West Coast Connection Forum

DUBCC - Tha Connection => West Coast Classics => Topic started by: BritneySpears on July 10, 2004, 07:50:02 PM

Title: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: BritneySpears on July 10, 2004, 07:50:02 PM
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: hector on July 10, 2004, 07:52:10 PM
It sure looks like it.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Jome on July 10, 2004, 07:57:28 PM
Charge Desciption: RECKLESS DRIVING
 Charge Level: M   (Misdemeanor)

 Charge No.: 14601.1AVC      Charge Desciption: DRIVE W/LIC SUSPEND/REVOKE 4 OTHER REASON
Charge Level: M   (Misdemeanor)

 Charge No.: 245(B)PC      Charge Desciption: ADW W/SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLE
Charge Level: F   (Felony)
 Bail Amount:  710,000.00

 Charge No.: 211PC      Charge Desciption: ROBBERY
Charge Level: F   (Felony)


Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Jome on July 10, 2004, 07:59:34 PM
 09/24/2004 <<<<<<------------------ The big day..  court (& sentence?) date for the main charge.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Suga Foot on July 10, 2004, 08:09:07 PM
we got some P.I.'s in the house lol
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Sikotic™ on July 11, 2004, 03:11:36 PM
LMAO, that has to be him. No doubt.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 11, 2004, 03:14:00 PM
760,000.00  bail! ouch!

notice theres a probation thing listed?
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Darksider on July 11, 2004, 10:55:22 PM
760k..wow...... :-\
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: hector on July 11, 2004, 11:41:07 PM
you only have to pay 10% of bail, which is $76,000.  sure thats a lot of money to everyone on here.  but someone like Snoop, who is supposed to be Tray Deee's boy, that ain't shit.  I swear to God on my life, if I was as rich as snoop, and a friend of mine was in jail with that amount of bail, I would bail him out in a heartbeat.  Not to mention, as long as Tray Deee shows up for trial, whoever puts up the money for bail, gets it back.  All bail is, is a promise to appear in court, its like collateral.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 12, 2004, 12:12:07 AM
yeah but tray deee shot himself in the foot... because the week before he got arrested he went and talked shit about snoop on allhiphop.com.. should he help him after that? mmm... no!

Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: mauzip on July 12, 2004, 12:31:33 AM
Yash and Nima should visit Tray Deee in jail :D
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: hector on July 12, 2004, 01:01:58 AM
yeah but tray deee shot himself in the foot... because the week before he got arrested he went and talked shit about snoop on allhiphop.com.. should he help him after that? mmm... no!

yes he should.  they have a much bigger history than that interview that tray deee did.  this is serious shit, snoop dogg is probably the only person that tray deee is good friends enuff with that can help him out.  These guys known each other for over 10 years.  IMO I don't think that interview should keep snoop from helping out tray deee.  this ain't some rap bullshit we are talking about here.  this is tray deee's life.  this ain't no beef on wax shit, or petty lil shit that always happens in hip hop.  put all rap shit to the side.  If snoop is a true friend of tray deee he would bail him out, no matter what is said in the interview.  I'd say the same thing about if kurupt went to prison.  No snoop owes no duty at all to help anyone, but its not about oweing anything.  Its about your heart and where its at.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 12, 2004, 01:56:37 AM

lmao i cant believe you're serious..

also i'd like to add taht... e-white recently said doggystyle didn't have the money to get him off his case..

any 'friend' of mine who acted that way wouldn't get jack shit from me at least until they apologised or some shit.

ya'll take thsi shit waaaaaaaaay too seriously

its not of your damn business really

you dont really give a fuck about anything other than riding on tray deee's nuts and hating on snoop

plus as i keep saying we don't know the whole story, there could be, and most likely is a whole bunch of stuff thats gone down between them we dont even know about!
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: hector on July 12, 2004, 02:37:03 AM
dude you can say whatever you want man.  its a matter of your own principle's.  I don't hate snoop at all.  and I don't ride tray deee's nutz.  like I said, I think if kurupt were in the same situation as tray deee, than imo snoop should help him out too.  no its not any of my business, when did I ever say it was?  and taking shit seriously?  are you fucking kidding me man?  like I said this ain't some stupid ass petty rap shit.  this is tray deee's life.  he may be goin to prison for the rest of his life.  this may be the only opportunity for him to ever live in the free world for the rest of his life.  you believe in your principles and I believe in mine.  If I had a 10 year relationship with a good friend, who was in prison, and maybe on his way to 20 to life, yeah I would do whatever I could legally to help him out.  Even if the dude had said some shit bout me that I didn't like.  thats just a stupid lil interview man.  there is a whole lot more to life than just sayin some shit.  there is this thing called emotions.  sometimes you get caught up in a moment, and emotions direct the way you speak and act, and a lot of times those words and actions are not the clearest of thinking.  and I never even said that snoop hasn't done anything for tray deee.  I don't know.  I'm saying imo if he doesn't I think that is the wrong thing to do.  We obviously have much different principle's seer.    you don't agree with me thats fine, but don't say some fuckin stupid ass bullshit like your above post and me ridin tray deee's nuts and hatin on snoop.  its sad how it has to come down to situations like this to really find out who your real friends in life are.  I wouldn't wanna be your freind in a situation like this.  who knows, maybe tray deee and snoop weren't really good friends.  but all I know is, any of my good friends, my best friends that I've known for years, and there last chance to ever see the free world would be from getting bail, so they could have a month or two before spending the rest of their life in prison, I would do all I could to help them get bail.  I'm sure a lot of people in the world would take the same side as you seer.  and thats also a reason why I think the world is such a fucked up place.  the world is full of selfish people.  evil people.  people who believe in prison.  people who believe that one's life should be judged by other humans.  its why there will never be peace on earth, and its why humans will utimately destroy themselves.  and yes, I am biased.  I do not believe in prison at all, and I am totally against it.  and I don't believe there is a fair justice system in the world.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 12, 2004, 03:12:52 AM
so i'm selfish and evil ? lmao.. ok.. fuck you.

