some where, will learn.  
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: ALKAHOLIK21 on May 23, 2004, 11:23:22 PM
Smile you sound like a very intellectual listener have you listened to blackalicious??? I'm sure you have.. Do you like them? tell me what you think of them... if you havent give them a try I really think you would like them. Let me know what you think

hear are some track's you should check out just in case you havent herd them

-As the world turn's
-If I may
-Deception (dont let money change you)
-Shallow day's
-make you feel that way
-40 oz for breakfast
-day one
-dream season's
-green light now begin
-4000 miles
-blazing arrow
-sky is falling
-a to g
-rock the spot

Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: smerlus on May 23, 2004, 11:49:44 PM
However during this whole time one music stayed alive and kicking just as good (or bad) as it ever was, Country.

That's because the people that listen to country generally don't want creative or deep or lyrically complex songs, they just want something they can relate to, or something that speaks the truth about some subject, whether it's drinking beer, beating women, or your dog dying.  I have a lot of respect for Country Music, because out of all the music forms, in my opinion, it's the most real, nobody gives a shit if people don't like it, or if people think it's corny, or over simplistic, they just say what they feel, and it's as simple as that.  Typical country song, biggest hit of last year:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere
Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffet

This Lunchbreak is Gonna take all afternoon
And half the night
Tommorow, I know they'll be hell to pay
Hey, but that's alright

I ain't had a day off now in over a year
My jamaican vacation's gonna start right here
If the phone's for me, you can tell 'em I just sailed away

Pour me something tall and strong
Make it a hurricane before I go insane
It's only half past 12, but I don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere

I could pay off my tab
Pour myself in a cab
and be back to work before 2
at a moment like this, I can't help but wonder
What would Jimmy Buffet do?

Buffet: I'd say, pour me something tall and strong
make it a hurricane before I go insane
It's only half past twelve, but I don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Who can't relate to that, that's what songwriting was meant to be, emotional, connected with people.  Not "I hate a bitch, fuck you bitch, I got money, Bling Bling I got a nice car and you don't, Fuck You, I'm stronger than you, Get more ass than you've ever seen, I make hits, I'm living with millions of dollars and you're listening wanting to be me, I'm gonna shoot you in the ass when I see you ooh lets do drugs together I do a lot of drugs and I'm high all the time but yet I'm still the best basketball player alive I've got a big dick and your woman wants me fuck you, did I mention I was going to try and shoot you in the ass?"

One day some rapper, some where, will learn.  

that's all on point

i was talking to this girl the other day and some how we started talking about music, she said name a good song and the first thing that popped in my head was "Check Yourself by Ice cube"

she then told me my song was old and it was garbage so i asked her to name a good song and she said freak a leek...

i then insulted her as only i could

it's sad that somone would pick a lyrically weak, shallow garbage ass crunk song, over a decent old school song
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: Shallow on May 24, 2004, 10:25:18 AM
However during this whole time one music stayed alive and kicking just as good (or bad) as it ever was, Country.

That's because the people that listen to country generally don't want creative or deep or lyrically complex songs, they just want something they can relate to, or something that speaks the truth about some subject, whether it's drinking beer, beating women, or your dog dying.  I have a lot of respect for Country Music, because out of all the music forms, in my opinion, it's the most real, nobody gives a shit if people don't like it, or if people think it's corny, or over simplistic, they just say what they feel, and it's as simple as that.  Typical country song, biggest hit of last year:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere
Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffet

This Lunchbreak is Gonna take all afternoon
And half the night
Tommorow, I know they'll be hell to pay
Hey, but that's alright

I ain't had a day off now in over a year
My jamaican vacation's gonna start right here
If the phone's for me, you can tell 'em I just sailed away

Pour me something tall and strong
Make it a hurricane before I go insane
It's only half past 12, but I don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere

I could pay off my tab
Pour myself in a cab
and be back to work before 2
at a moment like this, I can't help but wonder
What would Jimmy Buffet do?

Buffet: I'd say, pour me something tall and strong
make it a hurricane before I go insane
It's only half past twelve, but I don't care
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Who can't relate to that, that's what songwriting was meant to be, emotional, connected with people.  Not "I hate a bitch, fuck you bitch, I got money, Bling Bling I got a nice car and you don't, Fuck You, I'm stronger than you, Get more ass than you've ever seen, I make hits, I'm living with millions of dollars and you're listening wanting to be me, I'm gonna shoot you in the ass when I see you ooh lets do drugs together I do a lot of drugs and I'm high all the time but yet I'm still the best basketball player alive I've got a big dick and your woman wants me fuck you, did I mention I was going to try and shoot you in the ass?"

One day some rapper, some where, will learn.  

I totally agree with both your posts.

Rappers in general limit the longevity of their lyrics, because they fill it with so much current slang and events. The songs lack a universal appeal for the most part. I really can't think of any rapper performing into his 50s or 60s, except maybe Snoop, but only for comedic puposes.
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: West C. Connected on May 24, 2004, 11:50:22 AM
Title: Re:rap is going through it's "hair metal" phase
Post by: smerlus on May 24, 2004, 10:52:35 PM

yep, i have no problem putting a bitch in her place