Author Topic: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing  (Read 5576 times)

M Dogg™

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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #90 on: January 09, 2008, 08:50:30 PM »
^^^I think you need to get laid bro.

just like you need to wake up and realize that Ron Paul wouldn't win a fucking thing.

and you need to realize that Obama wont change shit if he gets elected, he's just like the rest of the republicans and democrats

Obama will get change done. Dude went into Detroit, infront of the UAW and said things need to get changed. His a man that tells you what he thinks, not what you want to hear. That's why Gore lost in 2000, he sold out his views. Gore in 2007 beats George Bush in 2000. Obama is that guy to turn the page, he was a community activist, civil rights lawyer and someone who fights for unions. Dude is the Democrat party, not no leader of it like the Clintons. That's change right there. Ron Paul is Andrew Jackson, for the gold standard, and racist... nuff said.

Don't you know that you're like 6 months late w/ the racism allegations?  The media picked up on it and tried to make it an issue, but it had absolutely no legs.  It's been completely debunked.  I know you're scraping for any sort of negativity to attach to Paul, but you're going to have to look elsewhere.  He's repeatedly said some of his biggest idols are MLK, Rosa Parks, and Ghandi. 

What about Obama being ashamed to admit his dad was Muslim?  What about his not saluting the flag?  What about that his favorite answer to any question is "i don't know"?  What about the fact that he supports pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Iran?  How about the fact that he's CFR? 

I feel sorry for you if you think he's any different than Hillary, Edwards, Huckabee, Romney, or Giuliani.  They're all paid for.

It's in his book his dad is Muslim, I own both of them. That picture was of the singing of the National Anthem, at the beginning, but put his hand over his heart right after the song started. As for the CFR, what the hell's that got to do with anything. Everything they listed about him on their website is exactly what he says in speeched. His about no-partisian politics, so you have to find a new angle. News break, the world is outside the US boarders too, Obama is an international child, why should that hurt him.


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #91 on: January 10, 2008, 08:00:22 AM »
^^^I think you need to get laid bro.

just like you need to wake up and realize that Ron Paul wouldn't win a fucking thing.

and you need to realize that Obama wont change shit if he gets elected, he's just like the rest of the republicans and democrats

Obama will get change done. Dude went into Detroit, infront of the UAW and said things need to get changed. His a man that tells you what he thinks, not what you want to hear. That's why Gore lost in 2000, he sold out his views. Gore in 2007 beats George Bush in 2000. Obama is that guy to turn the page, he was a community activist, civil rights lawyer and someone who fights for unions. Dude is the Democrat party, not no leader of it like the Clintons. That's change right there. Ron Paul is Andrew Jackson, for the gold standard, and racist... nuff said.

What change exactly is that going to be? He doesn't really speak much about his policies. I could see withdrawal from Iraq starting under his regime but that's about it. The only difference between Obama and McCain is that McCain is Iraq. If Obama wins and goes 8 years he'll find some mess to lead the country into. He'll use his African roots to lead the country into Darfur and create his own Iraq. He won't have any say in the matter either. He'll just have to go along with it. The right will jump on him just like they did Clinton with Kosovo and the left will letr their hearts bleed for the poor victims. In the end we'll leave just as much a mess there as we left in Iraq.


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #92 on: January 10, 2008, 12:44:48 PM »
Word look at the reality instead of what you "think" is there,

Ron Paul's votes have clearly been rigged 31 votes accidentally not counted in a tiny jurisdiction and furthermore Obama suddenly losing a massively commanding lead. If that was not enough, the same voting machine manufacturer Diebold whose machines have been proven to be very easy to hack, deeply implicated in all of this. I am not even pointing the finger at just americans the next election in the UK was fought on a campaign of personalities and here we have Obama constantly recycling this line of change, however he does not specify what this change entails. It's certainly not an anti war stance because he is the guy who keeps raising this idea that attacking Pakistan is necessary or indeed that all options need to be left on the table regarding Iran i.e. he does not rule out nuking a country.  it's certainly not a stance to bolster civil liberties this is one of the many so called americans who voted to support the military commissions act as well as the expansion of the patriot act. Supposing that you fully buy this idea that there is this secret underground seemingly unstoppable group of terrorists, the patriot act allows for draconian police state tactics to be imposed on everyone. It turns the american people into the enemies, under pemanent suspicion and therefore turns the idea of innocent into proven guilty into an absolute joke. Perhaps he is intent on following the Hilary Clinton model of a socialised health system but if you really think that solves shit, it's really time you stopped watching simplistic propaganda. If you really want a feel of hat socialised health care looks like, look at the complete mess of the NHS.

