West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Sports & Entertainment => Topic started by: Conan on June 20, 2005, 01:38:30 AM

Title: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Conan on June 20, 2005, 01:38:30 AM
Yesterday at the ''War Of The Worlds'' premiere in London Tom Cruise began to give an interview to whom he suspected was a regular showbiz reporter. However, the reporter was actually working on prank show for the UK based network Channel 4 that involves playing tricks on celebrities. When the 'reporter' squirted water in Cruise's face via a dummy microphone he lost his cool, exclaiming ''You're a jerk! Jerk! You're a jerk!'' Cruise then stared the man down intensely and commented on his incredible rudeness.

Furthermore, the four men responsible for the prank were taken to jail only to make bail, and are now being threatened with a lawsuit claiming that they assaulted the star. Guess he didn't see the funny side!
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Don Seer on June 20, 2005, 01:39:27 AM
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: CRAFTY on June 20, 2005, 01:45:38 AM
A lawsuit? LOL! Whatever happened to Tom's sense of humour...come on now. If it would've been tomato sauce spilled on his suit, then yeah, who wouldn't be mad? But water...pleeeease! 8)
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Don Seer on June 20, 2005, 01:50:58 AM

i've heard from people at work that this isn't quite how it seems. seems cruise wasnt that pissed.. the media is hyping it up...
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Conan on June 20, 2005, 01:58:26 AM
Nah, he was pissed. Sky News are playing the clip right now - I think that Cruise wanted to smack the guy! Anyway, if he's gonna threaten those responsible with legal action he's not exactly a happy bunny. As CRAFTY said, I think Tom needs to get a sense of humour!
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Don Seer on June 20, 2005, 02:33:56 AM

ok.. imagine you're a world famous celebrity who probably gets death threats n all sorts... now imagine the possibility that the squirter could have been _any_ old psycho and that the mic could have been squirting say.. acid.. ?
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Conan on June 20, 2005, 03:10:48 AM

ok.. imagine you're a world famous celebrity who probably gets death threats n all sorts... now imagine the possibility that the squirter could have been _any_ old psycho and that the mic could have been squirting say.. acid.. ?

Yeah, but that's the first thing I said when I saw his reaction: ''its not like it was acid!'' Look, all I'm saying is that he was angry, but in my opinion with not with enough justification to get THAT angry and threaten those involved with legal action. If I was in his position: I would've taken a minute to calm down then walked off. That's it. That way, he avoids creating a scene.

I'm not saying he shouldn't have got a little upset seeing he was caught off-guard, but the way he acted: yeah, it was OTT. You want proof? Even after the guy apologised and told him what was going on Cruise refused to do anymore interviews that night.

If what you've proposed had happened then this clearly wouldn't be a laughing matter and I'd be supporting him in any legal action he wished to take, but that is a completely different situation.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: 411 on June 20, 2005, 03:11:34 AM
i never liked that muthafucka, but that movie looks like its the shit......anyone seen it?
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Conan on June 20, 2005, 03:13:44 AM
i never liked that muthafucka, but that movie looks like its the shit......anyone seen it?

Nah...I haven't seen it yet, but it certainly looks cool. If it turns out as good as ''Minority Report'' I'll definately be going to see it. Just waiting to read the reviews first.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: lbc213 on June 20, 2005, 04:10:16 AM
link link link
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Don Seer on June 20, 2005, 04:13:15 AM

here's the kinda shit i'm talkin about.. u never know... this is a fresh story too..

"Leonardo DiCaprio Attacked With a Bottle"

Leonardo DiCaprio was hit with a bottle while attending a party given by Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend and needed about a dozen stitches to close a wound near his ear, People magazine reported on its website.

The magazine said DiCaprio was at a party at about 4 a.m. Friday at the home of Rick Salomon when a woman struck him with what appeared to be a beer bottle. Friends took the actor to a hospital where he received about a dozen stitches, People said.

People said DiCaprio's spokesman, Ken Sunshine, had confirmed the assault.


Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Trauma-san on June 20, 2005, 05:50:31 AM
O, they don't even understand what you're saying.

