West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: infinite59 on June 08, 2004, 08:11:08 AM

Title: MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: infinite59 on June 08, 2004, 08:11:08 AM

Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Don Seer on June 08, 2004, 08:19:31 AM
and you just dont stop....
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: infinite59 on June 08, 2004, 08:46:56 AM
and you just dont stop....

I'm trying to provide a balance between all these posts depicting Reagan as a hero and giving him undo credit for ending the Cold War.  Reagan was just an image.  
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Don Rizzle on June 08, 2004, 09:34:25 AM
why flood the board now he has died? ok u made ur post the other day leave it at that. personally i never had a great amount of respect for him but i don't think he was particularly evil and certainly no more than any other president, can't u just give it a rest and stop disrespected the dead.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Woodrow on June 08, 2004, 09:39:52 AM
He's brainwashed by Islam and the Media.

It's not his fault.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: smerlus on June 08, 2004, 10:21:23 AM
it's funny that he blames reagan for poooooooooossibly being racist, while the majority of the time he sticks up for terrorists and muslim leaders that want to wipe out the whole western civilization by any means

the best part is he doesn't even care that he's being a blatent hipocrite that has no value for the human life. he'll continue to spread his muslim bullshit propaganda around this board and while praying to allah he'll ask why no one understands him
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Don Seer on June 08, 2004, 10:56:31 AM
and you just dont stop....

I'm trying to provide a balance between all these posts depicting Reagan as a hero and giving him undo credit for ending the Cold War.  Reagan was just an image.  

dont u dare try and justify yourself.

you are a putrid vile excuse for a human being and this is another low grade attempt to try discredit the society you blame for failing you.

*slaps infinite around the face with his shoe*

Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: JTSimon on June 08, 2004, 11:09:05 AM
He's brainwashed by Islam and the Media.

It's not his fault.

He didn't write the article.

Good job on the threads Infinite.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Montana00 on June 08, 2004, 11:28:02 AM
And when a terroist kills millions with a biological weapon, im guessing your going to give us links about how they volunteered at a hospital?
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Real American on June 08, 2004, 02:35:25 PM
There is nothing in that article that indicates any racism on the part of Ronald Reagan. Keep trying though, Ibrahim, you might get lucky one of these times.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: King Tech Quadafi on June 08, 2004, 08:03:40 PM
The fuckin hate for Infinite is ridicolous. Not one of you cowards will ever attempt to dispute what he says. Just the routine song played by different singers tryin to get their cheap shots in. At least c walker made a comment referring to the subject. People here start cheering for Raegan good for them. But the ones who are opposed to Raegan cant say whatever they want?
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Jome on June 08, 2004, 08:56:20 PM
Why bring the subject on after he's dead, and not while he lived.. ?
You had 93 years to bring it up, and now it's suddenly a issue.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Trauma-san on June 08, 2004, 09:12:36 PM
^ Because he's a confused human being.  He talks all the time about people being clouded, but he's the one with the sheets on his head, they must have fallen into his eyes on this one, he can't see past his hate for anything traditional.  

He sees in Reagan a reflection of his father, staggering around drunk, slapping his mom, fighting with him.  Reagan represents that to him; an old white-man born in America doing things the way they used to be done.  Nevermind that Reagan may or may not have had any of the qualities his father has; Reagan represents America perhaps more than any other person in the news today; and the America Infinite is familiar with is the America where his father is a drunk, and never a dad.  So; he hates Reagan, and anything overtly American, with a passion... even to the point of abandoning the compassion and the heart, and even the soul that God gave him.  He can hate America, but he can't hate his father, he loves him too much.  

Now you tell me who sees clearly.  

Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: smerlus on June 08, 2004, 10:05:46 PM
The fuckin hate for Infinite is ridicolous. Not one of you cowards will ever attempt to dispute what he says. Just the routine song played by different singers tryin to get their cheap shots in. At least c walker made a comment referring to the subject. People here start cheering for Raegan good for them. But the ones who are opposed to Raegan cant say whatever they want?

i don't have hate for infinite i just thing that his name and ignorant go hand in hand...he's infinitely ignorant....but at least sometimes he does me a decent post...

