West Coast Connection Forum

DUBCC - Tha Connection => Outbound Connection => Topic started by: Trauma-san on March 28, 2005, 06:02:28 PM

Title: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 28, 2005, 06:02:28 PM
Michael's judge ruled today that the prosecution can bring in Testimony from 5 of the 7 children Michael has a 'history' with, including two boys that Michael gave a large sum of money to against molestation charges. 

The defense attorney, Thomas Mesereau warned the judge that the defense would absolutely make each child a mini-trial, and said "You cannot stop us from using a full blown defense, and I mean that".

So, we're finally going to get the story once and for all, if Michael really did molest a kid in 1993.  Then we'll learn if the maid who accused Michael shortly after that, of molesting her kid 3 years before, was lying or not. 

The other three children are simply kids Michael's known and been close friends with.  The prosecution claims that they show a pattern of 'grooming' children to be molested.... but the problem is, all 3 of them are close personal friends of Michael's, and have consistantly said nothing ever happened.  The first is MaCaualay Culkin, who's already said he'll testify for Michael. 

I'm kind of glad it's going down like this.  If Michael gets aquitted of ALL of these charges, then nobody's got the right to talk any shit, ever again.  This is exactly what he needed, but it's gonna be a long hard fight.  I'll bet they'll still be in trial in september. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Elevz on March 28, 2005, 09:49:22 PM
I'm kind of glad it's going down like this.  If Michael gets aquitted of ALL of these charges, then nobody's got the right to talk any shit, ever again.  This is exactly what he needed, but it's gonna be a long hard fight.  I'll bet they'll still be in trial in september. 
Nah, most people who now think he's guilty will probably always keep on thinking that. Actually, while reading ur story, I'm starting to think there's no way the judges are going to decide he's guilty.

Props once again for keeping us up to date.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: chronic01 on March 28, 2005, 10:15:43 PM
thanks for the update i always check here for new shit on the trial
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Darksider on March 29, 2005, 01:08:53 AM
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: red on March 29, 2005, 08:16:49 AM
this shit is getting out of hand.  thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: 'EclipZe on March 29, 2005, 09:40:38 AM
lol this shit is like a never ending story
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Gangstauu on March 29, 2005, 10:20:15 AM
good, hes guilty
Why pay a kid 26 million dollar (or something like that) when ya haven't done anything
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: KURUPTION-81 on March 29, 2005, 10:49:43 AM
good, hes guilty
Why pay a kid 26 million dollar (or something like that) when ya haven't done anything

peace of mind, the fact he would not have to face a year long trial with a media circus like the one that is happening now. People always go on about it been 26 mil , it seems like its a lot of money but to mj it was nothing and i believe it was 12 mil anyway. He prob made that just on endorsments from the dangerous tour the same year.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 29, 2005, 04:10:34 PM
How many people in America think "We should leave terrorists alone, and they won't bug us"?  It's the same thing.  Michael thought if he just appeased these people, they'd go away.

Think about it.  You have a boy in 93 accuse him, he pays him off.  You have another mom, accuse him of doing something three years before, immediately following the first case (she didn't say anything had happened until the other kid got his settlement)... so Michael pays her 2 million dollars too.  Finally, you have another kid start saying things in 03, Michael fights it.

It's really not that big of a deal, he twice made a bad decision, and now he's fighting it after being burned, twice.  He's not gonna let it happen a third time, and incidentally through the court, all the evidence of the first two cases is going to come out, to either clear his name or condemn him. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 29, 2005, 04:32:47 PM
I've been reading up more on the situation, and this is actually a very, very good thing for the defense, particularly an incredible defense attorney like Thomas Mesereau. 

Anyways, the boys in question, there are 6 total.  One is the current accuser; one is the boy that Michael paid off 20 million dollars or whatever... that boy refuses to testify.  His mom's going to be there, but she hasn't seen her son in 11 years.  So no direct testimony in that case, only 3rd person, from a woman who wasn't even around to witness any kind of abuse.  The third boy is the one where his mom was a maid, and sued Michael, AFTER the first boy, for something that happened 3 years earlier... she later sold her story to "Hard Copy", and dramatically changed her story of the events that supposedly happened... she's also sold her story outside of the U.S., with further details that weren't in the first two stories, when they upped the price they'd pay her for her story, the hand slipped into the pants, so to say.  Just disgusting shit.

The Fourth, Fifth, and Six boys all three will testify for Michael that nothing ever happened, one is Macaulay. 

He has 9 witnesses to alleged 'innapropriate behavior", but yet he's trying to present in the trial, that Michael has an elaborate scheme set up to molest these kids, but yet he let 9 people SEE it?  They're not even going to testify that they saw anything... they're going to testify stuff like "I saw Michael lick Macaualay's head".  I can hear Mesereau now "Have you ever kissed a child's boo-boo, Ms. Walker?"  LOL  What the fuck? The guy licks a kid on the head, and they string him up on child molestation charges?  If that makes you a molestor, I'm guilty, I think you could probably find VIDEOTAPE of me licking or kissing kids, and I'm not even famous.

Another interesting thing is; this is CLEAR evidence that the prosecution's case is WEAK, WEAK, WEAK.  This won't be lost on Thomas Mesereau, he'll pound into the jury's head, that the D.A.'s office is presenting these boys to try and make it look like Michael is a child molestor, but yet THEY DON'T FILE CHARGES. 

Now; if Sneddon really believed Michael had done anything to any of these other 5 boys, why doesn't he file charges?  If you cannot file charges against Michael, Mr. Sneddon, then you have no case.  If you CAN file charges, but didn't, then you're letting innocent people get abused at the hands of a molestor.  Which one is it?

The boys obviously have no evidence that Michael did anything to them, or there would be a court case on those charges.  That they're being drug out into THIS court case, shows just how weak even THIS case that finally made it to court is. 

Only the boy in the current case, and the Maid's son from the fake ass "he abused me three years ago" case are going to testify.  Mesereau has already ripped the accuser, and the accuser's family to SHREDS on cross-examination, he'll destroy someone trying to remember things that allegedly occured 15 years ago... ESPECIALLY since in my opinion, the abuse never happened.  When that guy gets on the stand, in front of one of the greatest lawyers in the country, and tries to remember exactly who he lied to and about what, the entire case is going to fall apart. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Matrix Heart on March 29, 2005, 04:57:08 PM
Thanks for nothing retard.

Some1 should just snipe michael jackson already.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: -CaliKid- on March 29, 2005, 05:58:42 PM
Thanks for nothing retard.

Some1 should just snipe michael jackson already.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: The Watcher on March 29, 2005, 06:25:08 PM
they were saying on the news here, that they have 6 kids lined up, but they're only letting one testify? what kinda shit is that? if they're takin all 6 kids to court, all 6 should be allowed to testify wether he molested them or not
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 30, 2005, 05:43:14 AM
^ That's the thing.  3 aren't gonna testify, because they're not cooperating with the prosecution, because they say nothing happened.  They WILL testify for the defense, though.

One is the kid that's in the lawsuit now, so he'll testify.

One is the kid who settled in 1993, he refuses to testify.

One is the kid who's mom used to work for Michael, he'll testify.

The reason most aren't testifying is, it's a weak case.  The charges are made up allegations, and they don't want to get cut apart on the cross exam.  There's nothing in it for them to want to testify... and if it DID happen, why didn't the D.A. charge Michael with these?  ... because there's no proof it ever happened, that's why. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 30, 2005, 06:28:22 AM
Yesterday's Testimony:

Jamie Mesada, owner of the laugh factory, basically didn't have anything to say, only that he was the one who got Michael involved, since the kid wanted to meet him.  So he called Quincy Jones and asked if Michael would call the kid.  The court laughed during his testimony, at one point from the Witness strand, Masada said "No, this is the first time I've seen him" then looked at Michael and said "How are you doing?" and Michael waved back at him, LOL.

The prosecution got yet ANOTHER blow, and ANOTHER fucked-up testimony, when they brought Michael's flight attendant to the stand.  The prosecution had claimed that she saw the boy drink wine out of a pepsi can Michael gave the boy, but the flight attendant claimed the exact opposite.  According to her (and I've gotta wonder why the prosecution even called her up? Are they crazy?)... according to her, it was HER idea to put Michael's wine in a coke can, because she said "Michael's a very private drinker"... and that she never saw Michael give the can to the boy, and that Michael's children sat beside him or on his lap the whole trip.  (The prosecution was trying to push that Michael would give the kid wine when his kids weren't around).

