West Coast Connection Forum

DUBCC - Tha Connection => West Coast Classics => Topic started by: Acgrundy on September 24, 2005, 08:23:36 PM

Title: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Acgrundy on September 24, 2005, 08:23:36 PM
you know whats funny is how people so easily blame their problems on other people.  Warren G and his promoter putting that statement on dubcnn, and I saw an article on dubcnn calling them "internet thieves".  LMAO.

I've been downloading music since 1999/2000, and up until late 2003 I bought every westcoast album that I downloaded.  I had albums weeks, months, sometimes years before they dropped, but I still bought them, mostly to support the artist.  I bought albums that I had listened to so much before the album dropped that I might have never even listend to the og all the way thru.

I quit buying albums tho in late 2003 for multiple reasons:

1. FUCK the music industry and those rich corporate fucks

2. cd's are way too expensive

3. the music is not good anymore

People come on here saying shit like true fans of Warren G will buy the cd, or true fans of Quik will buy the new album, and bootlegging is killing the westcoast, blah blah blah.  Fuck that, Games album probably got bootlegged 10x more than both Quik and Warren G combined, and he still went platinum.  50 cent goes platinum, snoop goes platinum, eminem goes platinum, and I guarantee you all of their albums get bootlegged minimum of 25x more than any sad rapper complaining about internet downloading.

I don't buy cd's anymore, but I download all the albums I want to hear.  but I can guarantee I ain't hurting one guy's career.  I own just about 300 westcoast cd's and I been to plenty of concerts.  And it ain't like I'm selling bootleg copies of these albums.  98% of them I listen to 1 or 2 times and thats it.  If I couldn't download them, I woulndt buy them either.  If I wasn't able to download albums I would have stopped listening to new rap nearly 2 years ago.

So all you fans and rappers out their crying about internet downloading need to shut the hell up.  If warren G only sells 100,000 copies of his new album, how many copies do you seriously think got downloaded which would have been sales?  I say 5% max, thats 5000 copies.  c'mon folks thats nothing.  internet downloading is not the problem, its something called P-R-O-M-O-T-I-O-N.  Rappers get the same percentage of stolen goods as places like Safeway, Best buy, 7-11, Walll-lMart, etc.  Thats just something businesses have to accept and factor in., and pretty much the music industry needs to factor that in too.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: makaveli11 on September 24, 2005, 08:34:38 PM
I agree with you completely. If an album doesn't sell well, it is because of promotion not bootlegging. Like you said snoop, game, and eminem cds been bootlegged like crazy and it is very easy to get all there songs of a p2p network like kazaa. They still go platinum because of promotion. As a matter of fact if it wasn't for bootlegging, I definitely would not have been as deep as I am in rap. I might have missed on rap artists such as warren g and quik. :o
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: GangstaBoogy on September 24, 2005, 08:37:40 PM
yeah i dont buy new cd's anymore. every time i go to the record store (best buy actually), its to buy an older album that i want. but if a new cd comes out that i like ill buy it
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Bch on September 24, 2005, 08:39:50 PM
u think people in the hood with no money to buy there cd's are actually going to buy it , after they downloaded the album???
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Acgrundy on September 24, 2005, 08:41:15 PM
you think people in the hood even have a computer w/ internet to download it?  I doubt many do.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: WestCoasta on September 24, 2005, 09:08:30 PM
I only buy albums of my favorite artists who I really like and wanna support, I don't buy every album either
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Rud on September 24, 2005, 11:33:33 PM
I agree to a point, but i dont agree with

People come on here saying shit like true fans of Warren G will buy the cd, or true fans of Quik will buy the new album, and bootlegging is killing the westcoast, blah blah blah.  Fuck that, Games album probably got bootlegged 10x more than both Quik and Warren G combined, and he still went platinum.  50 cent goes platinum, snoop goes platinum, eminem goes platinum, and I guarantee you all of their albums get bootlegged minimum of 25x more than any sad rapper complaining about internet downloading.

apart from when its tied in to promotion...50/snoop/game all get heavily bootlegged no doubt but the promotion machine behind them always ensures people (in their millions) will go out and buy the album, good promotion is like brainwashing, making people think they have to have it....when you have artists like quik/warren g, yes they are gonna sell less BUT the percenctage of downloads-lost sales is higher as less people will see promotion (due to lack of it) to encourage them to turn that download into a sale....the apathy bug sets in and people see there being no point in spending money on it - THATS when it hurts the artists, but again thats down to money spent on promo but without a huge label and corporate machine backing them theyre never gonna get that anyway - hence why every sale counts and all downloads cost.

Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: UKnowWhatItIs: welcome to my traps....game over on September 25, 2005, 12:08:57 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???I never knew about another site calling us "thieves",& this is what I read yesterday at www.indastreets.net:"I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit" (they're talking about the new Warren G).I mean what the fuck did they say that for???As if other forums weren't doing the same.This isnt the only source for music ::) Why didnt they point out WCRydaz???Maybe cause Crash actually posts there.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Twentytwofifty on September 25, 2005, 12:09:07 AM
From now on I'll only buy CD if:
1. they are cheap ($13 or less)
2. they are from my very favourite artists (like top 5 favourite)

I listen to my mp3 player 90% so I don't really see purchasing a CD as a good investment.  Buying the actual CD is pretty much only for the sake of having a nice collection like you would with baseball cards or stuff like that.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Rud on September 25, 2005, 12:12:29 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???I never knew about another site calling us "thieves",& this is what I read yesterday at www.indastreets.net:"I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit" (they're talking about the new Warren G).I mean what the fuck did they say that for???As if other forums weren't doing the same.This isnt the only source for music ::) Why didnt they point out WCRydaz???Maybe cause Crash actually posts there.

Yea Crash, what was that about just seen that...

9/22/2005 - Warren G's New Album Leaked!!! - It's out now all over the net. I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit, It hits the stores in a couple of weeks so go and BUY a few copies, from what we've heard it's a nice sounding album.... 
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: UKnowWhatItIs: welcome to my traps....game over on September 25, 2005, 12:17:18 AM
As for albums I actually buy them,I only download them to see how good they are & sometimes I download albums that I havent heard in ages,but shortly after that I delete them.The only stuff I burn on CD's are mixtapes & unreleased songs,advances,OG's & so on.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: ωεεźγ ғ on September 25, 2005, 01:24:21 AM
you think people in the hood even have a computer w/ internet to download it?  I doubt many do.

lol, oh c'mon you do know that everyone on dubcc is from the hood  :D fo rilla! or steeped! as some of my Canadian hood rats would say 
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: WestCoasta on September 25, 2005, 01:42:19 AM
wcrydaz is gay
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Lucien on September 25, 2005, 02:24:09 AM
wcrydaz is gay

wcrydaz is okay... but most people on that forum is gay
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: UKnowWhatItIs: welcome to my traps....game over on September 25, 2005, 02:36:24 AM
wcrydaz is gay

wcrydaz is okay... but most people on that forum is gay
Yeah,thats why I dont post there anymore,that place fell the fuck off.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Meho on September 25, 2005, 03:21:05 AM
wcrydaz is gay

wcrydaz is okay... but most people on that forum is gay
Yeah,thats why I dont post there anymore,that place fell the fuck off.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 25, 2005, 03:42:08 AM
I don't buy them either anymore unless its a indy artist or a really good album I wanna help support. Music is one of the few things you buy blindly without knowing what the contents are. The beauty of downloading albums is you get to find out what kind of merchandise you're actually buying. Instead of blindly buying an album that may just have one song you like, you can listen ot it and if it's that good, then you'll go out and purchase it.

The artists and labels just don't want the fans to do this so they can feed more garbage bullshit and half ass albums down our throats for ridiculous prices and get away with it. I hope bootlegging gets out fo control. Maybe artists will start putting out quality shit instead of producing garbage and trying to fuck a fan out of their hard earned money.

