Author Topic: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama  (Read 597 times)

The King

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2008, 11:03:56 AM »
You mean Governor Palin didn't write that speech? Politicians don't write their own speeches? ***SHOCKING**

So you're impressed by something Bush's speech writer wrote? Man you have no fucking clue. Here's the telling point. McCain refuses Palin to do any interviews with major news networks. What does that tell you? He's scared she's not ready to defend herself. If someone can't even face up to news anchors, how the hell is she going to handle being VP?

Could you even imagine Palin doing to Russia, or talking to other foriegn leaders? Putin would laugh in her face. She's so freaking stupid, it's not even worth discussing.

Did you watch the videos? She touched on plenty of issues. But if you had any intelligence, you would know the role of the convention is to get people excited and energized for the campaign. That is exactly what Governor Palin did with this speech. The issues will be discussed more in depth during the debates.

I watched the entire thing. What issues was she specific on? How the FUCK can McCain defend his economic policy, when it's the SAME as Bush, AND HE LEAD THE COUNTRY INTO A RECESSION.

Listen kid, these lessons aren't free. McCain calls himself a Maverick, and a Reformer. And says "Washington is Broken". Yet he's been part of that broken Washington for 30 fucking years! He can't reform anything. He's exactly the person he claims Obama is. Fact time, McCain agrees with Bush on 90% of his policies. How is that being a Maverick? How's he going to be any better then Bush, with the same policies? This is too easy, you can't even form a coherent arguement. You're arguments aren't even based on facts. Please try to defend McCain, without attacking Obama instead. This is about McCain, and you can't defend a fucking thing he says. Don't you find it interesting when Palin talks about spending, and wasted government money, when the average Alaskan gets more money from the government then any other state? How can McCain talk about spending, WHEN BUSH spends more on  then any other President in recent history. And remember, they agree on almost every policy. Why's the fucking deficit at like 10 trillion dollars? How are tax cuts, going to help anything when the economy is fucked and the deficit continues to grow and grow. Not to mention the completely failed Iraq war.

The debates? You mean when Biden debates Palin? You know why they won't let her say her opinions on the national economy, education, health care, or foriegn policy? Because she doesn't know anything yet. They literally need to spoon feed her the knowledge before they will let her debate Biden. That's why they won't let her do interviews. Because she doesn't know anything. At least we know Obama's policies. And you've failed to make an arguement based on how any of his policies, are going to be worse for the country, then McCain's/Bush's.

But if you had any intelligence, you would know the role of the convention is to get people excited and energized for the campaign.

Nice comment, except it makes no sense. You just admitted that the convention isn't about the issues, or the facts, or even the future of the country. Is that intelligent? To think the purpose of a convention is mindless jokes, and blatant ignorance? Do you think it's funny when Palin basically says volunteering, and community organizations have zero responsibilities? Who's elitist now? Did you watch the DNC convention. It had jokes just like Palin's, except their jokes had something called "facts" with them.

If you're going to throw around insults, back them up with facts. It's like talking to a lamp shade when talking to you. You don't seem to understand even the basics of anything. Shouldn't it open your eyes that you may be wrong, when you have 10 different people calling you an idiot?

I've given you plenty of examples of why McCain is just like Bush, and we both admit Bush and his policies are bad for America. Now please explain why you think Palin (using facts) would make a good VP (based on issues).
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 11:17:14 AM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »


Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2008, 02:59:57 AM »
mccain is fucking 72 lol dude will die within 3 months if he ever becomes president because all the rednecks vote for him :P


Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2008, 03:15:12 PM »
Ya know how america is...rooting for stupid shit.
Preach it, you & mcswagger. :rock:.  One thing I know Obama can verbally relialiate on, even though it may sound junior high schoolish is that at least his underage daughters aren't pregnant. :)

Low Key

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2008, 04:10:17 PM »
If any of you guys think Obama will lead this country in to prosperity, you all have another thing coming. Who do you vote for when both candidates are not the best their party has to offer? And don't say Ron Paul because they guy is damn near a socialist.


