Author Topic: Beware of "Antipolitics". An old but relevant talk by Noam Chomsky  (Read 241 times)


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His description of "Antipolitics" may remind you of some of the discourse on this board.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


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Re: Beware of "Antipolitics". An old but relevant talk by Noam Chomsky
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2009, 01:59:14 PM »

Good post but Chomsky mixes things in which are relevant and discards them at the same time. However that said, the point overall is well made.

I still struggle to digest Chomsky's throwaway comments about 911 for instance. Yet right there, he also adds the Federal Reserve to that list, implying it's some kind of "boogie man".

I think Chomsky is very relevant but also does his utmost when he has a captured audience to convey distortions to his captive audience to.

It is from that high level of regard, that those comments then become cemented in the conscious mind.

I still read his work but also think he is a gate keeper so I try and keep things in a perspective
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 02:03:06 PM by virtuoso »


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Re: Beware of "Antipolitics". An old but relevant talk by Noam Chomsky
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 01:23:55 AM »
Well regarding 9-11 I don't have a disagreement with Chomsky if you mean his position on the whole inside job thing. I also saw the so called "technical evidence" and I have to admit it doesn't persuade me. In order to know that no alternative explanations exist, other than the ones adduced by the proponents of the "inside job" idea, one has to be a technical expert.Thus, it's manipulative to dress up such arguments in technical language most people are not trained to evaluate.There's no way to be persuaded logically by some explanation other than by eliminating alternatives.Chomsky is right to argue that you don't pick up such technical knowledge after you spend a couple of hours on the net. And I really don't see the purpose. You don't need this to prove the Bush 2 administration was responsible for mass murder, you have enough of intelligible evidence to show that.You have also sufficient evidence that the administration didn't care much about the security of Americans. I don't think a "gate keeper" would spend so much time pointing out such facts, bitterly condemning governments and documenting it so well. However, I do see how such explanations play right into the hands of powerful interests. It's constantly used by apologists for state violence to discredit the critics. In fact, it's being attributed even to people who shun this idea. I heared a talk by the apologist and liar Alan Dershowitz where in response to a question by one of the proponents of this idea he said something like "This is Norman Finkelstein's view" although Finkelstein views this as a conspiracy theory.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 02:08:58 AM by I TO DA GEEZY »
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


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Re: Beware of "Antipolitics". An old but relevant talk by Noam Chomsky
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2009, 03:06:35 AM »
I hear what you are saying but at the same time, it's not just on issues of science where the huge flaws are present. Before I list some of the things I wrote about in a previous thread, 911 Commission members I guess as a means of taking some of the heat of their own associations, admitting that the 911 commission was set up to fail.

However as well as that I wrote: History is littered with fake terrorist events, so we know that conspiracies have been pulled off before. How did they get away with it for so long? well you would have to ask them, we only know about it because of the declassification of internal documents. They only declassify when any impact the event might have had has now been nullified and so we dismiss it as not being relevant to the present. However of course a pattern of evens is relevant, since history repeats itself.

We know that on the day for instance a series of war games were going on, now as soon as we establish that some of those war games were not privy to the general public, then we can identify that that day was chosen because of the vulnerabilities of the air force to such a hijacking. This would have then totally thrown NORAD who wouldn't have been able to identify which was real world and which was not. As a result a mass of blimps, but the secrecy of the war games is key to this and it would be reasonable to assume that not all the war games were for public consumption.

We know for instance that the CIA were running war games that today for the scenario and exercise of jets flying into the world trade centre and yet condoleeza rice swore before the commission, that they could never have forseen that planes would be used as weapons. This is rather odd since during the G8 meeting held in Greece (i believe it was) anti aircraft guns were deployed by the building which would stage the meeting for that very threat.

It is reasonable to assume that the pentagon being a key part of americas infrastructure, would have air defences and yet curiously, not one was deployed, it would also be reasonable to assume that being such a key part of their military machine, that cameras would have clearly picked up the images of the impact, but yet they didn't

According to official sources, after the impact of the planes had brought down the towers, the towers were not just burning they were smouldering hot which is understandable and yet they managed to retrieve a passport which was only lightly caught and this passport just happened to be of one of the supposed hijackers.