BTW, I love both Warren and Quik and own every one of their albums. You know why? because they make amazing music that I believe should be supported. Maybe other artists should take that into consideration before producing a wack ass album.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Fonky Fresh on September 25, 2005, 07:20:08 AM
the less ull buy shit the more ull fell happy &ur wallet too.thats what i feel.i only buy rare&dope albums i feel.The less ull listen radio,the more ull feel happy too.
first thing first,cds are way too fuckig expensive here
secondly,1/10 only is good to my view so i buy this one&fuck the others.I dont support bad music anymore bcoz i been too fucking robbed by sum white monkey azz runnin his label or his rap division of universal.
regarding Warren G 's album case,i think its legit to an artist to protect his work u know ,so no bid deal with that bcoz it's fair as the matter of fact warren g went in a indy label if im corect that makes 2x good reasons to not bootleg..But the real fact is that this album is aight..so...
&to finish on this 10000 already talked subject,internet now is like the mixtapes in the 90s..good for promotion.The real thing weird in this case is when u pay for a mp3 i mean wtf dont ever do that!thats some technical mean the big musical corporations found to rob u again.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: No Compute on September 25, 2005, 08:23:05 AM
I try and buy every album I download. Having an album on a computer or whatever just doesn't compare to having a cd and credits and whatever.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Acgrundy on September 25, 2005, 09:15:47 AM
Now don't get me wrong, I am not trying to discourage anyone from buying cd's.  Keep supporting your favorite artists, keep adding to your cd collection.  I'm just saying that people need to stop making excuses.  I am a big warren g and quik fan, and if I met them today I would probably hand them a $5 bill and say, hey I downloaded your cd, but I"m not gonna buy it, here is $5 cuz I want to support you.  And $5 is a lot more than they would make off of any other cd sale.

and sorry Rud, but internet bootlegging is not hurting an artists sales.  First off, a majority of the people on this forum who have already downloaded the new warren g album are still going to buy it.  Do the math yourself.  Let's say warren g will sell 200,000 copies of his new album, and that is probably a high number, considering the only promotion he has is what is on dubcnn.  Now I'll go with an even higher number and say that 50,000 copies get bootlegged that are would be sales.  thats 25%.  That is extremely high, and very unrealistic.  So that would change his album sales from 250,000 to 200,000 due to internet downloading.  Is that a big difference in numbers?  No its not.  Not for Warren G.  The guy who did Regulate, went multi platinum with his first record, has nate dogg and snoop on his album, and is backed by a major record label (I dunno if he is or not).  Now 50,000 records might make a difference to some no name rapper put on the scene by WCRydaz, but it is not going to make a difference by a big name rapper who has been in the industry for 10+ years.  Instead of posting up complaints by the artists and their promoters about internet downloading and making false threats like the FBI is going to catch you (hahahahaha) you should maybe tell these artists that the reason they don't sell is because they have no promotion.  Internet downloading is a problem that the music industry has to accept, there is no way around it.  There is plenty of artists who still sell millions, or hundreds of thousands of copies of their album.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: UWA 187 on September 25, 2005, 10:28:41 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???

what happened?
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Wicked977 on September 25, 2005, 10:43:35 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???

what happened?

btw Don't Artist Get Most Of There Money From Tours So If Someone
D/L There Album If They Like It They Will Pay 2 C Them Live
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Don Seer on September 25, 2005, 10:49:21 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???I never knew about another site calling us "thieves",& this is what I read yesterday at www.indastreets.net:"I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit" (they're talking about the new Warren G).I mean what the fuck did they say that for???As if other forums weren't doing the same.This isnt the only source for music ::) Why didnt they point out WCRydaz???Maybe cause Crash actually posts there.

Yea Crash, what was that about just seen that...

9/22/2005 - Warren G's New Album Leaked!!! - It's out now all over the net. I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit, It hits the stores in a couple of weeks so go and BUY a few copies, from what we've heard it's a nice sounding album.... 

what the fuck!  thats fuckin slander man FUCK them fools for trying to make it look like we leaked that shit.

Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: KURUPTION-81 on September 25, 2005, 10:52:03 AM
im glad my comp is too slow to download, i like having to buy the cd.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: UKnowWhatItIs: welcome to my traps....game over on September 25, 2005, 11:10:27 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???

what happened?
They took the owner of that forum & site to court or something,& they shut down the forum.But its back up now.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Acgrundy on September 25, 2005, 11:38:28 AM
See its sad that these rappers think that internet downloading is the problem, and they try to stop it.  Sorry but the internet and downloading has introduced me to SO many new artists, which I have bought an album(s) from.  Had it not been for downloading their music I would have never bought the album in the first place because I had either never heard of it, or didn't want to take the chance of buying a crappy album.  Like I said, I own 300 westcoast rap albums.  I have bought every warren g album so far and every quik album except way 2 fonky and his greatest hits.  but I am not buying their new albums, and I am downloading them.  but I sure as hell have not hurt their sales.  buying 4 albums from warren g and 4 or 5 from quik + seeing warren in concert once, and quik twice.  not to mentioned all of the people I have introduced these artists to, who have in turn bought an album or 2.  So I have done well over my fair share of support.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Diggfinger on September 25, 2005, 12:14:17 PM
I always make sure to support my favorite artists, no matter what. I think bootleggin is a sign saying that people really want the stuff, but suckaz need to buy the record when it comes out as well
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Paul on September 25, 2005, 12:30:35 PM
but I am not buying their new albums, and I am downloading them.  but I sure as hell have not hurt their sales.  buying 4 albums from warren g and 4 or 5 from quik + seeing warren in concert once, and quik twice.  not to mentioned all of the people I have introduced these artists to, who have in turn bought an album or 2.  So I have done well over my fair share of support.

