Author Topic: Fuck Canada and seal clubbing  (Read 1137 times)

Rick McCrank

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Re: Fuck Canada and seal clubbing
« Reply #60 on: February 26, 2009, 04:05:37 PM »
They dont give a fuck if a seal gets thorn appart by the impressive jaws of a shark.

there's a difference between a human killing a seal like that and a shark feeding on a seal

it's called "nature"    are people supposed to kill all sharks so the seals don't get eaten?

it's what sharks eat and actually it controls the seal population, hence the circle of life

you can't be serious with that argument

You want to talk about the circle of life? dont you know that the seal hunt is mostly practiced by natives and inuits who are the race in the world who respect the nature the most? You should go live in the north 2 weeks with these people it would change your perspective, from your big macs and big american cars to the poverety of those hunters who lives in harmony with the nature. They kill the seal, sell the skin for a living or make coats with it, they eat the meat, they use the fat to make oil , they make medical powder with the bones. You need to wash the bs in your eyes man. Those people were doing that hunt 5 000 years ago. And if we stop hunting the seal its the whole population of cod and halibut that will be exterminate. Seals have parasits in their shit and it's a proven fact that it's a big part of the problem.

dude why are you talking to me like I attacked you?


obviously!!!!!!!!!  it's nature

get off your high horse, I agree with you you fucking dickhead