She also said that the accuser was a total asshole on the flight, ordering her to reheat food, and things like that.  As she left, she gave Michael a handshake. 

SHE ALSO claimed that the boy's sister (who last week testified she saw Michael give the boy a drink, and that she never drank except when Michael gave it to her in her cellar)... she testified that the sister, then 16, asked for Wine.  She carded the girl, then served it to her... (apparently the girl had a fake I.D.).  LOL  This just keeps getting better. 

And these are the PROSECUTION'S witnesses.  Wait until the DEFENSE gets to call some witnesses.  It's like a fucking circus. 

Her testimony that the kid was an asshole is to show that the kid is street-smart, and wouldn't allow a grown man to molest him in the first place.  I think the defense is doing good to continue to portray the kid (through the prosecution's own witnesses) this way. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Christoffer_ on March 30, 2005, 06:44:45 AM
Kid fucker or not, he`s still a maniac. Lock him up please, I don`t want a person like that to be running free. The man is almost 50 years old and think he`s a child, haha
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 30, 2005, 06:46:15 AM
Yeah; I don't like people that start sentences with "Kid Fucker" , either, so lets lock your ass up.  Do you see how ludicrious a comment like that is?  I don't like your name, you misspelled it, lets lock you up. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: red on March 30, 2005, 07:21:12 AM
Trauma, thanks for the daily updates.  The prosecution continues to fumble their case.  I can't wait till the defense gets their turn.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Christoffer_ on March 30, 2005, 07:39:14 AM
Trauma: I`m from Norway, we spell it like that here you ignorant, dumb child. Now, you can go back to your favourite hobby: defending pedofiles. Ti hi hi hi
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Elevz on March 30, 2005, 07:53:28 AM
Trauma: I`m from Norway, we spell it like that here you ignorant, dumb child. Now, you can go back to your favourite hobby: defending pedofiles. Ti hi hi hi

Wow, you're ignorant. Maybe you just missed the part where Trauma is looking for a bullshit reason to lock someone up, similar to the bullshit reason you mentioned?

Calling Trauma a ignorant dumb child, you must be really new here  ;D
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Kill on March 30, 2005, 08:04:28 AM
Trauma: I`m from Norway, we spell it like that here you ignorant, dumb child. Now, you can go back to your favourite hobby: defending pedofiles. Ti hi hi hi

Wow, you're ignorant. Maybe you just missed the part where Trauma is looking for a bullshit reason to lock someone up, similar to the bullshit reason you mentioned?

Calling Trauma a ignorant dumb child, you must be really new here  ;D
thatīs  a matter of opinion...no, traumaīs alright, in general. and that norwegian kid could learn to spell himself. ti hi hi hi

and as for the case, iīm not really following it, but i did realize itīs getting more and more difficult for the defense. I got a premonition Michael could get tangled up in something, some contradiction or whatever, even without actually being guilty
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Christoffer_ on March 30, 2005, 08:17:55 AM
If dumb child is wrong, how about: fat, stupid american? Does that description fit him better?
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Kill on March 30, 2005, 08:30:05 AM
If dumb child is wrong, how about: fat, stupid american? Does that description fit him better?

how about you shut up
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Elevz on March 30, 2005, 12:26:06 PM
Michael Jackson lost his virginity when he was 32. Now that's a sad detail and they're using it against him in trial. Trauma can probably tell you a little better, but it's something about a tape of Michael being on the phone talking to a 9 year old kid about it. I don't know the whole story, that's just what I heard.

lol @ Christoffer disliking Americans, but yet he's posting on a messageboard full of Americans  ;D
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Gangstauu on March 30, 2005, 12:39:36 PM
How many people in America think "We should leave terrorists alone, and they won't bug us"?  It's the same thing.  Michael thought if he just appeased these people, they'd go away.

Think about it.  You have a boy in 93 accuse him, he pays him off.  You have another mom, accuse him of doing something three years before, immediately following the first case (she didn't say anything had happened until the other kid got his settlement)... so Michael pays her 2 million dollars too.  Finally, you have another kid start saying things in 03, Michael fights it.

It's really not that big of a deal, he twice made a bad decision, and now he's fighting it after being burned, twice.  He's not gonna let it happen a third time, and incidentally through the court, all the evidence of the first two cases is going to come out, to either clear his name or condemn him. 