thats fair enough but 2 me its better havin a brand new cd in my hand , playin it while readin the credits.
downloadin it jus seems fake 2 me, but whoever does it and enjoys the album buy it cause the artist will deserve it
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Acgrundy on September 25, 2005, 12:42:33 PM
but I am not buying their new albums, and I am downloading them.  but I sure as hell have not hurt their sales.  buying 4 albums from warren g and 4 or 5 from quik + seeing warren in concert once, and quik twice.  not to mentioned all of the people I have introduced these artists to, who have in turn bought an album or 2.  So I have done well over my fair share of support.

thats fair enough but 2 me its better havin a brand new cd in my hand , playin it while readin the credits.
downloadin it jus seems fake 2 me, but whoever does it and enjoys the album buy it cause the artist will deserve it

thats great.  I'm not discouraging buying albums, I am stating that internet downloading is not hurting artsits careers and sales.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: DAYUM on September 25, 2005, 12:53:40 PM
i agree wtih Grundy 100%
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Paul on September 25, 2005, 01:01:12 PM
but I am not buying their new albums, and I am downloading them.  but I sure as hell have not hurt their sales.  buying 4 albums from warren g and 4 or 5 from quik + seeing warren in concert once, and quik twice.  not to mentioned all of the people I have introduced these artists to, who have in turn bought an album or 2.  So I have done well over my fair share of support.

thats fair enough but 2 me its better havin a brand new cd in my hand , playin it while readin the credits.
downloadin it jus seems fake 2 me, but whoever does it and enjoys the album buy it cause the artist will deserve it

thats great.  I'm not discouraging buying albums, I am stating that internet downloading is not hurting artsits careers and sales.

thinkin how many ppl download, of there was no way 2 download these ppl if interested enough would go out and buy the cd which WOULD improve sales
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Acgrundy on September 25, 2005, 02:13:40 PM
but I am not buying their new albums, and I am downloading them.  but I sure as hell have not hurt their sales.  buying 4 albums from warren g and 4 or 5 from quik + seeing warren in concert once, and quik twice.  not to mentioned all of the people I have introduced these artists to, who have in turn bought an album or 2.  So I have done well over my fair share of support.

thats fair enough but 2 me its better havin a brand new cd in my hand , playin it while readin the credits.
downloadin it jus seems fake 2 me, but whoever does it and enjoys the album buy it cause the artist will deserve it

thats great.  I'm not discouraging buying albums, I am stating that internet downloading is not hurting artsits careers and sales.

thinkin how many ppl download, of there was no way 2 download these ppl if interested enough would go out and buy the cd which WOULD improve sales

not that many.  I wouldn't buy the album.  as I stated earlier I would have stopped listening to new rap 2 years ago.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: We Fly High on September 25, 2005, 02:29:47 PM
i agree with ac, .. i would have stopped listening and buying rap albums along time ago if i couldnt download. i barely even pay attention to new shit anyways cos its so crap filled on every album. the only way to see if u like it is to download it. if i download an album and i dont like it, i'll delete it off my computer right away. if i like it, i'll go out and buy it. so it doesnt really hurt. the artists should realize if they want to sell more shit they need to up the quality of their music. cos by them telling us to not download it, they are basically asking us to blindly follow and support them, and fuck that. i aint exchanging my good money for crap music, if they want my good money, they better give me good music.

anyways that statement that wron g put up does not reflect my feelings at all. we are not aligned with the FBI at all, and are not looking to bust anyone. i dont know what the hell theyre going to do about it, but dubcnn aint givin up no ones information, we're not snitching.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: bjax on September 25, 2005, 04:16:55 PM
if I didn't download, I wouldn't own half the CDs I do now because I would never get to hear what those albums sounded like.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Sikotic™ on September 25, 2005, 04:37:16 PM
Seriously, thats such a good point. Downloading has opend me up to so many underground artists that don't get any promotion. Without downloading or the net, I wouldnt even know Quik or Warren G were droppin albums.

