Author Topic: The World Food Progam  (Read 867 times)

Ebony Zebedee

  • Guest
The World Food Progam
« on: October 24, 2016, 02:42:29 PM »
A DM I was sending to people last year. With the Refugee Crisis at a World high with over 65 million refugees not to mention the millions affected by climate change and natural disasters aswell as food security instability due to conflict I believe this is still relevant.

I am trying to change the way I use social media and am realising it can be a tool and weapon for positive change and to combat humanitarian issues such as HUNGER!

I am choosing to focus my efforts on bringing awareness to the charitable organisation The World Food Progam

@WFP has been working in conjuction with big and small enterprise, governmental and private practices and individuals to provide the basic necessities to those in countries not as affluent as our own here in the developed world since the 60's.

In 2013 @WFP managed to reach over 80,000,000 people from across more than 70 countries in their effort to combat famine & disease in countries where their goverments are unable to assist to the extent needed, if at all.

People are effected by the ongoing unrest and aftermath of civil war, natural disaster, corruption, climate change and inadequate local facilities to aquire, provide and distribute such dire needs as food, medicine, water and emergency housing.

With the support of small & large enterprise they are able to do so much more than if the organisation were totally dependant on the goodwill of people like you and I who are either struggling ourselves to provide for our families or caught up with trying to provide every desire our families and loved ones consider entitlements.

We as human beings are entitled our dignity and desires to succeed but we become waylaid by the onslaught of popular culture and mass consumerism and loose sight of those who are just struggling to provide the bare minimum.

These small & large enterprises that contribute so much would not be able to do so for the World Food Program if we boycotted them and I must reiterate that they are providing 2.5 billion annually.

We as individuals, that donate account for $500,000,000.

Of the 9,000,000,000 of us globally, man, woman and child that could rise up to meet that quota and surpass, only a tiny percentage are doing so.

If we all, every household in the developed world managed to budget a charitable organisation into our monthly expenditures, thereby enabling such organisations as the World Food Program to reach more people, provide more medicinal and nutritional necessities to those not as privilaged to live in our relatively safe and comfortable communities, we could create ZERO HUNGER.

Please research this organisation if you have a spare moment and once you've armed yourself with the key points, create an atmosphere where you can discuss this with others.

Wether it be at a cafe, in the workplace, on social media, with close and distant relatives, your children, your childrens schools, your mosque or church, with your doctor, your grocer, through petitions and events organised to collect funds necessary to combat the food crisis in less developed nations.

Create an opening for discussion so as to help ignite that generosity everyone possesses, as we have all at one point in our life either experienced a kindness or provided one for another in a time of need.

That time of need is NOW!

It was 50 years ago, 20 years ago and still is TODAY!!!

As we in more developed countries have flourished in the modernity of the times with conveniences being marketed to us as necessaties, we have been getting swindled into believing we need these trivial things.

Millions upon millions are still struggling to just put a simple meal on the table for their family, in a war zone, a refugee camp, a village that does not have running water or has been devestated by natural disaster, providing a school meal for millions of children or food and necessity for orphanages.

We could help bring an. END to GENERATIONAL FAMINE by investing in the livelihood of these people, enabling them to better spend their time on educating their young adult and youth through agricultural training and sustainablee farming methods, disease prevention and obtaining such creature comforts as blankets, clothing ect as well as, through eliminating the daily task of aquiring food and water we are providing them the time to practice culturally significant activities that are uplifting and stimulating, which we too find a source of pleasure within our own cultures and communities, never quite realising how motivating just sharing a positive yet simple experience can be.

We in the developed world have impacted these peoples ability to provide for themselves by expecting access to their countries of origin natural resources, with the expectation that they be delivered to us affordably, which discourages fare wages, pressures companies to expect their staff to work well above and beyond meeting the quota of labor in exchange for a wage, than we ourselves consider fair workplace practice.

How can we expect these nations to meet what we consider a suitable standard of living if we are at the same time telling them there labor is not as valuable as our own?

How corrupt is this practice.
It is exploitation.

You can research the World Food Program and choose a specific area of need or region that you feel an affinity for, from the plight of the recent migration and forcibly displaced people of Syria, now dependant on aid and charity to survive, or maybe you want to continue the fight for peace and independance in South Sudan, a country ravaged by civil war for more than 20years.
The Central African Republic where malitia, sanctioned by corrupt govermental practice disable and terrorise entire communities.
Victims of The Nepal Earthquake.
Meals for children in schools and take home meals so they can better concentrate on their studies and their mother can be contented that their child is well fed and healthy.

Please provide the dignity of peace of mind and an assurance of continued support to the so many people all over the world who are being expected to accept less than is humanely acceptable.

Get together with people and do a fundraising event.

Donate at your workplace christmas party rather than buy gifts.

Ask your childrens schools to host a fair or market stall once a year and ask local businesses to contribute goods, or if this not possible bring brick a brack or swap meet items of your own belongings and sell to each other.

You can donate once off or monthly.


We are talking about FOOD!!!

or if you would prefer, search the World Food Program site yourself and follow their links. Then spread the word.

Help the World Food Program achieve ZERO HUNGER!!!

IF one dollar were donated for & on behalf of every member of every household, every human on the planet, that's equivalent to 9 Billion Dollars to combat famine.

Petition your local mayor, congressman, prime minister or president to pick up the slack for the citizens in our country who, just like the millions upon millions in less developed countries, cant even AFFORD to spare $1.

Be creative!!!

I manage to donate $200 a month on a single disability pension of $1600.

Think of one grocery item that is not necessasary and put that money aside.

Buy cheaper shampoo.

Dye your own hair rather than pay the hairdressers a fortune.


Your donation could feed the child, who because of your investing in his nutritional welfare, is able to concentrate in class, and excel, go onto higher education, possibly receive a scholorship and become a leader in his family, community and country
You could bring an end to the corruptive practices that disable these countries who are being exploited, by investing in the local populace. Potentially creating an atmosphere for change rather than designating these issues of no importance.

Sorry to be so annoying but I really want to help.