Author Topic: THE FIXXERS new INTERVIEW! (They talk about a reality show in the works)  (Read 118 times)


The Fixxers: The Come Up, Not The Comeback
Published: Wednesday - June 27, 2007
Words by Jay Casteel & Ronnie Gamble

 The Fixxers (AMG & DJ Quik)
Photo: BallerStatus / Ed Rios
They are both veterans in the hip-hop game and legends in their hometown of Los Angeles, but can DJ Quik and AMG still be relevant in today's music climate? With a hit single in "Can You Werk With That?" as The Fixxers and Interscope behind them, it seems like the answer is obvious: of course.

But, as they gear up for a new release as a duo, both producers/rappers say they are on the paper chase and their new music is them on the come up, so don't mistake it as a comeback. With hopes of a hot summer album, the duo spoke with about why they decided to join heads, why life is so good, and why having fun is the theme for their new music. So you guys came together to form the Fixxers, so why did you decide to come together after all these years?

DJ Quik: Because we on the paper chase. We know that two heads is better than one. I mean, look at all the great producer teams over the years. You got the Neptunes, etc. We've always been dope as individuals, but as a team, we a new threat.

AMG: Well, it was something we've always wanted to do. We just never put in effort into it or had the time to do it, but now, we got the time. We were essentially gonna start out as a production duo and work off of that, but we ended up making some records and decided to try one. You guys have been working together since both of you came into the game, so you obviously have a certain type of chemistry. How is that chemistry today?

AMG: It's good, you heard the songs? Yea, a couple.

AMG: OK, well, it's that thing that we do. AMG, you had some big hits back in the 90s, but as of recent years, I haven't really heard too much from you. What have you been up to?

AMG: I did some stuff through Warner Bros. from 2000 - 2004. I had a label through there, and put out some product. I was just testing the market, seeing what's going on and always staying steady with the beats and staying constant with what's happening. You guys have been performing a lot as of late...

AMG: We always perform together. I come get on a show every now and again back in the day. So how is the reaction from the crowd, as far as you're new stuff?

DJ Quik: They mouth the lyrics. Like, sometimes, literally I don't even have to rap it. They know it by heart already. It makes us feel good, and makes us feel like we gotta another run in this. It's the come up, not the comeback trail. We coming back up and people are loving it.

AMG: We always do shows in [Los Angeles], so the hometown always loves it. But outside L.A., we good. We haven't done too much outside L.A., but we did a 15 city tour last year and that all went well. With the new record, we're just letting people know, we have new stuff and a new ride. It's a new situation, not just two solo acts. It's two n----s getting together to do this hot ass group. So, you got a deal through Interscope?

AMG: Yessir. It's a good situation. We needed a machine and that's the best machine going. It's all business. What else can I say? We're working for the best. We're working hard to put that sh-- out for the people, right in they face, so they can see it. Do you think Interscope is the right fit for you guys?

AMG: I mean, yea. I don't know anyone else with the right tools. It's like if you look as far as urban music -- hip-hop and sh-- -- who has been winning? You have a few people here and there like Def Jam, but Interscope... They been on the Westside for a while and they got some of their biggest people on the Westside, so maybe that's why they decided to kick with us.

DJ Quik: It's good. It's one of the most respected record companies out there. No one can beat them at what they do. Their timing is crazy. It's always new, that's what I love about them. It just seemed like the best situation over there. You guys have been independent for a while. I mean, is this move a good thing, being that you had all that freedom to do what you wanted before?

AMG: It takes a lot of load off out shoulders. We don't have to worry about radio and promo and stuff like that. It's basically the same thing, but with a bigger engine. We got a better car now, so we're gonna drive a little faster and things are gonna happen a little bit faster. Right, I hear that. But there's always label politics you have to deal with like the requirement to have that huge single... Are you worried about any of that?

AMG: Nope 'cause we just gonna make big singles.

DJ Quik: We in the single mode right now. We ain't trying to re-invent the hip-hop world, we ain't trying to make a collective of an album that's gonna say something like a Public Enemy album, that's all been done. What can you do that's monumental, other than do something the total opposite way? We just hitting people to simple live music that they can groove to do, to walk it out to, to dance on the pole to, everything. It's all that sh-- because the records like that, that are hot end up being the one record for everybody anyway. That's what we plan to do. We targeting singles. How far along is the new album?

AMG: We're working steady, trying to get it out for the summer. The video is out, the single is hot. So what should fans expect?

AMG: More of what you hear. It's not gonna be the same old thing, you know? It's always gonna better. If you listen to the verse on the new songs, we got a new vibe on it. Definitely extreme, definitely ghetto, but definitely pop.

DJ Quik: The new album is fun, my n----. It's the sh-- man. We just making records, doing the timing thing, giving people what they want. Is the whole album gonna be produced by you two entirely?

AMG: We got a couple young cats, but it's definitely gonna be mostly us. Anything else you got on your plate right now.

DJ Quik: We got a reality show we're working on. I'm doing some TV and keeping our visuals out there.


Propz, but fuck, these dudes been flapping there lips like no tommorow, doin a new interview every fuckin day on every site, saying the same damn thing over n over n over, but they aint makin no moves, drop the next fuckin single already or the fuckin remix for fuck sakes, im gettin hella tired of these cats now, and they didnt talk about there reality show like it says in the title LOL, they said exactly what ur title did LOL!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 11:47:37 PM by johnny1000 »