I think it's 100% fair that we at least get to sample what we're buying. Anything else you purchase, if you're not satisfyed with it, you get an exchange or refund. If you go out and blindly pick up an album and it turns out you hate it, you're stuck with it.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Nutty on September 25, 2005, 04:50:08 PM
I mainly use the net for previewing purposes, because all albums come out weeks before they do down under. I'd buy the cd if what I hear is great.

And like AC, it has opened my ears to a whole lot of new artists I prolly wouldn't have heard about elsewhere, and I'd definately wouldn't see their cds at any store down under!
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: crash on September 25, 2005, 05:42:46 PM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???I never knew about another site calling us "thieves",& this is what I read yesterday at www.indastreets.net:"I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit" (they're talking about the new Warren G).I mean what the fuck did they say that for???As if other forums weren't doing the same.This isnt the only source for music ::) Why didnt they point out WCRydaz???Maybe cause Crash actually posts there.

Yea Crash, what was that about just seen that...

9/22/2005 - Warren G's New Album Leaked!!! - It's out now all over the net. I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit, It hits the stores in a couple of weeks so go and BUY a few copies, from what we've heard it's a nice sounding album.... 

what the fuck!  thats fuckin slander man FUCK them fools for trying to make it look like we leaked that shit.

Fuck them fools huh, who the fuck r u? check the files 1 time b4 u speak, it's seems like yall can't comprehend SIMPLE ENGLISH, it said the forums was leaking a lil bit. thats a fact. somebody leaked it on your forums! nobody said dubcnn leaked that shit!!! But thanks for having our name in your mouth. This is Chess not Checkers, keep that bullshit outta here,  don't talk down on my shit anymore OVERSEER
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Brazemac on September 25, 2005, 05:53:29 PM
 crash is folks im sure he didn't post it someone on his staff did. I already spoken to him and they will remove it they didn't mean that dubcnn leaked it just someone on the forum did have a link to a song etc no need to say fuck etc.
lets talk n resolve this.

Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Wild_Elmo on September 25, 2005, 06:04:28 PM
lmao @ him saying "this is chess not checkers" hahaha
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Quadruple OG on September 25, 2005, 06:35:44 PM
can hate on Wc rydaz all you want, but they make a point as to not allowing anyone to post full albums in their sound forum (unless the album is out of print).  It's hypocritical for dubcc to not allow the warren G album to be posted, yet allow every other album to be posted in full
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: The Watcher on September 25, 2005, 06:55:02 PM
lmao @ him saying "this is chess not checkers" hahaha
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: BOX5 the best poster on this site yell on September 25, 2005, 07:42:56 PM
MAN bottom line warren is losing money,thats like a equal out on the streets selling weed, you think he ain't gonna mind if someone is stealing some of his saccs from him? come on now homie,yall forget warren and company got to pay for sample clearence,got to give up 100% of publishing on some of them joints,guest apperances ain't cheap,plus outside known producer who yall jocc are not cheap,then yall say get this big promotion,cuzz who you think is gonna pay for the video and all that,shit come outta a equals poccets,now the going to see an artist perform live is legit tho,but in todays time even that is shady,sheisty as promotors and sponsors, cd prices need to be lowered i agree,but don't use the greedy labels as reason why you dl and bootlegg,shit you do it cause you don't wanna pay simple as that,if it's not good don't fucc with it,i mean why download a yayo album knowing damn well you don't like him,come on now,fess up,and stop acting like it's deathrow vs badboy, with this wcrydaz vs dubcnn,both are sites that support the coast the most,so show love to both yell
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Westcoastin' on September 25, 2005, 07:48:06 PM
i download to check to see what i like, if its good enough, ill buy it...

if its good enough ill shell out the little money i have and go to an hour long concert and sit in the nosebleeds for 70 bucks, or get my ass shoved around as ppl try to rush the stage in a club...

thats dedication to good music.

but fuck em for makin me pay 80 bucks to see a concert
fuck em for chargin 20 bucks for a cd with only 2 or 3 good songs

cd's are pretty much obsolete now anyway

support the ones that deserve it, fuck the rest.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Jome on September 25, 2005, 08:34:53 PM
it's seems like yall can't comprehend SIMPLE ENGLISH, it said the forums was leaking a lil bit. thats a fact. somebody leaked it on your forums! nobody said dubcnn leaked that shit!!!