YOU on the other hand are always boring and complaing about some shit...we don't have to dispute anything infinite says cause he's fucking ignorant....he's so pro-islam that he'd probably talk shit about the virgin mary, and the pope while he'll praised the actions of terrorists that kill civilians time and time again
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: M Dogg™ on June 09, 2004, 03:43:29 AM
I wouldn't call him racist, but I will say minority rights were not on the top of his list.

Blacks, gays remember Reagan with bitterness, saying he neglected the poor and lacked leadership as the AIDS epidemic exploded.

By Richard Fausset, L.A. Times Staff Writer

While the first adoring crowds were lining up to view the casket of former President Ronald Reagan near Simi Valley, Bill Williams was 50 miles away in South Los Angeles, getting ready for the lunch crowd at Speedy & Gwen's Bar-B-Que on Western Avenue near Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

Martha and the Vandellas were playing over the loudspeakers, and Williams wasn't giving much thought to the Great Communicator.

The 55-year-old maintenance man said he didn't like to see anybody die. But Reagan, he said, "didn't care nothin' for blacks. That's the bottom line."

Reagan's death Saturday unleashed a flood of fond remembrances and stirring tributes from around the globe.

More than 105,000 mourners have flocked to Reagan's presidential library to pass by his flag-draped coffin, and thousands more are expected to pay their respects when his body lies in state Thursday at the Capitol rotunda.

But in pockets of Los Angeles, Reagan's hometown, and in the cafes of West Hollywood — a city only minutes from the Reagans' Bel-Air estate — his death stirred memories of the often divisive policies of his 1980s administration.

Many African Americans like Williams remain bitter over Reagan's perceived neglect of the poor. And many gay men like playwright Jon Bastian still feel Reagan "did nothing, basically" about the AIDS epidemic that exploded during his eight years as president.

"I keep hearing people say, 'Reagan changed America,' and he did," Bastian said. "But the thing is, he didn't change it for the better."

The former actor's laissez-faire approach to domestic issues — and his famous declaration at his first inaugural address that "government is the problem" — won over a large majority of American voters who agreed that the federal government had grown too powerful. It also angered liberal voters.

AIDS activists said Reagan did too little to combat the epidemic, and criticized the president for waiting until 1987 — six years after the discovery of AIDS — to deliver his first major speech on the subject.

Reagan's philosophy made political enemies among African Americans, who recalled the federal government's role in ending segregation. Reagan also angered blacks when he refused to support harsh sanctions against apartheid South Africa — though he denounced apartheid itself — and flirted with the idea of weakening the Voting Rights Act.

At a conference of big-city mayors, Reagan made headlines for failing to recognize the only black member of his Cabinet, Samuel R. Pierce, greeting him, "Hello, Mr. Mayor."

Pierce replied, "I'm a member of your Cabinet, Mr. President."

Former Reagan aide Lyn Nofziger said, "If Reagan made a mistake, it was a political mistake in not making more of an effort to speak to the black community."

In the 1980 election, 11% of black voters chose Reagan. In 1984, he received 9% of their vote.

Lawrence Tolliver, the longtime proprietor of a popular barbershop on West Florence Avenue, said few of his customers have changed their minds about the man since then.

"He just never felt comfortable in our community," Tolliver said. "He never reached out to us, and we never reached out to him. So when we see the people on TV crying and weeping, it's hard for us to figure out why."

Though he did not have the same widely regarded rapport with black audiences as former President Bill Clinton, Reagan did make some inroads into Los Angeles' African American community: In 1984, he earned the endorsement of the late Rev. E.V. Hill, a onetime confidant of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and an influential preacher at Los Angeles' Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church.

At the 1984 Republican convention, Hill praised Reagan for improving the economy and increasing funds for black colleges and job-training programs.

"There have been some cuts, but there's a whole lot left in," he said. "America needs four more years of Ronald Reagan."

But many like Tolliver still hold a detailed list of grievances against the former president.