We also see the collapse of building 7, which is now insisted that it came down as a result of fires caused by flying debris. However once again, this just happened to be a building which wasn't hit by any plane, and housed the key intelligence agencies. What we know about this building is it housed many damning documents on Enron and of course when you looked into the scale and corruption at Enron, and their close ties with the republicans, it clearly implicated them to.

We know that the the logistics and deployment of troops at such a large scale would have taken months to come to fruition and that would have been after the initial investigation. However when have you ever seen any large scale investigation which reaches a conclusion within 24 hours "it was bin laden", secondly the troops were already mounted on the Tajikistan and Uzbekhistan border, waiting to atttack.

We know that Rebuilding Americas Defences called for a pearl harbour type event of event which would galvanise the world into calling for action across the middle east.

We also know that trading options were rampant that day across the airlines who were at the centre of this day and yet,, the 911 commission report simply provided a small foot note which said words to the effect of we don't see anything suspicious here, so case closed. Does that sound to you like a real investigation? What we also know about the 911 comission is they were compromised of members of the very globalist bodies whose interest this "war on terrorism has served".

We also know that a month after September 11, a new fear gripped the nation after a spate of anthrax attacks across Washington. Initially the fear was that this was a new wave of "Al Queda attacks" and yet when the anthrax itself was analysed, they identified that because of the expertise needed to make anthrax into a genuinely dangerous weapon, each one has it's own signature. They traced this signature back to the military labs, in other words it was an inside job, yet the official response was this was the work of one scorned scientist.

We saw that in the immediate aftermath all flights were grounded, all except the Bin Laden family, who after a supposedly short questioning, were given special treatment and a plane was chartered, waving aside the fact that all commercial and private planes were grounded, and thus they were allowed to leave the country. Why was it so imperative that a special rule be in place for them? why was the questioning of his own family such a short one?

Bill Cooper warned in advance of September 11, that a huge manufactured terrorist event was going to be engineered and they were going to use Bin Laden as their scapegoat. He cited the fact that a CNN journalist had recently been to see Bin Laden, while officially the american intelligence services said they could not find Bin Laden anywhere, so a journalist can find him, but not the combined resource of the multi trillion dollar intelligence services? Then of course we have this Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.

The disclosures are known to come from French intelligence which is keen to reveal the ambiguous role of the CIA, and to restrain Washington from extending the war to Iraq and elsewhere.

So lets get this straight Figaro reported that he got treated at a American Hospital, when this was a wanted man for his alleged actions in Kenya and Tanzania bombings, several other newspapers reported from doctors who had recently treated him prior to that, we have the naming of the CIA agent who it is said visited him and yet he was one of the most wanted men on the planet? Then of course since this has been repeated time and time again, that he needed dialysis and was in fact an extremely weakened man, how it is that since 911, they still can't find him. Clearly this would indicate that they know where he is and have done all along.

These are only a few of the points and yet they clearly cast extreme doubt on the official story and clearly any detective will recognise and accept only so many coincidences as independently existing, before questioning if these coincidences are interwoven. However in this case they have made the conclusion stick rigidly to the hypothesis and simply cast away any lingering doubts by calling this incompetency. However ask yourself how can it be that incompetency hasn't been followed with sackings and criminal action and has instead led to promotions for those whose departments were deemed so "incompetent".

I agree, that there are elements of interpretation and that you don't need to agree with everything and no doubt there are some manufactured crap which serves as a distraction and muddy's the waters, but I think most people realise by now, that this amounts to one of 3 things either criminal negligence, in which case why are so many being rewarded for it? which implies approval at their actions, accomplices to mass murder, or not just allowing it to happen but organising and orchestrating every aspect of this and using some arabs as their willing or unwilling patsies.

Now as for the federal reserve, the inflows or restrictions of the money supply directly affect every aspect of the economy. However it is not federal, it is a private institution with quasi governmental powers. It's shareholders are the major banks, those same major banks who were so quick to be bailed out by this machine. When congress demanded that Bernanke reveal where the bailout money has gone, he basically told them to go and screw themselves. Which once again only serves to underline that the government for all of it's own corruptive ways, is dictated to by the private banks. The implication from Chomsky was people are concerned about the Federal Reserve when it's the big corporations they should have their eye on but yet, this is one of the biggest players in the game. I notice to, how he never wishes to address the money system itself (correct me if i am wrong) and thus himself restricting the window of discussion.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 06:28:18 AM by virtuoso »