West Coast Connection Forum

Lifestyle => Sports & Entertainment => Topic started by: rik on December 19, 2005, 11:52:14 AM

Title: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: rik on December 19, 2005, 11:52:14 AM
Here we go agian.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: 7even on December 19, 2005, 11:53:41 AM
no matter what anybody says, the reason why he traded shaq in the first place was that he feared bryant wouldnt re-sign if he doesn't
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Don Jacob on December 19, 2005, 03:08:50 PM
no matter what anybody says, the reason why he traded shaq in the first place was that he feared bryant wouldnt re-sign if he doesn't

yea that's what it was all about IMO
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on December 19, 2005, 08:07:02 PM
^^^^LMFAOOOO...You've got to be kidding me. You think the way Shaq treated Buss like he owned him and demanded an extreme contract extension which woulda fucked the Lakers salary cap completely and woulda had them financially fucked until Shaq's subsiding ass would retire had nothing to do with it? You think the way Shaq kept showing up more and more out of shape every season had nothing to do with it? You think the fact that Shaq ASKED to be traded had nothing to do with it?...Ya'll are a buncha' morons if you can't see what a big fuckin baby Shaq has been for the past 3+ years...Fact is, Kobe was maybe a VERY SMALL part of it, but Shaq had A LOT more bitch-made problems here in LA....
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Stone Cold is Bout It, Bout It on December 19, 2005, 08:19:55 PM
Shaq didn't want to take a pay-cut.....THE END.

 :camp: :camp: :camp: :camp: :camp: :camp: :camp: :camp:
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Teddy Roosevelt on December 19, 2005, 08:28:21 PM
Shaq didn't want to take a pay-cut.....THE END
And yet he did in Miami. :grumpy:
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Stone Cold is Bout It, Bout It on December 19, 2005, 08:43:52 PM
Shaq didn't want to take a pay-cut.....THE END
And yet he did in Miami. :grumpy:

Like shaq said he's a team player,he doesn't want to take up the entire salary cap,he's not greedy" ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)  but yet here he wanted a 3 year 90 mill $ contract extention too go along with his 1 year left on his OG contract,,,so that's 4 years 120 mill $ :o 

It would of been impossible for Dr.Buss too keep kobe if would of gave shaq all that money.

And even after Shaq yelled @ Dr.Buss during a pre-season game "PAY ME MUTHAFUCKER" Dr.Buss WAS NICE ENUGH to offered shaq a 2 year 45 million $ contract extention in feburary but shaq said "I'm not KG,i'm not going to under value myself (KG took a pay-cut) i've won championships and MVP's".

And a month Later guess who's house was up for selll? yup,..shaq's house...And of course the media didn't say shit about it.Shaq knew he was going too get traded in feburary and then shaq acted like a moron after the NBA Finals like every thing was such a big surprice.

There's no reason that shaq should of ask for a contract extention b/c he had 2-3 years left in his contract,,shaq was just acting like a bitch b/c kobe was going to get alot of atention fron the front office.

And Shaq had some nerv asking for an extention after having his worst season sinse his rookie year and a year after his famus "i got injured during company time .i'll get my surjurey and in shape during company time"  line.

Annd then everything that happened after the NBA Finals was just a big spin by shaq and the media went along with it,,he was blaming kobe,and Dr.Buss and mitch and he was just talking shit about everyone....Shaq is a big baby,,it's never his foult in his eyes,& he never takes responsibilitys for anything.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Don Jacob on December 21, 2005, 03:19:04 AM
^politics ,lol

i look at it like this

with shaq: many wins, nba finals/playoffs, millions in revenue  from merchandise, stable ticket sales, free promotion from name association (ie shaq going on Jay leno "from the LOS ANGELES LAKERS shaquille o'neal)

with out shaq: many losses, no nba playoffs, millions in revenue lost from merchandise, decreased ticket sales, loss of promotion from name assaociation

trading shaq hurt dr. buss more than keepping him would have. it's clear that they wanted to build around kobe while they still had him , and while he was still young and able to build a team around. dr. buss didn't want to look at the lakers 10 years from now and be like, "hmmm i wonder what it would have been like to build the team around kobe while he was still REACHING his prime."  it was a move to make kobe number one. he wants to make kobe the next jordan. that's what kobe wanted as well, if shaq stayed i doubt kobe would have , he wanted the same thing, he wanted to be jordan. buss saw this and wasn't going to have kobe be "jordan" on some one elses team.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: acbaylove on December 21, 2005, 06:35:21 AM
Shaq didn't want to take a pay-cut.....THE END
And yet he did in Miami. :grumpy:

Poor kid. He'll get only 120 mill $ in 4 years. Plus Riley is the new coach. ::)

Shaq simply talks too much. Nobody in L.A. cares about him no more.

Heat 15-11 in the wackest conference and division.
Lakers 14-11 in the hardest conference and division.