Although Reagan kicked off a high-profile "war on drugs" during the 1980s, Tolliver blames Reagan, in part, for South L.A.'s ongoing drug problems, citing the administration's support for Manuel Noriega, the Panamanian dictator who was later convicted of drug trafficking, and for the Nicaraguan Contras, some of whom had alleged drug ties.

Tolliver said Reagan began having a negative impact on inner-city neighborhoods as California governor when he accelerated a process of shutting down state mental hospitals, sending a cascade of mentally ill patients into the streets.

Yes, Tolliver said, Reagan helped defeat Soviet communism. "But the crazy people are still here on the streets," he said. "That's the legacy he has to deal with today."

Reagan supporters were equally scarce at Jack's Family Kitchen, a packed South L.A. lunch counter where meals are served up under whimsical portraits of black life and a newspaper photo of golfer Tiger Woods.

Greg Bowen, 50, a preacher and Vietnam veteran, blamed Reagan for cuts in his Veterans Affairs healthcare benefits.

And he remembers when his uncle, an air traffic controller at LAX, was fired by Reagan after the president's highly publicized standoff with the 11,700-member union in 1981.

"He crippled a lot of people," Bowen said. "There were a lot of people who needed assistance and he took it off."

L.A. native Dennis Beacham, 41, said many blacks failed to benefit from Reagan's trickle-down economic policies and cuts in poverty programs.

"Ronald Reagan's famous quote is 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,' " Beacham said, referring to Reagan's speech at the Berlin Wall.

"But what about coming to South-Central L.A. and saying, 'Tear down the walls of poverty — tear down the walls of illiteracy'?"

Melvin Walker, 47, a retired Army master sergeant, was in the crowd when Reagan made his famous Berlin speech.

He said many blacks struggling to get by had a hard time seeing Reagan's great triumph: expanding and modernizing the armed forces — and in so doing, hastening the fall of Soviet communism.

Reagan believed the best way to help the poor was to end "the generational cycle of dependence" created by government assistance programs, said Rep. David Dreier (R-San Dimas), a longtime Reagan ally.

Among many gays, the Reagan era is overshadowed by AIDS and the toll it took on co-workers, friends and lovers. By the time Reagan publicly addressed the issue, an estimated 36,000 Americans had been diagnosed as having the virus that causes the disease.

Alan Hochberg, 60, said his longtime monogamous relationship with another man sheltered him from some of the panic of the time. "But of course I was losing people around me, people I worked with," he said. "It was a tough time."

For years, Hochberg said, Reagan "never said a word about AIDS. He never said it existed. I don't know if I was angry or I was disappointed more than anything else."

Hochberg, who grew up in a politically liberal New York household, said those feelings lingered, even as the world paid tribute to the former president.

"How do I feel these last few days?" Hochberg said. "I feel nothing."

Sitting a few chairs away at a West Hollywood restaurant Tuesday, Tom Harris, an HIV-positive gay man and registered Republican, said Reagan shouldn't be blamed for the AIDS epidemic.

The 72-year-old said he understood why it might have been difficult for Reagan to speak directly about homosexuality.

"It was the way we were raised in those days," he said. "You just didn't talk about it."

A few blocks away at a church on Santa Monica Boulevard, actor Charlie Vaughn took a break from rehearsals for Jon Bastian's latest play to describe his first reaction to Reagan's death after Bastian e-mailed him the news. It was a terse, obscene, two-word sentence.

Vaughn, 27, was a toddler when Reagan ran for president in 1980. He said he looked up to Reagan as an icon, a "fantastic" patriotic symbol who "looked the way a president ought to look."

"But when I was 18 or 19 years old, I started coming out, and I started hearing the Reagan horror stories," Vaughn said. "As an adult, hearing that somebody you looked up to did such bad things was an awakening."

Vaughn said he still respected Reagan for the "gentlemanly" figure he cut in the White House.

"But in some things, he was a product of his time," Vaughn said. "I think he was caught in a lot of misinformation and old-time values."

Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: Don Seer on June 09, 2004, 06:15:08 AM
The fuckin hate for Infinite is ridicolous. Not one of you cowards will ever attempt to dispute what he says. Just the routine song played by different singers tryin to get their cheap shots in. At least c walker made a comment referring to the subject. People here start cheering for Raegan good for them. But the ones who are opposed to Raegan cant say whatever they want?

fuckin cheerleader dont get your panties in a bunch.. shut up.

its plain to see why infinite is doing this
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: infinite59 on June 09, 2004, 07:00:57 AM
he's so pro-islam that he'd probably talk shit about the virgin mary

People have to first read and understand what they are talking about before they make a blatantly false statement about a religion of 1 billion followers.  Just like Christians, Muslims revere Mary and consider her to be one of the greatest women who ever lived.  There is a whole chapter in the Qu'ran titled after her, (Maryum).  Many Muslim women are named Maryum after her.  Muslim women face religious persecution for dressing in the same way that Mary dressed.  We love and respect Mary.  We don't however, believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) was a God.  Muslims regard Jesus just like Muhammad, as a prophet, who submitted and prayed to God.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: eNgIeS on June 12, 2004, 09:06:30 PM
the way I see it, with any president or prime minister or government in power theres always going to be certain people angry, you cant please everyone

They make decisions & prioritize certain matters or community's & unfortunately sometimes you have to make tough decisions when your in that position of power. So I dont believe Reagan (hell even Bush) had any bad intentions, he did what he thought was for the better of his country, some people may not agree with all his decisions but I dont believe he was evil or anything

perhaps he should've done more for the blacks, for the mentally ill, etc etc, but you can say that about any  person in power, that they could've done more for such & such or whatever, its just teh way the cookie crumbles, & thats why its important to know who you are voting for before you vote someone into power
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: DAYUM on June 12, 2004, 09:14:34 PM
i dont like the muslims on this board anymore >:(
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: King Tech Quadafi on June 13, 2004, 12:58:33 AM

YOU on the other hand are always boring and complaing about some shit...

3 years. 3 years of reading WCC's political opinions has left me numb.

you say im boring, but im the jay z of this shit herrre. Dumb my shit down so yall can remotely understand what im sayin.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: King Tech Quadafi on June 13, 2004, 01:03:29 AM
The fuckin hate for Infinite is ridicolous. Not one of you cowards will ever attempt to dispute what he says. Just the routine song played by different singers tryin to get their cheap shots in. At least c walker made a comment referring to the subject. People here start cheering for Raegan good for them. But the ones who are opposed to Raegan cant say whatever they want?

fuckin cheerleader dont get your panties in a bunch.. shut up.

its plain to see why infinite is doing this

What cheerleader? Do I prance into every one of Infinites threads backing him up? Are you suffering from Alzemiers too? Do you know how to read you fuckin bum?

How are you gonna tell me to shut up? Youre 29 pushing 30 and Ill make you look like a 15 year old. Stick to the Egyptian mythology, lame.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: smerlus on June 13, 2004, 01:20:39 AM

YOU on the other hand are always boring and complaing about some shit...

3 years. 3 years of reading WCC's political opinions has left me numb.

you say im boring, but im the jay z of this shit herrre. Dumb my shit down so yall can remotely understand what im sayin.

you're the bob saget of this board, you try and cool or funny but your homosexual ways shine through...i don't like Jay-Z but i'm offended that you think you're even 1/800 th of the person he is
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: King Tech Quadafi on June 13, 2004, 11:22:26 AM
Who the fuck are you? Seriously man, I see you show up like 6 months ago saying the same thing Englewood and Trauma said 2 years ago. Where are you coming from? You dont got the e-stripes and bars to speak on me chump.
Title: Re:MSNBC article accuses Reagan of being a racist
Post by: DAYUM on June 13, 2004, 12:12:12 PM

YOU on the other hand are always boring and complaing about some shit...

3 years. 3 years of reading WCC's political opinions has left me numb.

you say im boring, but im the jay z of this shit herrre. Dumb my shit down so yall can remotely understand what im sayin.

you're the bob saget of this board, you try and cool or funny but your homosexual ways shine through...i don't like Jay-Z but i'm offended that you think you're even 1/800 th of the person he is