Obama will not do anything to bring about any peace in the middle east either. He might make a lot of gestures and there might be new so called peace proposals put on the table but he himself has clearly illustrated in his own actions he is not looking to back off the intimate relationship shared with AIPAC. The lobbyists have ensured through their bank accounts that he will not do anything to harm this relationship one iota. I don't see him campaigning with a message of bolstering the American economy either. Where are his messages about rebuilding Americas manufacturing base?. Some of you may shrug but if that is the reaction, you clearly don't understand the reason behind Americas dollar sinking into the toilet. America has gone from a strong self sufficient nation to one of which by design has become dependent on cheap imports. In turn this has led to the value of the economy becoming devalued because the balance of payments continues to sky rocket because there is a depleting level of output. This leads to borrowing becoming the only alternative and so the world becomes so awash in dollars, that the dollar becomes worthless. Again where is Obama on this key point? he is not interested because as his CFR membership clearly shows he is intent on world governance, where borders don't exist and a central body controls absolutely everything. America is being stripped bare, ram raided torched and pillaged and yet people are spending their time trying to prove that Ron Paul is somehow a racist? get the fuck out of here. In the last 4 years over 3 trillion dollars is unaccounted for in the pentagons budget, what is it with these idiots? is criminality something to be considered worthy of a government. I should also add that Obama  was fully supportive of the war in Iraq, this guy could actually be worse than Hilary Clinton because he is black, he will have the so called rights scared to speak out for fear of being labeled an evil racist and the lefts drooling and worshipping at his feet. I will say this, the next few years promises to be some very unique and interesting times. 

I agree absolutely that the message that is resonating loud and clear is that change has to come just not the type of change which Obama plans on implementing. Real change consists of dismantling the status quo which means changing the actual infrastructure and not just simply relaxing the rhetoric to give the impression of a genuine individual.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 12:58:31 PM by virtuoso »


Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #93 on: January 10, 2008, 01:49:56 PM »
What a bitch, already claiming Ron Paul's votes have been tampered with.  Comeon.  Man up.  He LOST.  Nobody took it from him, he LOST. 

Obama isn't going to change shit but the skin color of the president.  I like Obama; he seems like a nice guy, he's a fantastic speaker, and I think he actually believes he's going to change washington.  With that said, he generally speaks in generalizations (uh... you know what I mean) and doesn't give any concrete suggestions on how to do anything.  In the end, he's just another democrat; long on words and platitudes but short on actual results. 

As for the votes, in Iowa people go to caucauses.  They stand around in groups, in their community, and vote in public.  Liberals (who would be the only people attending a democratic caucaus!) are big on appearance.  They want to appear to care, they want to appear to be doing something about a problem.  Conservatives on the other hand generally couldn't give a fuck about appearances and are more apt to take no action if they think the action won't work.  Liberals though have GOT to appear to be doing something about a problem or have got to appear to be compassionate, etc... so it's very hard for a democrat to stand up in front of his community and vote AGAINST the first major black candidate for president.  A vote for Obama in Iowa was just as much about public appearance at the Caucus than it was about who they actually wanted to vote for.

In New Hampshire, the votes are private.  So you can say you're voting for the black guy, if asked (polls said Obama would win) but then behind that curtain, vote for who you really want to vote for (Vanilla-White Hillary Clinton). 

Personally, I would prefer Hillary win because the Republicans can more easily defeat Hillary than Barack.  McCain I will never cast a vote for.  If McCain is the republican candidate, I will not vote this time around because he doesn't share even half of my ideals.  If Huckabee is the candidate, he will be defeated by Obama or Hillary.  If Guiliani is the candidate, he will likely be defeated by the democratic candidate.  I feel the only two guys that have a chance at winning on the republican side are Mitt Romney and John McCain, and I personally can't stand McCain.  I feel Mitt Romney could do well against Clinton or Obama, and would like to see him win the republican nomination. 


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #94 on: January 10, 2008, 02:04:24 PM »

31 votes in one tiny jurisdiction (Sutton) not counted but then they say oh it was a mistake, many other jurisdictions without a single vote a massive swing for Hilary and Diebold massively involved again. This isn't about "man up" why can you not see this stinks? (rhetorical question) 


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #95 on: January 11, 2008, 12:06:15 AM »
Obama isn't going to change shit.  He's CFR.  If you don't think that's a big deal then you're not built to even have this discussion.  Research the CFR and then come back and we'll talk.


Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #96 on: January 11, 2008, 06:27:53 AM »
Hey, I heard in the debate last night, Ron Paul came off looking like a fucking NUTCASE because they edited the video footage.  Yeah, they actually pulled a R. Kelly and had somebody else's lips superimposed on a digital recreation of his voice, so as to make him look like a fuckin' looooon. 

M Dogg™

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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #97 on: January 11, 2008, 07:20:00 AM »
Obama isn't going to change shit.  He's CFR.  If you don't think that's a big deal then you're not built to even have this discussion.  Research the CFR and then come back and we'll talk.

First off... the CFR is nonpartisian... meaning it's full of people who disagree. So just because Cheney was a member doesn't mean that everyone is on board with Cheney. The only one I hear talking bad about te CFR like it's an elite club is Ron Paul. But that makes sense, Libraterians are isolationist, they say we need to get out the world. So I aint madatcha.

Hey Trauma, that wasn't an editing job making Paul look crazy.... Ron Paul is crazy... the muthaphukka is nuts. His on board with the US from the 1870's, and 1920's. THe results each time, progressive had to come in and clean house.


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #98 on: January 11, 2008, 08:08:20 AM »
What did Paul say that was so out of it? So far all debate clips that I saw made me think Paul >>>>>>> republican party
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #99 on: January 11, 2008, 11:12:24 AM »
exactly. Ron Paul totally owned last night. He made the Neo Cons look rediculous.


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Re: I officially predict Ron Paul wont' win a fucking thing
« Reply #100 on: January 11, 2008, 12:45:30 PM »
exactly. Ron Paul totally owned last night. He made the Neo Cons look rediculous.