Somebody POSTED A LINK to it, they didn't leak it, big difference.
A link can be posted on ALL internet forums where posting is possible, for those who don't know.
The album was already all over big sites like Boxden, PRIOR to it being posted on WCC, so there is no such thing as "leaking a lil bit", that's BS.

The rip-group "JCE" ripped a copy of the CD to mp3, and thereafter spread/leaked it to the internet, and posters on internet forums like SOHH, Boxden, WCC, WcRydaz, AllHiphop, Aftermathmusic, etc. etc. spread links to it, (and later removed on some of these sites) or made their own links to it, something Warren G's people seems to have problems to understand.

If they want to put a stop to albums being leaked, they have to stop rip-groups like RNS, C4, CR, WHOA, JCE, etc. etc. but they have virtually no chance of doing so, because not even police/RIAA/FBI can catch them, so they go after the next best thing; the downloaders. (Which btw isn't doing anything illegal in many countries)

Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Ğøšïå on September 25, 2005, 10:29:18 PM
i agree wtih Grundy 100%
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Ğøšïå on September 25, 2005, 10:30:42 PM
can hate on Wc rydaz all you want, but they make a point as to not allowing anyone to post full albums in their sound forum (unless the album is out of print).  It's hypocritical for dubcc to not allow the warren G album to be posted, yet allow every other album to be posted in full

same with that sly boogy mixtape.. i didnt agree with it but whatever. its not my forum.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: UKnowWhatItIs: welcome to my traps....game over on September 25, 2005, 10:35:18 PM
lmao @ him saying "this is chess not checkers" hahaha
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Sofa_King_Awesome on September 25, 2005, 10:37:40 PM
you know whats funny is how people so easily blame their problems on other people.  Warren G and his promoter putting that statement on dubcnn, and I saw an article on dubcnn calling them "internet thieves".  LMAO.

I've been downloading music since 1999/2000, and up until late 2003 I bought every westcoast album that I downloaded.  I had albums weeks, months, sometimes years before they dropped, but I still bought them, mostly to support the artist.  I bought albums that I had listened to so much before the album dropped that I might have never even listend to the og all the way thru.

I quit buying albums tho in late 2003 for multiple reasons:

1. FUCK the music industry and those rich corporate fucks

2. cd's are way too expensive

3. the music is not good anymore

People come on here saying shit like true fans of Warren G will buy the cd, or true fans of Quik will buy the new album, and bootlegging is killing the westcoast, blah blah blah.  Fuck that, Games album probably got bootlegged 10x more than both Quik and Warren G combined, and he still went platinum.  50 cent goes platinum, snoop goes platinum, eminem goes platinum, and I guarantee you all of their albums get bootlegged minimum of 25x more than any sad rapper complaining about internet downloading.

I don't buy cd's anymore, but I download all the albums I want to hear.  but I can guarantee I ain't hurting one guy's career.  I own just about 300 westcoast cd's and I been to plenty of concerts.  And it ain't like I'm selling bootleg copies of these albums.  98% of them I listen to 1 or 2 times and thats it.  If I couldn't download them, I woulndt buy them either.  If I wasn't able to download albums I would have stopped listening to new rap nearly 2 years ago.

So all you fans and rappers out their crying about internet downloading need to shut the hell up.  If warren G only sells 100,000 copies of his new album, how many copies do you seriously think got downloaded which would have been sales?  I say 5% max, thats 5000 copies.  c'mon folks thats nothing.  internet downloading is not the problem, its something called P-R-O-M-O-T-I-O-N.  Rappers get the same percentage of stolen goods as places like Safeway, Best buy, 7-11, Walll-lMart, etc.  Thats just something businesses have to accept and factor in., and pretty much the music industry needs to factor that in too.
I'm totally with you
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: cStyle on September 25, 2005, 10:45:28 PM
the funniest thing is most of these gangsta rappers talk bout shootin robbin n killin  or whateva n then they cryin about some people bootleggin their shit=(stealin is a crime)  hahahahaha  ;D
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Sofa_King_Awesome on September 25, 2005, 10:46:51 PM
But on another note, CD prices have dropped. I DON'T buy new CD's anymore, but I remember them shits being $14-$18,maybe $12 on a new release @ Tower Records. But now with Best Buy and WalMart in the picture, them shits be $9.99, with a bonus disc and DVD bonus. I stand corrected, cause I can't recall the last album I bought.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Rud on September 25, 2005, 11:34:13 PM
Fuck them fools huh, who the fuck r u? check the files 1 time b4 u speak, it's seems like yall can't comprehend SIMPLE ENGLISH, it said the forums was leaking a lil bit. thats a fact. somebody leaked it on your forums! nobody said dubcnn leaked that shit!!! But thanks for having our name in your mouth. This is Chess not Checkers, keep that bullshit outta here,  don't talk down on my shit anymore OVERSEER

