West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Tha G-Spot => Topic started by: MANBEARPIG. on August 17, 2004, 11:31:51 AM

Title: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 17, 2004, 11:31:51 AM
you can put any MP3s on an Ipod or do u have to purchase bitch ass I tunes?
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 17, 2004, 01:39:40 PM
itunes is free.

and i dont have one but from what i understand it doesnt support mp3
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 17, 2004, 02:57:41 PM
itunes is free?

can someone verify?
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Ras Kass' Toothpick on August 17, 2004, 03:13:36 PM
It does support mp3s.  Pretty much everything I have on my iPod I get from mIRC.
I've never even looked at iTunes.com but I doubt it's free.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 17, 2004, 03:38:32 PM





Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: E. J. Rizo on August 17, 2004, 04:03:59 PM
the program itunes is free so its a free music jukebox which i think is the greatest ever....there is a music store in the program where you can purchase music as well.....and YES the ipod Supports MP3s  the majority of the music on my 40 gig ipod is mp3s......you can download any mp3 and upload it to the ipod and it works
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 17, 2004, 04:09:31 PM
Didnt the ipod used to only allow aac files?

is this a recent change?
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 17, 2004, 08:18:30 PM






Why dont you shut the fuck up and quit flyin off the fuckin handle when someone disagrees with you!  I knew Itunes was a free program but I meant each individual file, I wasnt clear and i apologize but you need some fuckin Ridalin or better yet "WHOO SAWWWW!" shit relax ::)
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Jome on August 17, 2004, 08:21:41 PM
ITUNES is free, buying music for it obviously cost money.

I will say this though:

After using Quicktime, I will NEVER EVER use a Apple program again, neither will I ever buy a Apple product.

Btw, I've seen screenshots from Itunes, and a more simplistic program without any options/possibilities I haven't seen in a long while.
Winamp 0wns.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 17, 2004, 08:38:20 PM
oh no I'll only get Itunes for my Ipod but since its MP3 too Ill prolly leave Itunes alone
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Gotti......Xl on August 17, 2004, 10:12:18 PM
fuck i tunes and all the shit  just buy a cd player with MP3 and burn like five hundred song in one cd easy
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Nima - Dubcnn.com on August 17, 2004, 10:22:23 PM
lmao u guys are RIDICOLOUS.

i have said it before and i will say it again.

IPOD is great. i have 9,000 songs on my fucking IPOD that i carry around with me at all times. NINE THOUSAND MP3S. now what the fuk can fuck with that?

and i use ITUNES which is F R E E and load up all my shit into my IPOD.

fuck anybody who says ipods suck, for real, cause theyre being ignorant. they prolly aint even tried it. ipod is the shit.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Woodrow on August 17, 2004, 11:00:03 PM
lmao u guys are RIDICOLOUS.

i have said it before and i will say it again.

IPOD is great. i have 9,000 songs on my fucking IPOD that i carry around with me at all times. NINE THOUSAND MP3S. now what the fuk can fuck with that?

and i use ITUNES which is F R E E and load up all my shit into my IPOD.

fuck anybody who says ipods suck, for real, cause theyre being ignorant. they prolly aint even tried it. ipod is the shit.



I don't even fuck with Itunes, but the Ipod is a classic. Get that shit.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: ecrazy on August 17, 2004, 11:44:46 PM
I wish i had an ipod, all i have is my MP3 player on my nokia...its ok, it only fits about 2 cds, so i just put a bunch of tracks in the morning that i think ill be good listening to the rest of the day
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: E. J. Rizo on August 17, 2004, 11:48:46 PM
Didnt the ipod used to only allow aac files?

is this a recent change?
no the ipod has always been an mp3 player even before aac files exsisted i had a first generation ipod when they were for mac only an even that excepted mp3s......aac files is what it reads tho because those are the type of files from the itunes music store....but to answer your question is that ipod has always allowed mp3 files.....
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 18, 2004, 06:53:21 AM
I dont own an ipod but two of my friends do. Those things are actually really nice, so i wouldnt knock them. They have a small stylish design, and they have a huge storage capacity.

But i would never buy one....no use for them. When im in my room i listen to music on my computer. when im in my car i listen to music on my cd player.

otherwise i wouldnt listen to music.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: We Fly High on August 18, 2004, 01:54:00 PM
thats exactly what i thought, i thought ipods would be relatively useless. cos if im at home, i'll just bump the stereo, or computer, and in the car i got stereosystem and shit..

but man was i wrong, my momma bought me one for my bday.. and thats alll i carry around n the now. fuck the cd books, i can finally put all my cds away into storage. if u buy the i trip radio transmitter, u can pick any empty frequency on the radio and play ur ipod music through there. so in essence, ur ipod is the remote control w/ playlist screen for your stereo. its fucking great dude instead of having to flip around through all the cds, and taking them in and out of the stereo, u got one tiny ass thing that has ur entire music collection with every song that you would ever want to listen to 40 GB is absolutely ridiculous, thats almost like 30 days of nonstop new music. like at parties if u want to change the music, u dont gotta go all t he way to the stereo and find the right cd and put it in and shit..  u just reach into ur pocket, get the ipod and pick whatever song u want to listen to..  i dont know man, its definitely changed my way of listening to music.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 18, 2004, 02:25:15 PM
Ima ask for a 20 gig one for my /Bday next month thats why I was asking, I'll jus load up all of my CDs
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 18, 2004, 02:32:43 PM
actually i would love if they made a hole on your head unit for your car, where you could plug your ipod into it. Because just like you mentioned that would make me want to buy one in a second.

then i wouldnt have to burn a mix cd every day.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 18, 2004, 02:38:00 PM
I think they may be close to something like that ie. the Ipod BMW thing from last year
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 18, 2004, 02:39:25 PM
I wish i had an ipod, all i have is my MP3 player on my nokia...its ok, it only fits about 2 cds, so i just put a bunch of tracks in the morning that i think ill be good listening to the rest of the day

wut kind of phone u got?
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 18, 2004, 03:11:34 PM
yeah the volkswagon beetle, is special made for ipods.
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Mase Is The Future on August 18, 2004, 03:24:36 PM
I wish i had an ipod, all i have is my MP3 player on my nokia...its ok, it only fits about 2 cds, so i just put a bunch of tracks in the morning that i think ill be good listening to the rest of the day

wut kind of phone u got?

Maybe the same as ours doggie. ;)
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: E. J. Rizo on August 18, 2004, 04:00:08 PM
i got a direct connection to my car with a holder for it....i just use the aux in to my head unit on my car and use a Y cable to connect the ipod direct that way you get the best sound quality.....i use it at work in the car at parties i hook that up and we dont have to worry about changing the cd at all......and of course in the gym.....or just when i go to amusement parks or even waiting in lines at places like the DMV or waiting in long lines for college registration and so forth.......just put that shit on and makes lines seem shorter....lol....but it is a great devices......and it will change how you listen to music
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: Montana00 on August 18, 2004, 04:23:52 PM
dam if you can hook them up to the cars head unit then i might think about getting one. There really expensive, but with their capacity and style, its worth it.

Always saves me money on cds  ;D
Title: Re: Ipod question
Post by: MANBEARPIG. on August 18, 2004, 08:56:05 PM
I wish i had an ipod, all i have is my MP3 player on my nokia...its ok, it only fits about 2 cds, so i just put a bunch of tracks in the morning that i think ill be good listening to the rest of the day

wut kind of phone u got?

Maybe the same as ours doggie. ;)


Welcome back Doggie The Movement Lives on! 8)