Author Topic: Be heard by record labels by submitting for Unstoppable hosted by Roccett  (Read 217 times)


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I’m looking for tracks from serious rap artists for a early May release. The mixtape may be called "Unstoppable" hosted by Roccett.

Im looking for hard hitting tracks, like grimey street gangsta music! Song must not be any longer than 4 minutes. Im not really accepting anything that has singing in half of the song. Also, I do not want any "custom" track where you’re mentioning my name or anyone I’m affiliated with to show love on your track. If you don’t have anything yet, just make something fresh, as if it wasnt intended to be on the mixtape. BE ORIGINAL! Also, try using original beats if you can. If your submission has your flow on a industry beat, I will not accept it. I also do not provide beats, but if you’re looking for some, I’ll send you to someone, but no discounts or hook ups. Wow, I sound strict on this. Also, try to have your voice sound as clean as possible, I mean, if it sounds like you took a computer mic and recorded your voice on the beat, sounding distorted and messed up, I cant put it on the mixtape.

Features on this mixtape will include new music from Roccett, Hot Dollar, Mr Dont Know aka MDK, Juice, Metafore, and more!

This mixtape will have about 1,000 copies made, will be sent to agents from various record labels and writers from major known magazines. If you have that original fire, make sure you reserve a spot now before these slots get filled!!!

I have started accepting submissions as of 3/13/08. After approval, a
deposit of $100 is required. The funds will be towards the mixtape cover, heavy promotion (major record labels and magazines will recieve a copy also, such as Interscope and Ozone Magazine), mastering, printing and pressing. I will have 20 slots open for purchase. I can not let any slot be free, or be traded for other business related purposes. All slots must be paid for. 20 slots at $100 each, thats a total of $2000 towards the project! All artists WILL get atleast one copy. The mixtape will also be available on major mixtape purchasing sites and for free download on multiple websites.

Payment is not required until the tracks are approved, but
must be received by the designated 04/19/08 deadline.

You can submit tracks to for approval.


Upon approval, payment must be submitted via Paypal or Western Union.

When submitted, please include this information in your email submission:

1.Artist name
2.Full real name
3.Current contact email
4.Track name(s)
5.Myspace link
6.Full mailing address (so you can recieve a official copy)
7.Phone number

Upon receipt of payment for approved tracks, your slot is reserved. No per artist limit.