Whatup crash, i was just asking why it had been posted in that way, no worries on the misunderstanding on my part as long as its cleared up now, like Jome said it was a forum member that posted an external link to the album...rather than us directly :)
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Don Seer on September 26, 2005, 12:13:31 AM
Im kinda getting worried,y'all remember www.realestniggas.com & what happened to them???I never knew about another site calling us "thieves",& this is what I read yesterday at www.indastreets.net:"I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit" (they're talking about the new Warren G).I mean what the fuck did they say that for???As if other forums weren't doing the same.This isnt the only source for music ::) Why didnt they point out WCRydaz???Maybe cause Crash actually posts there.

Yea Crash, what was that about just seen that...

9/22/2005 - Warren G's New Album Leaked!!! - It's out now all over the net. I guess Dubcnn.com forums was leaking a little bit, It hits the stores in a couple of weeks so go and BUY a few copies, from what we've heard it's a nice sounding album.... 

what the fuck!  thats fuckin slander man FUCK them fools for trying to make it look like we leaked that shit.

Fuck them fools huh, who the fuck r u? check the files 1 time b4 u speak, it's seems like yall can't comprehend SIMPLE ENGLISH, it said the forums was leaking a lil bit. thats a fact. somebody leaked it on your forums! nobody said dubcnn leaked that shit!!! But thanks for having our name in your mouth. This is Chess not Checkers, keep that bullshit outta here,  don't talk down on my shit anymore OVERSEER

who the fuck am i? i own this forum so I gotta speak when someone is posting false information. comprehend?

Like jome said.. neither the forum OR people on the forum were the source for the leak they just reposted what had been leaked elsewhere.

Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Low Key on September 26, 2005, 01:32:54 AM
I bootleg. I don't see any problem with it at all. But I go and buy the albums released by artists that I want to see make it. If the artist wants to make a big deal about it, then maybe they should look at themselves. If the music had any merit by itself anymore, bootlegging wouldn't even happen on the level it does. The radio plays shit, the new artists usually have no heart, and the older artists live in the past. I'd be better off flushing my money down the toilet instead of buying a new album because it's that rare that any CD today can hold it's weight even for half of the tracks.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Don Seer on September 26, 2005, 01:51:42 AM

9/22/2005 - Warren G's New Album Leaked!!! - It's out now all over the net.It hits the stores in a couple of weeks so go and BUY a few copies, from what we've heard it's a nice sounding album....

thanks for updating :)
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: 7even on September 26, 2005, 05:15:11 AM
I think it is funny as a motherfucker when rappers who claim to be gangsta complain about bootlegging, since, isn't bootlegging the definition of gangsta? I mean it's illegal, you become a criminal and you make money. So why complain about us? We're just following their lead.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: Plumma25 on September 26, 2005, 05:24:46 AM
I agree with you somewhat.  Though bootlegging is not the only thing  keeping album sales down it still is a problem.  While I too bootlegg a gang of shit, I still support the albums I think are worth my money.  If anything bootlegging has helped a few artists I normally wouldn't of supported.  It also has hurt a couple.  Like Kurupt's new album, while I liked some of the songs, I did not buy it because overall I think it was average and I hate Suge Knight and he would see money off this album.  But the reverse happened with Kanye West, I really didn't like him but a listen to his new album really sold me.  I like the laid back feel to the album.
Title: Re: Internet bootlegging
Post by: PLANT on September 26, 2005, 06:56:04 AM
i agree wtih Grundy 100%
Me too,

And like I said before, Warren G should be thanking DubCnn and DubCC because if not for the Dubs, the new Warren G album would have completely passed me by without any notice.  Now that I had the opportunity to hear about the album (DubCnn), Warren might get my $15.00.  But Warren, Ill tell you this, if it wasnt for DubCnn you wouldnt be getting shit from me becuase promotion for your new cd sucks!

BTW, I DID download "In the Mid-Nite Hour", and I have to say its a pretty solid record  ;)