Author Topic: Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...  (Read 245 times)


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Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« on: January 20, 2003, 04:53:43 PM »
Why is it that while the wealthy, white collar, business class of America is so frequently despised the ignorant, vain, and wealthy world of celebrities is idolized.

You all like rap music, or rock music, or some sport, movie star, pick it.  Many of you will stand in support of your favority celebrity no matter how ignorant, lazy, and harmful (to society) that person may be.  Why are these people worthy of this while the rich who have earned their wealth are to be hated.  

Celebrities gain fame through coincidence on average.  They coincidentally look good, coincidentally are more athletic than most, coincidentally were in the right place at the right time, coincidentally have a beautiful singing voice.  They at times worked hard for what they received, but on average its a coincidence they became what they did.  It is glaringly obvious that most celebrities lack intelligence, knowledge, or any other form of virtue, but they are revered.

The hard working, educated, and dedicated business man or white collar worker, pays his own way through his own effort and ability.  But he is despised.  

Why is this?


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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2003, 06:33:08 PM »
I'd say because we as humans like to be entertained. Celebrities do us (some of us anyway) a service, they make people smile or laugh, and because they are put in the spotlight we take interest in them.

White collar workers are seen as part of the establishment who hold the poor down. I personally respect people who work hard to achieve but I can't relate to people who just voluntarily become the ruling part of our disgusting class system.

Dunno if that's how anyone else feels, but that's my take. Good topic though.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2003, 07:30:07 PM by Kaidy »


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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2003, 07:12:28 PM »
there are the havs and the haves nots.......

thats just the way it is.... there are the ones who get daddy's riches... and there are others who have to work for the little they have.... its been that way for thousands of years..... thats just society as a whole....


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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2003, 07:23:40 PM »
I personally don't despise anyone without actually having a  reason.  Except maybe Nelly, I probably hate him for no reason.  But here is a reason why I believe that their is hatred towards the people u r talking about:

Look at the people who walked away rich from enron and worldcom, and companies like that.  These people who are white collar business men, became rich(er) at the expense of thousands of people, who then became poor(er).

Ceo's and high office people who work at such corporations as NIKE.  These guys basically have slaves working for them, doing all the hard work, making dirt poor wages, while the bosses do much less work, yet the President of NIKE has like a $50 million a year salary.  C'mon, would it break this guys back to give these guys a raise every now and then.

Many of these people are not exactly hard workers.  Much, much wealth in America is due to inheritence.  Easily at least 80% of the wealthiest people in america started out wealthy and then just inherited more wealth.

I don't think all wealthy people r like this.  I think bill gates worked damn hard, and he deserves what he has got.


Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 08:22:33 PM »
Celebrities gain fame through coincidence on average.  They coincidentally look good, coincidentally are more athletic than most, coincidentally were in the right place at the right time, coincidentally have a beautiful singing voice.  They at times worked hard for what they received, but on average its a coincidence they became what they did.  It is glaringly obvious that most celebrities lack intelligence, knowledge, or any other form of virtue, but they are revered.

I disagree with most of that.  SOME celebrities get famous that way, but the vast majority of celebrities, I've found, are intelligent, knowledgable, and have virtue.  Lets look at some examples, LOL  I think there's nothing wrong with ADMIRING celebrities, because I admire ordinary everyday people too.  Just because they're a celebrity doesn't mean they're idiots.  

Tom Cruise - here's one of the biggest guys in hollywood; donates tons of time to charity (which is very virtue-ish to me), was one of the main guys behind raising funds after the 9-11 tragedy; he's extremely intelligent if you've ever read any interviews with him, and he's a very hard worker at what he does.  He works very hard, studying acting, and puts in mature, intelligent performances on every movie.  Why shouldn't I look up to this guy, like I look up to my neighbors who I admire?  

Britney Spears - I don't really like her, LOL... I don't think she can sing, or give her hardly any props at all in that department, but she wasn't just MADE a sensation overnight.  She's been performing since she could walk, basically; had a t.v. career as a child on the disney channel, puts in hours of work perfecting dance moves, attempts to write her own songs (even though they'e usually horrible), works 16 hour days frequently; I mean, why would you want to take anything away from her? Maybe you can't stand her music, but to say she has no virtue when she's extremely hard working is rediculous.  

Michael Jackson - constantly donates to charities, holds benefit concerts, sings about hardly anyting BUT love for mankind, basically does anything he can to promote peace, love, charity, anything virtuous.  It's not a coincidence he's famous, he's been working his butt off since he was 6.  

Snoop Dogg - might not be the smartest guy in the world, but he does his best to make a positive impact on people.  He probably supports 100 people financially with his money, as opposed to just spending it all himself; he makes it an effort OFF wax to promote peace, and love between people on the streets... of course you can say negative things about his music, but the way he's evolved his lyrics to a more mature and intelligent subject matter shows he's at least TRYING to do something good.

I just don't know why you wanna bash celebrities, I think most of them are good people.  There's exceptions of course, but from what I've seen, usually there's a lot to be admired.  I think they're generally famous for a reason, it's usually no coincidence.  At the least they're famous because they're naturally talented (snoop, michael jackson, etc.) but look at what they do AFTER they get famous.. most don't just sit back and live it (some do) most try and contribute to the world.  


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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 03:20:28 AM »
So because they "attempt" to contribute to the world they are good, and corporations are bad.  My point is not to bash celebritites.  My point is that the hated white collar worker, actually, I'll move beyond white collar worker to corporate executive.  