christ you're so fucking dumb.

i'm not saying he shouldnt help him.  i'm saying fuck your groupie ass for crying like a bitch over a man you dont kno beiing in jail while screaming "plllllllleaseeeeeeeeeee lorrrddddddddd dontttttt taaaaaaakeeeeeeeee myyyyyyyyy looooooovee awaaaaaaay frommmmmmm meeeeeee"

and fuck you for saying snoop should get him out. it aint snoops fault he's there, snoop never put him there. did he?

yes i am "selfish" enough to cut loose anyone who runs around talking shit behind my back coz after taht  they aint my 'real' friends.
that interview wasn't the only thing and you know it. there were rumours for months that things were bad.
e.g. remember that "tray deee told me you's a bitch snoop dogg" on dysfunktional?

you bitch out on me, then you dig yourself a hole you can fuckin lie in it for all i care.

what about everyone else? what about tray deee's family?  what they doin? like i said before, surely they're on the case too..

You're a bitch running around crying pointing the finger accusing people when you know nothing about the situation just because you got the hots for tray deee.

I know for a fact that twice some (separate) people have looked into getting him out, and failed
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Conan on July 12, 2004, 04:41:54 AM
Shit, I like Tray Deee but if I was Snoop there is NO WAY I would bail him out.  Did you guys read that interview with Tray on allhiphop.com? Did it seem like Snoop and Tray were ''friends'' in any way? Not in my eyes. Even if Snoop DID bail him out (which he doesn't have to do as a result of Tray's allegations towards him) do you think that's going to instantly repair their supposed differences? I doubt it. Tray will still be looking for the money that he is apparently due, I almost guarantee it.

It may sound stupid, but I genuinely feel that out of jail Tray could prove a serious threat to Snoop. In jail, obviously that threat is drastically decreased. There is clearly a history of bad goings on between Snoop and Tray, some things we know about and some things we probably do not, and it is probably in Snoop's best interests to cut all ties with him as he did with others before. Selfish? Yeah probably. In fact, I'm not denying that it is selfish but sometimes you simply have to look out for number one. By winding up in jail, Tray Deee has already proven himself to be a potentially dangerous man. I sure as hell wouldn't want that sort of danger around me or my family.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Que (signing off) on July 12, 2004, 04:44:53 AM
Im sure you cant bail him out. I know someone who tried.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 12, 2004, 04:47:12 AM

i think grundy should look into bailing him out  :D
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Que (signing off) on July 12, 2004, 04:52:19 AM
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: jwonder on July 12, 2004, 06:17:36 AM

que can you please get overseer's cock outta your mouth.. you bitch made sideline groupie
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Que (signing off) on July 12, 2004, 07:36:39 AM

que can you please get overseer's cock outta your mouth.. you bitch made sideline groupie

Ok John Scilipoti aka the italion boy wonder, you are about 44 years old, you could be my father, I think its you that needs to get the life buddy.

Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: CRAFTY on July 12, 2004, 08:41:52 AM
Thanks for the link man.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Sikotic™ on July 12, 2004, 11:37:38 AM
I wouldn't bail crooked ass Tray Deee out either for the fact that you can't trust whether or not he would actually show up for court.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 12, 2004, 12:04:26 PM
and that fact that 3/4 of am mill (or even 1/10th of) is a hell of a lot of money for a few weeks freedom..
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: ...'BfCfC'... on July 12, 2004, 01:19:00 PM
LMAO, that has to be him. No doubt.


i was thinking exactly the same thing

thx for the link man/women ???
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Sikotic™ on July 12, 2004, 01:21:49 PM
and that fact that 3/4 of am mill (or even 1/10th of) is a hell of a lot of money for a few weeks freedom..

For what he's being charged for, it looks liek that's all he will have left for a long time. So why not say fuck it, and make a run for it? He's got nothing to lose but Snoop or whoever bails him out gets fucked.
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 12, 2004, 01:49:31 PM
lol.. but they gotta be dumb to put the money up...
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Killa-G on July 13, 2004, 10:36:21 AM
snoop is a bitch, they're 10 years friends and he is rich so he can put tray dee out, but like i said snoop is a bitch
Title: Re: Is this Big Tray Deee on LAPD Site??????????
Post by: Don Seer on July 13, 2004, 10:38:13 AM
lol...  please explain why snoop is a bitch?

this is none of snoop's business...

the last thing tray deee did was talk shit about snoop, he doesnt owe him shit.