Author Topic: heavens dreamas  (Read 163 times)


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heavens dreamas
« on: February 20, 2009, 10:27:23 AM »
Pitifually few and far in between>
but yet the sweetness of Yas dreams>
he says be quiet child and still>
and he explains something to you>
can you hear the rythem of the earth>
as she sings to you a lulllaby>
he lets you hear his people as you hear his>
when the angels dance>
and the rainbows fly>
and I can see colors in the sky>
look even a Warrior can cry>
he said eventually the pain will stop>
and you will see>the peace he has for you and me>
when we hear angels sing>
and the war it stops for peace it brings>
and the glourious oneness on the earth>
and he sits down with you and me>
Hail to God,the Wonderful King!!>
when he comes off his throne>
and sits down and puts his arms around you>
and you go back to a time>
when there was nothing but wine and a sky>
the same color as your dreams then>
what would you do when your wonderings free>
when the angels dance>and they set their dreams free>
and unicorns they live there>in a paradise made of life and air.............>