You're average corporate executive is much more worthy of admiration than say, Snoop Dogg.  Snoop Dogg has done more harm to society than good, britney spears has done more harm to society than good, so have many other celebrities.  When claiming they "benefit" society what is your premise?  It's your assumption that their actions benefit society.  In fact their actions generate reactions from those who admire them.  You have people walking around claiming crip because of Snoop Dogg and little girls walking around showing off their tits trying to be brittney spears.  Yeah they put some time into charity.  Yippee!  It's not like they have other shit to do anyways.  What's snoop gonna do all day play video games and smoke weed, oh how nice he took a break from Madden 2003 to smoke weed at the old people's home.  You think a corporate executive is robbing you?  It's the opposite, the world of bad role models is what robbed you as soon you as aspired to be "like them."

The frequent complaint against the Corporate executive is that he makes too much money and steals from the poor in doing so.  Corporate Executives don't just spontaneously appear in their position.  They work to get there.  A frequent criticism of the wealthy is they are greedy, but now their is a contradiction.  If the wealthy are greedy, then why do rich corporate executives simply throw their money away on other greedy CEO's?  

Money is a medium of exchange, you are paid for your ability.  A wealthy person is a person of ability.  They idea that 80% of wealth is inherited is FALSE.  When a family member dies his family MUST pay a 50% inheritance tax on ALL their assets, not just cash.  This means that if a man worth $50 million dollars dies his family must pay the government $25 million dollars.  Often the family won't even have $25 million dollars their money will be tied up in assets which will then have to be sold.  

While the gap between rich and poor increases it is also not realized who the rich and poor are.  They change!  It's not the same people, the gap increases but with new people!  But rather than call it a gap between rich and poor its more fitting to call it a gap between ability and disability.  

Some celebrities I regard as intelligent, some, Steve Martin, George Carlin, and some others come to mind.  Most are obvious idiots.  Snoop Dogg is a Moron.  If any white collar executive was in a porno the whole of society would call him evil, but for Snoop Dogg it's ok.  That's not to say I don't enjoy his music, but to look to Snoop Dogg as a role model or for advice is foolish.  True he is a good rapper, I admire his charisma, I don't admire his intelligence or ability in much else.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2003, 03:26:46 AM by Ant »

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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2003, 03:41:04 AM »
The hate is not on white collars, the hate is on their ignorence. Like they sound surprise when you say that's it's hard growing up poor, then say they can't relate so they don't want to hear it. Shit, I've heard about white collar living my whole life, that's what I'm "suppose" to strive for. Myself, nah, I like my status, but most kill themselves to get there, and enjoy nothing. That's OK, that's life, but people acting ignorite to it is kinda not cool, 'cause it's fustrating to hear the same shit. I got so tired of people saying you overcame so much, I started saying people all over the world overcome so much too. And white collar looks down at blue collar, like we ain't good enough. Well fuck it, I'm blue collar, and I like it. So whatever.  ::)


Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2003, 11:11:54 AM »
Oh, well I guess we just disagree there, Ant.  Also, i don't find anything wrong with white collar workers, or corporate executives, either.  I don't like the ones that are assholes, Enron comes to mind, but the vast majority are good people.  I think most people, regardless of their status are trying to be good people.  


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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2003, 11:38:21 AM »
I think all people try to be good people as well.  I think even celebrities "mean" well.  

I was perhaps overly critical of celebrites (or perhaps underly critical?), but I'm not concerned with individual beliefs.  It just bugs me that the majority worships celeb's but hate business.  Business men at least work.  The good ones at least, and the bad ones don't succeed.  Bad businessmen get the spotlight, but their lack of ethics is their eventual downfall (note Enron).  All business is not bad, the opposite is true.  Most business is good some is bad.

Some of the most intelligent people in the world are in business today.  People that genuinely care about and understand society.  Afterall, what is a businessman without society.  

My biggest problem is this.  The American Dream now seems to be, to be as rich as you can with as little work possible.  People idolize rappers that smoke weed all day and can still floss, people think Jay Z is a businessman.  They idolize celebrities that they can relate to.  When people hate business they are hating earned achievement.  Society doesn't want to achieve, they want money, they want stuff handed to them and when its not handed they get mad.  But its their own fault to a large extent (although I do believe that many people are given an unfair start), peoples own convictions hold them back (but I do believe that convictions are formed at the fault of society and not the person).  In any event, the belief that business is bad, and at times the outright hatred of this form of success hinders all of society.  It takes away the achievment of the white collar worker.  It prevents the middle class from ascending, afterall will you pursue something you despise?  Perhaps it even creates the ethical issues within corporate America.  Businessmen that are constantly despised by society, may feel inclined to say fuck society.



Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2003, 01:48:00 PM »
Ironically, every person I know is looking forward to a hardworking life, going to school, etc.  I don't know anybody trying to get famous or idolizing celebrities; so I dunno who you're talking to.  I don't find your comments to be the case, I think most people aren't looking to get rich with the smallest amount of work possible, most people just want to create a nice life for those around them, and most people don't mind working for it.  


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Re:Everyone who complains about the wealthy please explain...
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2003, 10:08:21 PM »
Money is a medium of exchange, you are paid for your ability.  A wealthy person is a person of ability.  They idea that 80% of wealth is inherited is FALSE.  When a family member dies his family MUST pay a 50% inheritance tax on ALL their assets, not just cash.  This means that if a man worth $50 million dollars dies his family must pay the government $25 million dollars.  Often the family won't even have $25 million dollars their money will be tied up in assets which will then have to be sold.  

no that is wrong.  Most of the wealth in the world is transfered through inheritence.  At least 80% of the rich people in america became rich thru inheritence.  80% is a low number too.  I gaurantee that 100%, but really I can't prove it to u.  U can believe me or not, it doesn't matter.