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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2008, 04:15:54 PM »
^Actually, I am just hoping that Obama steers this country away from its current path. McCain is a carbon copy of Bush. I see you're upset with every possible candidate in each thread that you post in. So, in your opinion, who would best suit the nation and why?

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2008, 04:41:14 PM »
If any of you guys think Obama will lead this country in to prosperity, you all have another thing coming. Who do you vote for when both candidates are not the best their party has to offer? And don't say Ron Paul because they guy is damn near a socialist.

do u know what socialist means?
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll

Low Key

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2008, 04:49:50 PM »
^Actually, I am just hoping that Obama steers this country away from its current path. McCain is a carbon copy of Bush. I see you're upset with every possible candidate in each thread that you post in. So, in your opinion, who would best suit the nation and why?

I don't know who would be the best for this country. There are certain attributes in both Obama and McCain which could serve America well, but neither of their policies offer good exit strategies for most of the trouble we are in. If Obama supported off shore and ANWR drilling, he will win the election, and I wouldn't mind him so much. A tax heavy plan with no relief from high food and gas prices is worthless, even when Obama pulls the troops out of Iraq.

If any of you guys think Obama will lead this country in to prosperity, you all have another thing coming. Who do you vote for when both candidates are not the best their party has to offer? And don't say Ron Paul because they guy is damn near a socialist.

do u know what socialist means?

Yes. Thanks for asking.


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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2008, 08:56:09 PM »
If any of you guys think Obama will lead this country in to prosperity, you all have another thing coming. Who do you vote for when both candidates are not the best their party has to offer? And don't say Ron Paul because they guy is damn near a socialist.

do u know what socialist means?

He has no fucking clue apparently.

The King

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2008, 11:08:00 PM »
If Obama supported off shore and ANWR drilling, he will win the election, and I wouldn't mind him so much. A tax heavy plan with no relief from high food and gas prices is worthless, even when Obama pulls the troops out of Iraq.

Americans (mostly Republicans) are complainers. Food prices, taxes, and gas are all twice as high in Canada, and you don't see them complaining as much. Such selfishness, you guys have a 10 trillion dollar deficit, and you expect lower and lower taxes? Apparently Obama's plan won't even increase taxes for the vast majority of Americans. Americans (mostly Republicans) are like little kids. If they don't get what they want, they complain, even if they don't need it. Your country can't afford the War, it can't afford more tax cuts, and it can't afford all the oil it consumes and wastes. So you simply vote for the candidate who promises those things. Not smart.

Drilling won't lower the price of oil. First of all, theirs not much oil left to be found (maybe a few years supply) off shore, second thing is, it'll take 5 years to even drill it, put up the rig, and get it into the supply. The US wastes so much oil, consumes so much per day, no source will ever meet the demand. It's not a short term solution, or a long term solution. It's a talking point McCain uses to fool stupid voters. You've seen those T-Boone Picken's ads/interviews, even the richest of the oil men agree drilling won't solve anything. Wind, solar, geothermal isn't that expensive. Europe uses it, Canada uses it, and it works just fine. The initial investment will be huge, but Americans have such a short memory. "As long as gas is cheap TODAY, i'll vote for whoever promises it." McCain doesn't even have wind/solar in his energy plan. Obama on the other hand, along with Gore, and people who actually work in the oil/energy business know that renewable is the only way to go. People who doubt it are just fucking morons. Obama does need to lighten up on nuclear power though, it's not dangerous, and he should promote it.

Socialized medicine will never happen, the system is too fucked up to change. But really, Iraq is an insane waste of money, and Obama is the guy who'll get the troops out. McCain sounds like such a fool when he says if they withdraw it's a defeat. It's like a fucking game. America against the world, and it must win. America can't lose. McCain appeals to the brainless, all his speechs are filled with propaganda, and lies. Every second sentence is America is Great, God bless America. Not to mention the immense exaggerations in the ads, saying Obama wants to teach sex ed in kindergarten, when really he wants to inform the kids about what molestation is.