Well, if he aint guilty, its only stupid to pay the money. Cause many mothers and children will think it is easy money, so more and more people wil sue him
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Elevz on March 30, 2005, 01:39:56 PM
Well, if he aint guilty, its only stupid to pay the money. Cause many mothers and children will think it is easy money, so more and more people wil sue him

Well, having a trial against you for child molesting isn't really the ultimate way for promoting your own music. He just hadn't expected all the others to sue him over the same thing as well.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: LyRiCaL_G on March 30, 2005, 02:28:04 PM
truth is noone knows if his guilty or nto apart from the boys and micheal himself, everyone can say his gettin framed, or he did it

but its more than just one kid whos accused him of being funny with them so like its a matter of, has everyone done it for the money or is there really something going on

if he did it, as big a fan of him i am, he should go to the most fucked up prison ever and if he didnt, which i hope he hasnt and i dont think he has.......hopefully people will leave him alone and let him get on with his life and music!

i'll beleive the judge,lol

Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 30, 2005, 05:39:06 PM
How many people in America think "We should leave terrorists alone, and they won't bug us"?  It's the same thing.  Michael thought if he just appeased these people, they'd go away.

Think about it.  You have a boy in 93 accuse him, he pays him off.  You have another mom, accuse him of doing something three years before, immediately following the first case (she didn't say anything had happened until the other kid got his settlement)... so Michael pays her 2 million dollars too.  Finally, you have another kid start saying things in 03, Michael fights it.

It's really not that big of a deal, he twice made a bad decision, and now he's fighting it after being burned, twice.  He's not gonna let it happen a third time, and incidentally through the court, all the evidence of the first two cases is going to come out, to either clear his name or condemn him. 

Well, if he aint guilty, its only stupid to pay the money. Cause many mothers and children will think it is easy money, so more and more people wil sue him

I agree.  I also think it's good to fight terrorists, but half of Americans don't.  See the similarity? 

It doesn't matter if you AGREE or DISAGREE with Michael paying the people off.  All you have to do is understand that it would be a reaction possible to him.  He claims Sony & Pepsi (his two major sponsers at the time) told him to pay the two cases off, because they didn't want it to hurt his image and ruin their cash cow. 
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Sikotic™ on March 30, 2005, 05:41:01 PM
Poor guy will have a bad rap for the rest of his life.
Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Trauma-san on March 30, 2005, 05:46:35 PM
truth is noone knows if his guilty or nto apart from the boys and micheal himself, everyone can say his gettin framed, or he did it

but its more than just one kid whos accused him of being funny with them so like its a matter of, has everyone done it for the money or is there really something going on

if he did it, as big a fan of him i am, he should go to the most fucked up prison ever and if he didnt, which i hope he hasnt and i dont think he has.......hopefully people will leave him alone and let him get on with his life and music!

i'll beleive the judge,lol


Really believing the judge I guess is all you CAN do.  It's brought out in front of a jury, whatever they decide will have to stick.



The psychiatrist testified, that interviewed Gavin, and therefore got the D.A.'s office involved.  The mother didn't call the police; she first took the boy to a lawyer, he told the lawyer, then the lawyer (Which was the same one who settled with Michael in 1993 with the other boy... hmm, strange that she chose THAT lawyer, right?)... anyways, the lawyer took the boy to a psychiatrist (THE SAME ONE THAT SAW THE BOY IN 93), and once again called the D.A.'s office.  After the D.A.'s office started it's investigation, the D.A. got the sheriff's department involved.  Again; nobody called the police, only a lawyer.

Anyways, the psychiatrist said that children rarely make up sex allegations.

Thomas Mesereau (defense) then simply reminded the Psychiatrist that he had published articles in the past called "Lets stop the witchunt for child molestors", and had once PUBLISHED an article saying that 40 percent of Sexual Allegations were false.

So which is it?  

The psychiatrist had also written in his own published articles, that many times he had found that a mother or father had actually made a child believe that they had been molested, when they in fact hadn't.  

More and more contradictions.  The guy himself has said that 40% of allegations are false, and that parents sometimes make their children lie about it.

Title: Re: Michael Jackson's Trial just got 5 times larger
Post by: Kill on March 31, 2005, 02:32:28 AM
lol @ Christoffer disliking Americans, but yet he's posting on a messageboard full of Americans  ;D
i dislike dutch, now THATīs a hard time

naaaw, j/p