West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Train of Thought => Topic started by: icebergmedium on June 10, 2004, 06:45:42 PM

Title: November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: icebergmedium on June 10, 2004, 06:45:42 PM
I didn't know if everyone was hip to this or not so here it is. Some rich cat's son got washed and he wants to do away with the 3 strikes law. His son is serving life for driving faded and killed his homies giving him his 3rd strike. So if the  proposition passes his son will get out with time served.

 I believe they're going to vote on it November. So if it gets overturned if you or any of your homies have any strikes, they get erased right then and there. Alot of cats would get out for time served. The link is www.facts1.com . They have some info and facts on this website.

Finally, tell everyone you know to get out there and vote. Some homies who thought they would never see daylight may have a chance. I haven't heard too much about this so I think they're trying to keep it on the hush. Stay Up and I'm out...................
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: ecrazy on June 10, 2004, 08:04:46 PM
Im definetly going to vote

to keep them in jail...if they have been there 3 times already, what makes you think they're going to stop going to jail? its a continual pattern, they aint nuthin but lowlifes and they should just stay in there already, since they have a 90% chance of returning
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: Doggystylin on June 10, 2004, 08:56:59 PM
lol no way this is gonna get overturned
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: JTSimon on June 10, 2004, 09:27:22 PM
It's only for nonviolent third strikes ;)

Code: [Select]
The initiative would make a convicted felon eligible for a 25-years-to-life sentence only if the third offense is violent or serious. Possession of small amounts of drugs, for example, would be exempted, as would petty theft - in one infamous case, a man who pilfered a piece of pizza got 25 years because it was his third felony.

I'm not sure if I'm for it...need to read the details.
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: Trauma-san on June 10, 2004, 09:31:55 PM
^ Republicans sponsered and passed the bill... in other words, you're against it wholeheartedly because it's a vile and despicable plan by the man to keep black people down.

To the guy that posted this:  Fuck you.  By voting for that, you're saying that a rich kid can drive drunk and kill people, and get away with it, because he has enough money to change the law.  All your friends that are behind bars with '3 strikes' need to stay the fuck behind bars, since they're such fuckup's they got there 3 times already.  In days past, we would have just executed someone caught fucking up that much, you're lucky we live in a society compassionate enough to only steal their freedom from them.  
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: Sikotic™ on June 10, 2004, 10:49:16 PM
I don't want muthafuckaz to go free that fucked up THREE TIMES!!! Everyone makes a mistake, but then you learn from it. If you can't, then you just aren't a productive member of society and you belong in an institution.

Let those dumbasses stay in jail.
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: JTSimon on June 11, 2004, 07:59:34 AM
^ Republicans sponsered and passed the bill... in other words, you're against it wholeheartedly because it's a vile and despicable plan by the man to keep black people down.

Stop acting like you know me because you're wrong  ;)
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: Primo on June 11, 2004, 08:29:39 AM
So if the cops pull you over and you go to jail for a month or so for possesion of and ounce of weed. Then you go to jail for getting in a fight for a couple days.
Then you go to jail for destruction of property (for a good reason) for a lil bit

Then you're 3 strikes are up?  That is retarded shit.. THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR LIFE ARE RAPISTS, MURDERERS. PERIOD
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: JTSimon on June 11, 2004, 08:51:03 AM


I think the whole 3 strike setup is stupid.

They should increase jail-time based on someones wrap sheet.

For example...

1st robbery - 8 years [home]
2nd robbery - 12 years [home]
3rd robbery - 16 years [home]


1st offense - drugs - 4 years [based on the amount]
2nd offense - robbery - 12 years [looking up at the first example]
3rd offense - drugs - 8 years [double the 1st offense like I did in the first example]

Only if I could run California jails  ;D I would make those make those motherfuckers work in jail no cable tv/internet/library/magazines/candy/gym/lifting weights/church/green grass/basketball courts nothing  >:(

Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: smerlus on June 11, 2004, 09:16:47 AM
So if the cops pull you over and you go to jail for a month or so for possesion of and ounce of weed. Then you go to jail for getting in a fight for a couple days.
Then you go to jail for destruction of property (for a good reason) for a lil bit

Then you're 3 strikes are up?  That is retarded shit.. THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR LIFE ARE RAPISTS, MURDERERS. PERIOD

well after you do two stupid things, you should think to yourself....."hmmmmm one more felony and i can face life in prison......should i bust that cheating bitches car to pieces or maybe be a man and live my life?"
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: M Dogg™ on June 11, 2004, 09:23:26 AM
As someone that has cousins in danger of breaking the 3 strike law, and am a resident of California, and a liberal, I will say, keep the 3 strike law. In the intercity it's common sense, you stupit enough to break the law that many times, then you going to jail. It sucks, but common sense tells you not to break the law. So don't. Also, in California, drugs doesn't count if you go to detox. So you can go to detox, and they would count drugs against you, unless your selling it.
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: M Dogg™ on June 11, 2004, 09:24:32 AM

To the guy that posted this:  Fuck you.  By voting for that, you're saying that a rich kid can drive drunk and kill people, and get away with it, because he has enough money to change the law.  All your friends that are behind bars with '3 strikes' need to stay the fuck behind bars, since they're such fuckup's they got there 3 times already.  In days past, we would have just executed someone caught fucking up that much, you're lucky we live in a society compassionate enough to only steal their freedom from them.  

Trauma... as I've said before, stop proving my point. I pray for you.
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: eNgIeS on June 12, 2004, 09:20:27 PM
Petty crimes yes i dont think they should count, & i usually disagree with Kain but i like the system he came up with, thats a fairer system in my view

but yeah, this guy was faded & drove & killed his homies, he shouldnt have drove faded then, its his stupid fault.

People who drink & drive, or any type of intoxication & drive are just inconsiderate selfish idiots, & if they killed someone coz of that then they deserve to be punished. When we have smoke sessions, my mates never drive until they are sober or not so intoxicated, but when you're faded or drunk & you decide to drive then your an idiot

You put other peoples lives at risk. I was friends with a guy once he drove drunk like a mad man going at 120 kmph swerving on the road, after that I was like fuck you i'm not getting in a car & risking my life like that again (i didnt know he was drunk when he picked me up), gave him another chance 6 months later & he did the same thing again. Fuck him for putting mine & other peoples life at risk all because he wants to be "cool" or wants to make it home in time for the sports game.

So i say lock this idiot up & throw away the key, he was irresponsible 3 times let him pay the price & stop fucking up innocent peoples lifes
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: eNgIeS on June 12, 2004, 09:26:44 PM
So if the cops pull you over and you go to jail for a month or so for possesion of and ounce of weed. Then you go to jail for getting in a fight for a couple days.
Then you go to jail for destruction of property (for a good reason) for a lil bit

Then you're 3 strikes are up?  That is retarded shit.. THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR LIFE ARE RAPISTS, MURDERERS. PERIOD

I agree, i think smaller crimes should be exempt from the 3 strike rule, but if you rob a bank or fraud someone out of thousands or kill or rape or whatever u deserve to go to jail for a long time, & if its your 3rd strike u probably deserve to be in jail for life because you cant rehab yourself
Title: Re:November: head to the voting booth to do away with 3 strikes law in Cali
Post by: DAYUM on June 12, 2004, 09:27:51 PM
put them away if they keep fucking up