West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Tha G-Spot => Topic started by: ecrazy on July 29, 2004, 01:21:57 AM

Title: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: ecrazy on July 29, 2004, 01:21:57 AM
Ok, so im going to skool full time, i have a somewhat/parttime/fulltime Job @ the local water park, makin 350 every 2 weeks, so far i made 900 sumthin dollars, and i want to get a credit card, but when they try to give me one, they say there is no credit history for me, and i try to have my parents co-sign with me on another card, and they say the same shit....but how am i supposed to establish credit, without credit to begin with.??? Is there any US banks that will give me credit, being a full time student and all, and NOT ASKING FOR CREDIT HISTORY!!!????.....
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Don Jacob on July 29, 2004, 03:04:05 AM
just go apply for a student card on visa.com or mastercard.com or put money in a bank and they'll eventually try to get you a credit card
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Trauma-san on July 29, 2004, 07:17:25 AM
I have a more sensible question for you, which you won't like, but I learned all this the hardway, so I now feel I need to try and stop others from making huge mistakes.

Why do you NEED a  credit card?  What good is credit? The SOLE purpose of credit, is to go into debt, and owe another man the money you work for each week.  You don't need it, man.  Don't buy anything on credit.  Save up your money, and pay cash.  When it's time to buy a house, they will give you a prime loan if you have been living somewhere for 2 years and haven't had a late payment.  You don't need a credit card, and you don't need a car loan.  This is just stuff that the american way of life TELLS you you need.  If you do get a credit card, be prepared to hand over significant parts of your check each month to a bank.  You'll be working for the man... you don't want to handcuff yourself like that.  Your greatest WEALTH building resource, is of course your income! If you owe someone money, your income is crippled, and you will never have wealth. 

Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Montana00 on July 29, 2004, 08:04:30 AM
^^^^ not necesarily. Trust me you should always have credit.

You should definetly get a student visa, BUT i hope for your sake you can control yourself. Like trauma said that is a very easy way to go into debt. Credit cards and loans, ruins peoples lives with major debt. Just as long as you can control your spending, and making sure whatever you buy with the card you can pay off at the end of the month.

In no time your have credit.    8)

This is what happens when you go into debt...............

Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Throwback on July 29, 2004, 08:31:29 AM
This is what happens when you go into debt...............


man this guy is fucked. nice car tho
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Thirteen on July 29, 2004, 09:03:48 AM
pretty much anything you make payments on builds credit if you make your payments on time...cell phone bill, loans, car payments.....

it's just that loans and credit cards (pretty much when you're borrowing money) builds credit faster
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Suga Foot on July 29, 2004, 10:11:11 AM
get a gas card
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Sikotic™ on July 29, 2004, 12:19:14 PM
I stay away from credit cards because I honestly don't think I can handle it. I stick to my bank account/ATM.

Just get an account at a bank and they'll do it. They always ask me if I want a card at my bank.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: bez on July 29, 2004, 12:40:14 PM
Yer man, my bro's kinda fallen into the credit card trap thingy.  Everypay check he gets is having to go on paying back the money he's borrowed.  He's got loads of credit cards and thinks he knows what he's doin but really he don't.

I wouldnt bother with credit cards, just get your money, put it in the bank and take it out as and when you need it.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Don Seer on July 29, 2004, 01:17:55 PM
we've been through this before in TOT a few times.. i know me and trauma pretty much have the same line.

credit is useful.. its nice to know if i get really stuck somewhere i could say..pull my card out and get a room, or a ride home.. or whatever..

outside that... people who rely on credit have less money for many reasons..

the thing aboout people using credit badly is that they relyi on it because they dont have the money (fair enough sometimes)


they also end up paying more for the same things.. which means their situation is compounded..

this second one is the one what trauma is talking about

i use my credit card to buy stuff BUT i treat it like a debit card, i pay it off in full every time and never actually use the 'credit'..

but you know whats stupid?

my credit rating isnt great, because i'm not in debt, and i havent got "1000s" borrowed under my name.

the way things are set up is that if you have "1000s" borrowed under you name, your rating is better.. and will keep being better the more likely you are to run into debt.. ooops... i mean the more you borrow ;) get the trap?

you cant have an amazing rating without borrowing lots of money.


you cant have a bad rating without borrowing money and screwing up.

the system is geared towards sucking you dry...

borrow as little as you can.. because you basically end up paying more for the same things in the end.

i know of a couple people in serious serious debt.. they're fucked.. and have run up many times their annual salary.. i'd freak if i owed what they owe.

up to a point they'll just keep throwing money at you.

Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Throwback on July 29, 2004, 02:14:17 PM
im buying all this stuff on ebay with my dads creditcard, but i havent told him yet.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: white Boy on July 29, 2004, 02:23:42 PM
lol at that guy on ebay... i dont think its worth 40 k tho... and about the credit card, depends on you, i do alreight with my bank debit/credit car... i thought my limit is the amt of money i have in the account, but ive went into negatives plenty of times....
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: KING VerbalAssaulta on July 29, 2004, 03:09:20 PM
get a credit card and go charge up a bill...seriously...thats what i did when i was first in college and my credit score is 800+...i can pretty much get a loan for anything...though once companies know that you get hounded with offers(though its cool having lexus financial hounding me to come buy a new car of them)...you just need to be intelligent about it and know your limit in what you can afford to pay back each month and not to rack up too much that all you're doing is paying back interest and not prinicipal 8)
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Primo on July 29, 2004, 08:49:16 PM
exactly if you control it alot of good things and opportunities can come about. Ask my parents they have shitty credit. My parents are middle class but were NEVER able to get a house because there credit sucks. So we grew up in a trailor.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: ecrazy on July 30, 2004, 02:40:54 AM
Only Reason I Want A Credit Card Is So I could Get A NEW Cell Phone (Go Phone sucks ass now), And for Emergency Reasons, (A Prime One Is Running Out Of Gas Last Weekend In Colton & Having to have my sister drive 15 or so miles just to give me some money for gas, for if i had a credit card, i would have not have that problem)........I Have A ATM Card and opened a checking account, have had this for about a year and a half and the bank hasnt offered me shit, never bounced a check or anything, always had plenty of money in my accounts as well. I Handle My Money Really Well, & I Know i would always make payments, cuz i keep a strict budget on the money i spend & Save anyway,

Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Don Jacob on July 30, 2004, 02:43:53 AM
the only time i use my card is when i see something on the internet that i like or if i have NO money at all.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Trauma-san on July 30, 2004, 05:31:42 AM
I'll say it again:

The ONLY thing a credit card is good for, is borrowing money. 

Black & White, cut and dry.  All of the other convienances of a Credit Card, you can do the same thing with a Debit card and money you actually have in the bank.

Why do you want a good credit rating? The only thing a good credit rating is good for, is borrowing a shit load of money. 

Black & White, cut and dry. 
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Don Seer on July 30, 2004, 05:53:05 AM
^ yeah like someone above said.. until you wanna buy a house...

thinking back.... at first i had problems getting a credit card from my bank.. so i went and got one from somewhere else.. :)
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Primo on July 30, 2004, 07:44:45 AM
Buying a car, Buying a house are extremely important for credit rating unless you are rich and car buy outright. build a good credit rating and you can get whatever the fuck you want thats the straight up truth.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Agent725 on August 01, 2004, 01:43:00 PM
^^^^Guy from the Auction^^^^
looks like he maxed out his credit card perming his hair.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Trauma-san on August 01, 2004, 10:05:17 PM
^ yeah like someone above said.. until you wanna buy a house...

That's not true in America, it's just a myth.  Like I said above, you can get a prime rate loan, if you've been living somewhere 2 years and havent' made a late payment.  Simple as that, no credit involved. 
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Trauma-san on August 01, 2004, 10:08:42 PM
Buying a car, Buying a house are extremely important for credit rating unless you are rich and car buy outright. build a good credit rating and you can get whatever the fuck you want thats the straight up truth.

O.K., explain that one to me, I'm lost on the concept.  If I want to get 'whatever the fuck you want', I need money.  Why not just save the money up, and buy it outright?  If you have credit, you dont' have 'whatever the fuck you want', the BANK has 'whatever the fuck you want', and you're paying them the money you work for every week.  It's genius. 

They give you a credit card, and charge you whatever as an interest rate... and then make it so easy for you to borrow money, that you're always indebted to them, and you have to pay them fees, each and every month on it.  Wherelse could a bank get a 24.99 percent return on their money, if you're late with 1 payment? 

Banks make 800 Billion dollars a year in interest on credit cards... and make 300 Billion dollars a year in fees associated with credit cards.  Think about that shit.  They make nearly as much on late fees and overdraft fees as they do on the interest itself.  It's like legal racketeering or something... whoever thought up the first credit card was a genius. 
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Don Seer on August 03, 2004, 12:29:05 AM
they're making it even easier soon...

no having to use signatures?

switching  to "chip + pin"....

those cards with the lil copper pads.. you stick in the the reader at a store, type your pin number and you're done!
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Trauma-san on August 03, 2004, 10:19:52 PM
I'm telling you man, it's a racket.  Tony Soprano was even going on about it one time, about how his father got the idea to juice people like the credit card companies do, lol. 

Just remember: If you play with a snake, you get bit. 

Everybody on this thread KNOWS for a fact, without a doubt, that these fuckin' cc companies are evil as fuck.  why play with them?  Leave the snakes alone and mind your own money, you'll be better off. 
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Ras Kass' Toothpick on August 05, 2004, 03:48:26 PM
I use my credit card for every purchase I possibly can.  I don't see why you WOULDN'T (if you have discipline).
I use my bank card and pay transaction fees, so I lose money.  I use my credit card and get Air Miles (free stuff), have my money sit in my bank account for an extra 3-7 weeks and build my credit which is important cause I'm not going to have that $300000 or so in cash to purchase a house.

If you make your payment in full every month you experience nothing but benefits from a credit card.  You just have to be good with money and have discipline.

BTW, my first credit card was a student one thru the my bank (which is easy to get) and once I had that one they came rolling in.  I have no problem getting credit now.  I have over ten credit cards.
Title: Re: How Do I Establish Credit???
Post by: Woodrow on August 05, 2004, 03:51:59 PM
I'm telling you man, it's a racket.  Tony Soprano was even going on about it one time, about how his father got the idea to juice people like the credit card companies do, lol. 

Just remember: If you play with a snake, you get bit. 

Everybody on this thread KNOWS for a fact, without a doubt, that these fuckin' cc companies are evil as fuck.  why play with them?  Leave the snakes alone and mind your own money, you'll be better off. 
I've played with the snake. I haven't been "bitten" and I won't get bitten. Like everything else in this world, It's about personal responsibility.