Author Topic: So Murs Is messin with Nottz, Terrace Martin, 1500, Premier, Ric Roc &......  (Read 111 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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  • Posts: 34
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So Murs Is messin with Nottz, Terrace Martin, 1500, Ric Roc & DJ premier for his major label album huh. It sounds like he's LOOking for that West Coast MEDIcine===================================================== - Have you gotten a good enough budget to mess with the producers you have wanted to?

Murs - Yeah, they gave me a budget where I could fuck with Nottz. I'm trying to work with whoever I can but I don't know who is going to end up on the album. Like, I sat down with Premier, I sat down with Kwame, and I sat down with a lot of different people. You know Showbiz, Buckwild, 1500, Terrance Martin and all kinds of people. I've just been taking beats from everybody. Ric Roc, Droopy, and I'm taking any and everything. I'm almost finished but you know…