He's not saying it had acid in it.  Of course it didn't have acid in it.  He's saying that somebody got close enough to him that they COULD have squirted him down with Acid, so he's pissed.  I agree, I'd sue the fuck out of them. 
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Ðøšïå on June 20, 2005, 06:49:15 AM
id say he needs to lighten up...
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: eKardz on June 20, 2005, 07:25:07 AM
yo man thats just fucked up in general, its at a movie premier.  come on now, thats straight disrespectful.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Wild_Elmo on June 20, 2005, 08:14:47 AM

video there

looks like he felt more disrespected than pissed
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: 7even on June 20, 2005, 08:20:10 AM
After seeing that video I gotta say his reaction was on point.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Bch on June 20, 2005, 09:03:40 AM
criuse got mad because they ruined his make upp
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Meho on June 20, 2005, 09:22:17 AM
After seeing that video I gotta say he reaction was on point.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Woozie on June 20, 2005, 09:27:19 AM
i think he had a point...

he has the record for taking time signing autographs for fans and they knew it wud more than likely piss him off,

idiots who dun it were a bunch of desperate mutha fuckas tryin to get sum attention for a new show

its not the end of the world tho, only sum water ;)
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Ðøšïå on June 20, 2005, 09:41:36 AM
^ exactly. its jsut water. sure he has the right to be pissed but a lawsuit over water in the face. again lighten up!
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: bez on June 20, 2005, 11:17:21 AM
Its only water, but if he didnt want nor expect water to be thrown at him then its as bad as somebody throwing acid at him or spitting on him or something.

I mean the guy is giving interviews and somebody squirts him.  Anybody would be pissed off, I would be.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: eKardz on June 20, 2005, 11:35:43 AM
i didnt see him over react in the video at all.  he was more in disbelief like come on man, why would you do that.  like disappointed that the guy would do something like that.  he didnt yell didnt curse, didnt threaten, he reacted like a man and calmly confronted the guy as to why he pulled that shit.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: eS El Duque on June 20, 2005, 11:59:18 AM
I'd be pissed...if I was as fuckin rich and big as Tom Cruise..and to someone to disrespect your ass like that...damn
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on June 20, 2005, 01:06:28 PM
  I agree, I'd sue the fuck out of them. 

Of course you would...You'd slash their tires too. Pussy ass square.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on June 20, 2005, 01:14:19 PM
But anyways, is this what British people find funny? I mean, that's not even a funny prank. Not only that, but it's tasteless...Why WOULD they do that?
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Sikotic™ on June 20, 2005, 01:20:06 PM
It's not that big of a deal, but yeah I would call their asses on it if they did that to me too. A real corny prank.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Conan on June 20, 2005, 01:23:26 PM
I don't find it particularly funny, I certainly wasn't laughing at what was essentially a lame prank (its no ''Punk'd'' that's for sure). I can't lie, however, as I did find Cruise's reaction a little amusing and he does have a right to be angry TO AN EXTENT. When he brings up lawsuits, well that's where I feel he's taking an immature stunt both too far and too seriously.

I can in some way understand why he would react in this way, though. Even though I said I'd react by just leaving the fool who pulled the joke and walk away, its impossible to say how you'd react on the spot to a strange situation like that unless it happens to you and depending what kind of mood you're in.

I guess the main point I was trying to make is that, when he drags in the threat of lawsuits for some drips of water, he needs to learn when to let it go.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Javier on June 20, 2005, 02:43:13 PM
boy...talk about a cum shot

Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Trauma-san on June 20, 2005, 02:59:54 PM
  I agree, I'd sue the fuck out of them. 

Of course you would...You'd slash their tires too. Pussy ass square.

Who are you? 
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Trauma-san on June 20, 2005, 03:02:55 PM
After watching the video, how can you say he overreacted?

Plus, if you illiterate motherfuckers would actually read, he's not pressing charges, Scotland Yard is holding the people incase he wants to press charges.

Stupid motherfuckers always get everything twisted. 
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on June 20, 2005, 05:12:37 PM
  I agree, I'd sue the fuck out of them. 

Of course you would...You'd slash their tires too. Pussy ass square.

Who are you? 

I'm Sccit Tha Shit, muthafucka... 8)
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Trauma-san on June 20, 2005, 06:55:15 PM
  I agree, I'd sue the fuck out of them. 

Of course you would...You'd slash their tires too. Pussy ass square.

Who are you? 

I'm Sccit Tha Shit, muthafucka... 8)

You misspelled skit. 
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Acgrundy on June 20, 2005, 08:16:00 PM
he didn't overreact.  he was right, it was rude.  he was actually doing an interview with the guy, and the guy squirts him in the face with water.  do you know how many people in the world would have probably beat the guys ass?  tom definately did not overreact to that disrespectful stunt.  sure it ain't that big of a deal, its just water, but what if people started doing that shit all the time.
Title: Re: Tom Cruise loses his cool after being squirted with water at premiere!
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on June 20, 2005, 10:36:54 PM
  I agree, I'd sue the fuck out of them. 

Of course you would...You'd slash their tires too. Pussy ass square.

Who are you? 

I'm Sccit Tha Shit, muthafucka... 8)

You misspelled skit. 

You can't misspell a name, you Mormon moron.