Ron Paul is the least socialist man in politics. He represents real physical conservative values. His whole foriegn policy about non-interventionism is what conservatives are supposed to believe. Who gives a fuck about abortion anyways? If America actually elects McCain and that dumb bitch Palin, the world will laugh. Two pro-life candidates? One who believes in Creationism? It's 2008, not the 1800's. Imagine Palin going to Russia to meet Putin. What a joke that would be. Why do you think she hasn't done any interviews? Because under that sexy exterior, she's a fundamentalist christian, a person who doesn't believe in science, and doesn't know anything about national issues. Not to mention McCain is so old, he looks like he could die any day.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 11:12:43 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »

Low Key

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2008, 01:26:48 PM »
Canada isn't a good example of high prices. Their imports far exceed their exports, and their taxes are astronomically high because of universal health care. Besides, I'm not sitting over here saying taxes in America are high. Of course, I'm not a big fan of taxes, but who is? I was simply making a statement saying that if Obama wants to tax, which liberals are known to do, then he should at least look at off shore and ANWR drilling. The more energy prices skyrocket, the more the American dollar drops in value. We may have a 10 trillion dollar deficit now, but if the government starts getting into the business of bailing people out, which they are starting to do with the housing and lending markets, we can only expect the deficit to grow. Why not throw some possibility of relief in there? Even if it does take 5 years to develop, it will directly affect the free trade market and the stock exchange.

Will drilling solve all of our problems? Of course not. But one thing it will do is give the world another source of energy than what we have right now until an alternative energy source can be created. I'm not sure where you are hearing there is only a couple years of oil in America. From what I understand from the estimates I have seen published by several news organizations, we have up to 50 years of oil in this country, which is probably slightly exaggerated to generate interest. Worst case scenario, we only have a decade or two of oil, what's the point of keeping it in the ground? The entire world infrastructure would crumble to the ground without proper energy resources. We would basically be back in the 1800s, so essentially, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't until some other energy source (wind, solar, nuclear or whatever) can be utilized.

My classes just started, so I'll finished replying when I get home.

The King

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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2008, 02:56:43 PM »
Canada isn't a good example of high prices. Their imports far exceed their exports, and their taxes are astronomically high because of universal health care.

It's not the greatest example, but seeing that the quality of life is about the same, I think it's fair. I'm Canadian, and I can tell you for a fact, our taxes are not astronomically high. The average american person pays about 29% income tax, the average canadian 32%. We have a fixed sales tax at 7%, plus 0-5% additional taxes based on which province you live in. America's average sales tax is around 5%, I believe. If you make less then 17,000 you pay no income tax. So really all considered, for the average person, we pay around 3-4% more in taxes then the average American. Our food prices are probably twice as high, fuel costs are about twice as high. Canada ain't perfect though, our dollars are the nearly the same, yet we haven't benefited at all in the ways of costs. Also in to take into consideration, our medical system is completely covered, prescription drugs are cheaper, and a 4 year college/university education only costs us around 30,000 at our top schools. I've heard many American colleges cost more then that, per year. We pay higher taxes and get cheaper education and health care (and arguably equal quality).

About oil, America uses something like 6 billion barrels a year in oil, and only has 20 billion of proven reserves. Theirs more, but it's harder and more expensive to actually get to the oil. The alternatives exist, and are utilized across the world. Solar, wind, geothermal, all proven, all work. It isn't a matter of time, it's a simple matter of the government making it happen. Natural gas reserves are immense, they could replace gas in cars, or use 10% ethanol blends until hydrogen takes over in a decade or so. It's not a matter of just finding more oil, the change could happen anytime. Obama has compromised on offshore drilling, McCain doesn't even have solar/wind in his energy plan. ANWR is a different story though,it's totally against environmentalism. Drilling their also shows the world the US doesn't care about the environment, as long as it can get oil. The problem is, America wastes oil, it burns it for power, etc. It has a lot more important uses then just as a fuel, like chemical feed stocks, plastics etc.


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Re: LOL @ Sarah Palin clowning the f*** out of Barack Obama
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2008, 04:25:46 PM »
this lady is so fake

I love the pic with the big gun, nice to know she can fool retards into thinking she's one of the guys  :laugh: