Author Topic: payton got his 1st ring  (Read 1682 times)


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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #60 on: June 23, 2006, 09:44:46 PM »
let me ask YOU something NIK if shaq was still on the lakers and kobe was on the clippers....and kobe had just won the championship.....what would be YOUR immediate reaction

I called you out on your Shaq dick-licking, even though Shaq stands for everything Laker fans don't

what are you talking about?
 there are TONS of laker fans who HATe kobe and still love shaq

and you keep saying that shaq dissed the city. WHEN? didn't he take a whole page in the LA times saying how he'll miss the laker fans ect. ect.  shaq's beef is with jerry buss, mitch kup, and kobe. he was cool with fox, he was cool with george, he was cool with fish, he was cool with malone, he was cool with gary , he was cool with phil , he was cool with slava, he was cool with horry, he was cool with everyone and then some.

he was pissed at jerry buss because , jerry buss , and jerry buss even admited to this taht he promised "he'd take care of shaq" meaning giving him that extention, shaq wanted to be there, this was something that buss was promising him before the playoffs and boiled over after the finals loss. , shaq said and this is a real quote "if he would have said what he really felt about me wanting to be the second option and didn't want to pay me, maybe things would have worked out different, but he went back on his word, i don't respect that"

he was pissed at mitch because lets face it , he's a HORRIBLE GM

he was pissed at kobe because he tried to become the number one option behind shaq's back, i think if kobe and the organization handled it better about kobe stepping in shaq's place, shaq would be the second option right now as we speak, look it worked in miami with a lesser player and team.  shaq's a legend and probably the best at his posistion, you don't go behind their back trying to step over them, THAT"S CHILDISH.

Dude, you are RETARDED when it comes to this subject. Honestly, you don't know what you're saying. Try saying that there are Laker fans who hate Kobe and love Shaq on ANY Laker board out there, I dare you. Anyone who hates Kobe and loves Shaq is NOT a true Laker fan, wtf? LMAO...Kobe has given himself to the organization, to our franchise, something Shaq never even dreamed of doing...You have no respect, the shit you say disgusts me, it makes me ashamed that we have "fans" like this.

And you don't even know that Shaq dissed the city and the fans? LMFAO!!! You are way too ignorant on this topic, man. It's ridiculous that I'm even sitting here arguing with you about something you have no clue about. Just type in "Shaq Fake City" into a google search, that's all it really takes. And fans were pissed about that half page, which his publicist gave us in the LA Times, that's no way to leave the city that made you who you are, by giving them a half page right after shitting all over them...And you think Jerry Buss SHOULD HAVE given him the 30-40 million a year extension through 2010 that he wanted? LMFAOOOOOA! OMG. It keeps getting more hilarious with you...BUuss didn't promise him shit, NO GM IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD OFFER THAT LUDICROUS EXTENSION, ESPECIALLY THE WAY SHAQ WAS TAKING CARE OF HIMSELF. Do you even remember the 2004 Finals? Shaq couldn't even put up a decent game with less than 2 days of rest... he was tired and out of shape, obviously on a fast decline, and he was STILL demanding the ball more...Do you honestly believe he deserves 30-40 million a year right now? If you do, you're simply retarded. And if he was signed for that hideous amount, we'd have no chance of re-signing Kobe, cuz he'd have to take a HUGE pay-cut, which would be dumb...Kobe was trying to be the number 1 option behind his back? LMFAO! Dude, Phil told Shaq that the offense was gunna run through Kobe when it came time...Shaq bitched and whined until he got his way, they actually switched back to running it through Shaq since he wasn't having it...IN HIS EYES, HE WAS BIGGER THAN LA, HE WAS BIGGER THAN THE TEAM, there was no way he was gunna decline behind Kobe, he had to go to another team to feel like their superman, like he actually did something, HE did something, individually, he doesn't give a FUCK about a team effort or anything like that...You, Jake, are a funny one, man...You really have a hard-on for Shaq that needs to go away, because like I said, the man is against what Laker fans stand for...You are disgracing yourself by cheering on this immature asshole who tried to ruin us, so that he can live as comfortably as possible. It needs to stop...PeACe



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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #61 on: June 23, 2006, 09:46:01 PM »

i know, i feel sad for because of you


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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2006, 01:31:41 AM »
^^you feel sad because of me? LMMFAO!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, dude, dont take it so seriously, its the internet, not real life, im sorry i made you sad though elior, here, have a tissue son!


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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #63 on: June 24, 2006, 10:57:43 AM »
^^you feel sad because of me? LMMFAO!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, dude, dont take it so seriously, its the internet, not real life, im sorry i made you sad though elior, here, have a tissue son!

God, you are stupid...


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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #64 on: June 24, 2006, 01:03:39 PM »


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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #65 on: June 24, 2006, 04:36:25 PM »
^^you feel sad because of me? LMMFAO!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, dude, dont take it so seriously, its the internet, not real life, im sorry i made you sad though elior, here, have a tissue son!

God, you are stupid...


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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #66 on: June 24, 2006, 05:51:40 PM »
^^you feel sad because of me? LMMFAO!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, dude, dont take it so seriously, its the internet, not real life, im sorry i made you sad though elior, here, have a tissue son!

God, you are stupid...



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Re: payton got his 1st ring
« Reply #67 on: June 24, 2006, 06:42:23 PM »
^^you feel sad because of me? LMMFAO!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, dude, dont take it so seriously, its the internet, not real life, im sorry i made you sad though elior, here, have a tissue son!

God, you are stupid...