Shaq betta focus his energy on not having a record worse than those Lakers.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on December 21, 2005, 12:54:10 PM
^politics ,lol

i look at it like this

with shaq: many wins, nba finals/playoffs, millions in revenue  from merchandise, stable ticket sales, free promotion from name association (ie shaq going on Jay leno "from the LOS ANGELES LAKERS shaquille o'neal)

with out shaq: many losses, no nba playoffs, millions in revenue lost from merchandise, decreased ticket sales, loss of promotion from name assaociation

trading shaq hurt dr. buss more than keepping him would have. it's clear that they wanted to build around kobe while they still had him , and while he was still young and able to build a team around. dr. buss didn't want to look at the lakers 10 years from now and be like, "hmmm i wonder what it would have been like to build the team around kobe while he was still REACHING his prime."  it was a move to make kobe number one. he wants to make kobe the next jordan. that's what kobe wanted as well, if shaq stayed i doubt kobe would have , he wanted the same thing, he wanted to be jordan. buss saw this and wasn't going to have kobe be "jordan" on some one elses team.

LMAO. Please tell me you're smarter than this...The reason Shaq left was primarily up to him. You think Buss wouldn't have prefered to keep a Kobe-Shaq dynasty and win 5-7 championship in the span of a decade instead of 3? Fact is, Shaq was being a greedy, cry-baby piece of shit...He's doing it to Miami now as well...Why do you think Pat Riley is coaching them? Hmmm, I wonder who wanted to only play for a big name coach? Could it have been...Shaq!?...Face it, Jake, Shaq isn't your "kind giant" hero you thought he was in LA. He's a fat, greedy, crying piece of shit who will end his career on a downward spiral, which he selfishly got himself into...Now if you think Kobe is the primary reason behind the trading, then that's just ridiculous. I could assure you that a center with some sort of maturity and understanding woulda' kept this dynasty together. Do you think Kareem woulda' acted like Shaq in his shoes? Hell no...Shaq did it, Shaq requested more money, Shaq requested a trade, Shaq shitted on Mitch and Buss...It was all SHAQ.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Don Jacob on December 21, 2005, 02:46:40 PM
Shaq didn't want to take a pay-cut.....THE END
And yet he did in Miami. :grumpy:

Heat 15-11 in the wackest conference and division.

shaq being out had nothing to do with that record right?
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: acbaylove on December 21, 2005, 03:17:25 PM
^ I didn't blame him. I said

Shaq betta focus his energy on not having a record worse than those Lakers.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: wilz on December 21, 2005, 07:13:26 PM
God damn u lakers fans that think kobe is god need to get a grip! face it you traded Shaq and your franchise went kinda sour, Miami's went good. Finally in the all star game East out played the West what was the difference this time round? oh yea the big fella. I think Kobe is an amazing talent but to think that he wasn't part of the reason shaw left is idiotic, because i'm sure he would have reached out to Shaq at all star game but niether of them did so there both big cry babies. unfortunately for you guys the Lakers came of worse
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Juronimo on December 21, 2005, 07:37:03 PM
no matter what anybody says, the reason why he traded shaq in the first place was that he feared bryant wouldnt re-sign if he doesn't

yea that's what it was all about IMO

I agree, that's what happened pretty much.

Buss was in a tough position. Shaq was demanding 30 million a year despite a dropoff in performance. Kobe held the organization hostage with all the opt-out bullshit. The hate between the two was tearing apart the franchise. Buss had to make a choice and even though I didn't agree with it at first, Buss made the logical and the correct choice. That's why he's a multi-millionaire owner of a successful sprots froanchise and the rest of us just analyze on a message board.

Let's be real, there's no way in a million years Kobe would have re-signed if Shaq was extended, no way. That's why he opted out to begin with, to force the Lakers' hand.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Now_Im_Not_Banned on December 21, 2005, 09:04:23 PM
^^That's all stipulation as far as I'm concerned. Kobe said he wouldn't mind ending his career alongside the big fella before Shaq requested the trade.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: Stone Cold is Bout It, Bout It on December 22, 2005, 02:10:49 AM
no matter what anybody says, the reason why he traded shaq in the first place was that he feared bryant wouldnt re-sign if he doesn't

yea that's what it was all about IMO

I agree, that's what happened pretty much.

Buss was in a tough position. Shaq was demanding 30 million a year despite a dropoff in performance. Kobe held the organization hostage with all the opt-out bullshit. The hate between the two was tearing apart the franchise. Buss had to make a choice and even though I didn't agree with it at first, Buss made the logical and the correct choice. That's why he's a multi-millionaire owner of a successful sprots froanchise and the rest of us just analyze on a message board.

Let's be real, there's no way in a million years Kobe would have re-signed if Shaq was extended, no way. That's why he opted out to begin with, to force the Lakers' hand.

The reason Kobe opt out is b/c the CBA was going to expire.He wanted to be the Last player too sign a 7 year contract.If he would of played out the rest of his contract  he was going to end up signing a 4-5 year contract b/c of the new CBA.

The Owners wanted shorter contracts and that's what they got.
Title: Re: Shaq says Buss making excuses for siding with Kobe
Post by: acbaylove on December 22, 2005, 05:38:18 AM
I don't care. I'm just happy Buss made the correct call.