Author Topic: Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!  (Read 162 times)


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Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« on: February 14, 2003, 08:15:14 PM »
ok this iz wut i know i waz watching tha newz and Rev. Al Sharpton waz in Corpus Christi, Tx my town and he waz gonna speak at Miller High School where all my homeboyz and cuzzinz go but KKK mad a threat saying they will blow up tha skool if he goes and shyt. and then he jus went to sum churchez and shyt like that and they talked to sum lady from KKK and she said that that wasent true and all this other shyt and Al Sharpton waz talking alot of shyt about George W. Bush and he waz at a church near by where i live. and when i heard this shyt i waz like WTF iz he doing here y aint he at Houston, Dallas, or Austin??? but remeber we do got tha best beach and weather in TX ;) ;D. have anybody else heard about this??? im out!!!


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Re:Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2003, 09:15:48 PM »
man black people dont even like this guy,  he dont give a fuck about black people,  the only time he does something for black people is when it benefits him


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Re:Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2003, 06:51:23 AM »
i cant stand this guy...i hope he never comes to my town


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Re:Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2003, 01:56:04 PM »
y dont ppl like him??? he seemed pretty popular in my town well to tha old ppl. and i didnt even know we had KKK here. and i mean we got a good beach and sum good weather thats about it all tha other shyt sux and he said sumthin like this "The KKK made threats to me but i wont make threats to them liek they did to me they dont want me here in Corpus Christi but its not talking bad about me its talking bad about u guys" WTF??? man this fool iz krayzie but imma try to find tha article about it in tha newz when he waz here!!! im out!!!


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Re:Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2003, 02:08:13 PM »
Sharpton speaks despite threats
Candidate speaks at KUNO radio, restaurant, church

By Matthew Sturdevant Caller-Times
February 15, 2003

The Rev. Al Sharpton poked at the air with his left index finger and shouted in a crowded church that he would not be silenced by threats of bombs and shootings targeting the school where he planned to speak.

"We are a country that, if there's anything that is good about it, it's that we have the right to say what we want to say," said the 48-year-old civil-rights activist and Democratic presidential candidate from New York. Sharpton came to Corpus Christi on Friday to mark Black History Month here, but threats of violence at Miller High School forced him to change his plans.

The people who made threats "act like I'm going to come and cast a spell on Corpus Christi, and people are just going to go berserk," Sharpton said. "That's not an insult to me. That's an insult to you."

He stood behind a lectern in a charcoal-gray suit, with his hair in its usual slicked-back style, and spoke in a thunderous voice Friday afternoon to a crowd of about 200 people at Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal on South Staples Street. The crowd applauded Sharpton's every point, offered two standing ovations, chimed in with "Say it," and "All right" when he paused.

Sharpton visited the church, a local restaurant and a radio show Friday as a guest speaker for black history, courtesy of the 100 Black Men of Corpus Christi.

Initially, Sharpton was scheduled to speak at Miller High School. But the school was closed to persons from outside the school community Friday, and Superintendent Jesus Chavez canceled the speech, citing safety concerns. The school and the administration received threats of bombs, shootings and possible harm to students and staff, district officials said.

"The day is as usual," said Miller Principal Yolanda Gonzalez. "We really don't have anything unusual taking place, except we have two additional security guards helping The only thing is we are on the lookout for anything unusual."

There was no violence aimed at Sharpton on Friday as he made his way from the radio show with KUNO disc jockey Vicente Carranza to have lunch at Portis Kountry Kitchen Soul Food Restaurant & Gift Shop at 525 S. Staples Street and finally to speak at the Pentecostal church.

Drawing a crowd

Just before lunch, Sharpton had drawn a crowd of several dozens jammed into the Kountry Kitchen, where the smell of cologne mixed with wafts of gravy, chicken and sweet potato pie.

Latrice Sellers stood in a corner of the restaurant behind a video camera propped on a stand, ready to record Sharpton's speech, if he should give one.

"Having Rev. Sharpton here is positive for the community," she said. "His words, they make people want to ask questions about what's going on in the economy, tax credits, Medicare."

Kountry Kitchen owner Maurice Portis added, "He speaks the truth."

After a warm-up speech at the restaurant, Sharpton moved on to the church, which was crowded with supporters.

Nueces County Judge Terry Shamsie, also a Democrat, introduced Sharpton by reiterating that nobody's voice should be silenced in this country.

Within minutes, Sharpton had the crowd laughing about talk of the Democratic Party being merely elephants in "donkey overcoats." He jested about politicians who come to South Texas to speak five words of Spanish, and then turn around and vote against having bilingual teaching in public schools.

Talk of foreign policy

But the bulk of Sharpton's verbal jabs were aimed at President Bush, and the potential war with Iraq.

"We're on the brink of war, yet we can't explain the inconsistency and the contradiction of the foreign policy," Sharpton said. "He (President Bush) said we've got to go to war because Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Well where the heck are they hiding them that we can't find them? Well, we can find the weapons in North Korea, and they're lying about them. Why aren't we going to war with them?"

After he received his final applause from the crowd, Miller High School senior Robert McChester stood from a crouching position near the lectern where Sharpton spoke, and stepped up to the stage. McChester announced that he had received an excused absence from school to come hear Sharpton speak at the church and that he wouldn't have missed it.

"I think people my age need to hear about what's going on," McChester said. "I'm going to be an adult soon out in the world, and I want to see the kind of people who are running for president."


Re:Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2003, 02:24:06 PM »
I'm jealous of his hair.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re:Rev. Al Shapton in my town!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2003, 03:49:51 PM »
damnit he wont leave he has been on tha news for  like a week already cant he go to Houston or sum shyt???