Author Topic: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?  (Read 3837 times)


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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2013, 05:03:36 AM »

This shit gives me the chills because it's so frickin OBVIOUS that for it even to air on the tv underlines just how retarded they believe the vast majority are.

Listen in on and wind to 1:45 and let's see who realises what is really ridiculous about it.

I don't. I just would like to know how they recorded that. "Hey you, come here!" - "ME?"

LOL! I'd like to know it too.
Doner would have opened fire instead...
If you get in a fight, and somebody yells “worldstar”. You better fight for your life.

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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #46 on: February 15, 2013, 12:34:44 PM »
After doing some more research and looking at everything that has been covered up here is what I think happened.

One, I know Chris Dorner was on a killing rampage and eventually ended up in Big Bear. He was the person in the shoot out in the mountains and he was burned to death. I DON'T think they found his wallet there. I think the wallet piece is something that the media had been using as their evidence he's been places he actually was. First off they tried to connect him to trying to steal a boat so they said he left his wallet by the boat. Well that's false, turns out he was on his way to Corona to kill a person on his target list. He eventually ended up Riverside and then Big Bear. What happened in that shoot out is something else. I have no idea why the media was reporting a wallet in the cabin, BUT it looks like he was set on fire on purpose. Since the cops are officially reporting the fire to be an accident, yet we have audio of it being on purpose this leads me to believe Dorner was in that shoot out and he did died on that day, and it was trail by fire from the police to a cop killer. I have no idea why the media is reporting something about his wallet being left all over California, but I do know that Dorner is gone and the police are lying as to how and why the cabin caught fire.

"Seven burners deployed, and we have a fire."

"Fire will be staged at the first contact with the first armored unit down there."

"I'm told that there's basement in the cabin. So as a precaution, since the fire's self-containing itself I'm going to let that heat burn through that basement."

"You guys with eyes on the back: If you, uh, see something that's catching fire that's not supposed to be, then let me know. But otherwise, let it go."

"We've got, uh, good penetration with the fire at 2-3 corner. It's still doing quite well, self-containing itself. I'm gonna let it go."

these are excerps from the radio while they burned down the cabin.


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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2013, 02:22:27 PM »
If that was him in there, they could identify by dental / DNA records. The fact that they are planting his ID is a red flag.

Why is there any doubt? Don't you think that should be 100% verified prior to setting the place on fire and killing someone? The cops weren't positive it was even him in the first place. Extremely suspect.


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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2013, 04:32:09 PM »

You know what? a number of things struck me today, firstly we are watching a psy op take place on so many levels, secondly it wasn't just the ridiculous who me? reaction from the supposed suspect, it's the fact that his voice is much louder than the cop calling him, which means he was much closer to the microphone.

Secondly, as an indication of what has fallen down the memory hell, they murdered american civilians at WACO, crushed the building and lit huge fires, so if he was murdered in this manner then it really isn't so shocking.if it was really him.

However to revisit, since the media have clearly conveyed how utterly stupid they believe the mass public is, I need to revise my original thoughts, Jrome is right, why jump to any conclusions when not one thing has been presented as evidence. This is trial by media, just like Adam Lanza, just like Holmes and just like so many other supposed killers before those mentioned individuals.

A conspiracy theorist is just simply anyone who questions the official line, because to question is to non conform and non conformity breaks a pattern of compliance, this non compliance is a danger if it spreads because questioning means thinking for yourself and applying basic logic which then dispells the bullshit. The real question to then ask is if what they are communicating is true then why would you need to utilise ridiculous lies?

Clearly the answer is you would not but I have become convinced that this blind group think only exists because people are scared to go down this rabbit hole, because the further you go into the rabbbit hole, the further down it goes. Ignorance is bliss? absolutely it is, until ignorance comes back to repay you in the worst ways possible. As for what Fraxx said concerning hyping a story, okay, take that to it's logical conclusion, you can't listen to a word the media says, at least not on face value.

Remember....this is the same evil media that tried to portray the davidians as racist, yet when you look at who was in that building, you realise there were many black people there, followers of Koresh.

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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2013, 06:46:13 PM »
They claim the dental records are his.

This story doesn't pass the smell test. What does pass the smell test is how everyone in the Inland Empire seemed to be affected, which of course is my home. This has divided almost everyone I know there and quiet a few people have blue on their Facebooks because they knew one of the two officers killed by Dorner. So for me, this story is very real and it checks out on very personal levels. What does not check out at all is the video, and why they tried to claim the fire was an accident when it's clearly intentional on the audio, and the most suspect is the wallet story. The wallet story is so suspect. Since the wallet story came out before the police officially announced that they can't get close to the fire, I am feel like the media has been put up to say some stuff. I feel like the media is part of this vilifying of Dorner and it was trying to make Dorner dead when even the police was saying they can't conform it's him. I also know that the San Bernardino County police actually have a good and honest reputation locally, so I don't expect much BS from them. I don't trust the LAPD though, and it's funny that word was coming from the LA Mayor's office and the LAPD before the San Bernardino County police said anything. So whatever is going on is coming from LAPD and the LA Mayor. Neither of whom I trust.

Russell Bell

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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #50 on: February 16, 2013, 05:05:11 PM »
I find this very ironic and hypocritical -

the fact that when someone does something like this, and hes a minority, hes "capturing the frustrations of minorities all over".

really?  do you think that minorities are the only ones being held on trumped up charges by police?  i think not.  do you think that minorities are the only ones being thrown in jail because of how they look or how they dress or how poor they are?  no way.

thinking this way just perpetuates the false stereotype that whites are the police and we hold back the (insert minority group here). 

and i dont want to see some statistics circle jerk in here about how proportionally minorities are in jail more than others.  thats missing the point completely. 
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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2013, 05:48:38 PM »
Since you know the stats then I wouldn't bore I you. I will say this, you are trying to reason the motives of a man suffering from mental issues who used this excuse as a reason to do what he did. Why try to reason? Crazy ain't enough?

Russell Bell

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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #52 on: February 16, 2013, 09:39:39 PM »
Since you know the stats then I wouldn't bore I you. I will say this, you are trying to reason the motives of a man suffering from mental issues who used this excuse as a reason to do what he did. Why try to reason? Crazy ain't enough?

whos tryin to reason?

im simply stating that people are using dorner as a representative of some minority hatred towards unfair and corrupt police, as if that feelings supposed to be unique to minorities.  which is a ridiculous premise.
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup

M Dogg™

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Re: Do you think they (lapd) are getting what they deserve ?
« Reply #53 on: February 16, 2013, 10:05:03 PM »
Remember Waco, Texas.