Author Topic: Footage from Bumbershoot 2006 including Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Tribe Called Qu  (Read 69 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Just came back from Bumbershoot 2006 this morning from Seattle.  I would say that is was very close to last year.  What I will say that I love about this show is that they support real artists.  They only bring out the realness.  They had Public Enemy and Nas in 2004 and last year it was Common, Pharcyde, Talib Kweli, Little Brother, and Zion I.  The artists who I saw were Kanye West, Blue Scholars, Atmosphere, Steve Miller Band and A Tribe Called Quest.  You can't beat the price of $50 for a two-day pass to the entire show.  Last year was $36 but I ain't complaining. 

We arrived Sunday afternoon to get there so we can see Kanye and Blue Scholars.  However, we had to have a mainstage ticket and everyone had signs up saying Kanye was sold out.  We thought we were screwed.  However, my boy DJ Note had a good idea that we needed to just go up there and stand in line.  We were gonna have to find one of these passes.  What we did was walk all the way up and then one of the ticket ladies told us that we needed to go through.  Then she saw that we had no tickets and pointed us in the direction where we could get some tickets.  They then asked if we knew if we needed them and of course we were like, no.  Then she gave us the tickets and we were in.  Little did we know, that was the easiest part. We got in around 6 and the concert for Blue Scholars didn't start until 8.  We then got a bite to eat and met this 16 year old kid who came by himself.  He was chill. We decided to file into the crowd through the right side of the area.  Once we got in there it was fine until about 7 when the place got packed.  The little kid had a flow so we freestyled until he started to attempt to battle me.  I told him I didn't want to but at the same time I thought I would embarass him in the crown infront of like 30 people.  I was like "You think this kid is rappin mean/ you got your whole verse from that spin magazine/ you ain't passin me/ he is 16, I can see your pimple's and acne".  A couple more lines I dropped on him: "I'll be outflowing this cunt/what I can grow on my face in one day, will take him a month".  "I'm about to hurt you/You can't stay for the Kanye show because it is probably past your curfew".  "I'll make my flows hurt/16 years old?  Isn't it about time you went through a growth spert".  I'm the best don't try and deny it/how did you get here because I know you have no drivers license.  Then I started talking to this dude who was cool as hell.  I cyphered with two other guys.  I had a bunch of young girls asking me for weed and alcohol.  I am 21 and they were like 15 of 16.  I told them I am 21 and I didn't want any legal trouble.  Then we had 4 girls file through who started to talk to us and they really wanted to see Kanye.  They were like 18-20 and went to WSU.  They made custom shirts and were pretty cool.  They wanted to do whatever it takes to get to the front row.  My ass, started talking to them like, "Girl, I could make you a celebrity overnight" type lines.  I started grinding and dancing with one of them for like 15 minutes and we were getting them to make out with each other while I took pictures (Message me for pictures).  So the dude I was talking to was like we'll let you cut if you make out with us.  I was like, I'll let you cut if you cut (know what I mean?).  So two of the girls made out with the dude I was talking with.  They were wanting to make out with me and I wasn't gonna let that happen because I wasn't giving up my spots to them to see Kanye just to make out with them.  They were right in my face and I was like, nah.  I told them I would post the pics on myspace so I probably will do that. So shit kept getting more hectic because people started smokin it up and the fire department came out and started spraying everyone down with hoses every 15 minutes to put out the cigarettes and keep people cool.  That got old quick.  I swear that the dude had a fetish.  So many people in the crowd were high.  We kept getting pushed and shoved.  I had to use my body to keep people from getting by me.  It was literally a big orgy.  I then leaned over to one of the four girls and asked her if I could dance with her and she was like I don't care so I proceeded.  I danced with all four of them.  People were crowdsurfing and we pushed them out to the front so they were thrown out.  I got one guy thrown out for pushing.  Then Blue Scholars started.  You all need to cop their shit.  The pushing and crowd issues almost ruined their set.  Then Mr. West arrived.  He was clean and put on a great show.  Once again, the crowd almost ruined it.  Peep the vids for Kanye.  I was up front.

Then came Monday.  We got there early to see Steve Miller Band.  (Sorry I couldn't post the video, file size is too big, message me to see it).  They were amazing.  They got on stage at 1:58 and went until 4:10.  They performed all their hits and were mad positive.  We left after their set and then came the main concert of the evening which was A Tribe Called Quest.  What was amazing was that there were 13 year olds there who knew a lot about Tribe.  This kid said his Dad started on listening to them.  Big ups to him.  We got there real early and got a front row spot.  We then talked to these girls from Vancouver who were mad cool.  We will probably see them October at Meth here in Bellingham.  Then this chick snuck up and tried to take my spot and the girls from BC werent havin it.  We then got her thrown out.  It was great.  Tribe wasn't as packed as Kanye but the crowd was way more mature and had a grown and sexy vibe.  Tribe was on for over an hour but the energy was amazing.  I got some good footage from there.  No scoopdies on Monday but it was amazing to see ATCQ back at it for hopefully their next album.  Here is the footage:

Lupe Fiasco-Kick Push

Kanye West-This Way (From Dilated Peoples)


Kanye West-Gold Digger

A Tribe Called Quest-Bonita Applebum

A Tribe Called Quest-Electric Relaxation

A Tribe Called Quest-Award Tour (Part 2)

A Tribe Called Quest-Award Tour (Part 3)

I'll post more as they get uploaded.  I got about 5 more videos.


"Now you're facing me, I'm your ultimate challenger.  It's the avenger, your fate is on my calendar"-Guru from "So What's Up"


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
  • *****
  • Posts: 1626
  • Karma: 234
A Tribe Called Quest-Find A Way

Kanye West-Through The Wire

"Now you're facing me, I'm your ultimate challenger.  It's the avenger, your fate is on my calendar"-Guru from "So What's Up"