Author Topic: New Poems To God  (Read 532 times)

Cubic Zirconia

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New Poems To God
« on: August 01, 2020, 12:18:42 PM »
Thank you God
I know it's been a while
I know you know I'm grateful
Just grateful that I'm still alive
Just grateful that you saw within your seed
A need for blessings
No longer stressing
Just caught up in a dream
Thank you all the Gods
Thank the Goddesses above
For blessin this little woman with honest to God love
You bought my wishes true
No man can rob me of the joy
We even having spirituality as a child and it's a boy
We namin him Friend but not in English
In some language long gone and lost
For all the days we spent alone yet you have given us the cost
It's truly magical
It's heavenly
It's joyful
It's sincere
Thank you my dear God's
It is all of you that I'll revere
I'll even she'd a tear when he promises me the truth
I know he gonna pray for me
I feel it
That's my proof
He's unlike any other
I know it won't last very long
Which makes me love it all the more
It's to him my heart belongs
Thank you dear God's
I'm sure that this man is your fruit
And I'm the seed
I'm sure he'll never fail me for it's him I have received
I'm sure he wants me just as much as I do him
And it is because my Gods have forgiven me my sins
Thank you my Gods

Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2020, 02:15:58 PM »
They do realise I'm just writing right?
Not everything I write is true life
And what is isn't that serious
I'm not the first bitch in the world to get turned out
And how is that the victims fault
They're dependent on our lack of clout
And how is it my fault that I'm homeless and clinically insane
How am I to blame?
Come again
So I lie
I act like everything is fine
Not just online
But even in real life
You show any sign of weakness you're a target
Can't stop em beating us
Here I Go again
They haven't started beating me yet but I'm one trip away from payin my debt
I could pay in many ways
I could be forced to bow down
Coz I had that kinda attitude where I was like fuck em all
Screamin round town
And I had that kinda attitude
You'll have to force me and all that shit
And I had that kinda attitude
I ain't goin'out without a fight ya trick
All I had was attitude
Dear God
Don't they get it
I already lost
I've almost served my purpose then my fates up to the Boss
I tried to save my brother
Fought back for gettin raped
I'm in over my head
My fuckin life's at stake
Dear God
Can you have a little word to these deadbeats on behalf of me
Can you tell em I'm just playin
I don't think I'm talented
My rhymes are free
I'm not trying to act like I'm a big fish
I will tare ya fuckin head off
Coz I'm a fit dish
Till I'm over the Hill
Could come soon
It's a bitter little pill
But unlike Bill
I'll swallow

Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2020, 02:35:14 PM »
They got me stressin
After such a beautiful blessin
Done learned my lesson
Still I be under pressure
They want something outta me
I've already been tuned out for a fee
Every night I rest my head I'm lucky I don't wake up dead
Death ain't the end of life
There's life after death
Like Biggie said
Everybody talkin Pac
He was singin Hail Mary and La illa ha illallah
Can't remember when I started studying Islam
But I know you can deny your faith if you know your life at stake
That's why I know they trying to play me each which way but to treat me like an innocent baby and even then I wasn't innocent God
Does this shit ever end or have I forgot
Dear God
Remind me of the crimes committed when I've been blinded please
And curse these Devils on my tail
Pray that all their efforts fail
Or make em rich beyond their dreams so when they die they'll be the fiends
Begging their Devil masters and fathers for the mercy they denied us martyrs
Let em rot for every coin they got tossing me up like I was just a cheap spot
I'll give em a lifetime to change
I'll even rig the game
Bankrupt the cunts
For bankin on chumps
The weakest link
Fuck these cunts
Dear God
Please remind me of my peace
Please remind me love exists
Fuck these white supremacist freaks and all their peroxide fuckin geeks
Fuck these posers doin the Devils work
Fuck all my enemies
But no I do not hope they hurt God
Just want this shit to stop, Eternally


Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2020, 02:55:47 PM »
There's only ONE
I dare not speak their name
Although he's gone by Malik and others have claimed
It really doesn't translate well
The prophets prophecies couldn't begin to describe the indescribable
Be shame ya fuckin fiends
There's many God's
There's many spirits
There's respects for teachings too
My jihad is beyond holy
I wanna share my profits too
To feed the masses
I'm like Abraham
He was told to cut himself
You say you're his descendants
Where's YOUR scars
The pains BEEN dealt
We got our first borns
We got our suitors
We got our blasphemy
Are you Malik
You gon play God
But you don't even rid yourself of sin
I wear my cloth
I wear my scars
I wear my sins upon my chest
I was denied the knowledge but I robbed them
I don't need no leather vest
I passed the test
Who is YOUR God
If you workin for HIM
Then your playin the wrong hand
There's no man or woman to this mystery
There's no Messiah
The Prophet has come
And now he's gone
If your war is Holy why you desecrating the flesh of a child of Islam

Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2020, 05:06:10 PM »
Why these Devil play me God
They think I'm desperate with low self-esteem
They think I'd do anything for a bitta dick
Beg, scream or let myself get creamed
They think I'm pining for affection
Like I can't detect deception
Like I got no means of protection
Like I'd do anything for erections
Why they play me God
Why I come off as so weak
I've fought
I've stole
I've hustled
Got my ass off of the street
Why they play me God
Do I really seem that lame
Just mindin my own business
Doin my own Thang
Why they gotta play me God
Sure I been known to wrong
Is this my penance
Ties been severed
Is this my sentence
Bein led along
Can't I even try and have a taste of hope
So I give up
I give a fuck
I'm not gon be nobody's joke
Jokes on them
They ain't no men
Fuckin with me if I'm a lame
I'll run circles round em
Wanna call my life a game
They got no shame
They got no balls about em
I've punched above my weight
Cunt broke my fuckin ribs
But I still bested him that day
Why they play God
They think I'll come lookin for a feed like a stray dog
I'm playin puss in boots
I ain't even got a fuckin job
I'm just a slob
Got no class
Don't wanna shake my ass
Don't wanna bounce or jiggle tittys
Don't wanna be nobody's missy
Why they play?


Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2020, 05:17:03 PM »
I'm done God
Got nobody
You're gunna have to keep me as your own
Coz I ain't bowin down to no damn crown of cunt perched upon a throne
I'm struggling everyday God
Tryin to find myself a home
Tryin to find something to invest in
I give up
It's me
And they see that as an in
They see my kindness as a flaw
You think they'd be appreciative
Coz I would be in awe
And cunts know that
They act fake
Their nice is a shadow to mask their hate
But no cunt wanna test emselves
They just want easy bait
I'm struggling God
Don't wanna go back to old ways
Don't wanna scam no man
Don't wanna get violent or deranged
Don't wanna hurt those closest
Don't wanna put no one at risk
So it's just you and me now God
I swear
I'm sick and tired of this shit
Fuck em God
Nobody wanna recognise my pain
Or if they do they wanna profit from it
I'll say that shit again
Nobody wanna recognise my pain
Nobody wanna put respect on my muthafuckin name
Nobody give a fuck bout me
Nobody even care
They thought I was so desperate coz I dared
So fuck em
Nobody gettin jack shit outta me
Fuck em God
It's just us from here unto eternity


Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2020, 05:37:10 PM »
I think the voice is real God
I think I hear Devils too
They chantin inside my mind
You should hear the shit They say bout you
They can be gentle
Sometimes all they say they wanna be held
So I put my arms around em in my mind just like a spell
I hear em God
And sometimes I think they real
Not sure what to make of it
Not sure how to feel
Sometimes I think they deamons
Sometimes I think they Gods
Sometimes I feel their warm embrace and brake down and start to sob
Sometimes I miss em
Sometimes they make me mad
I start cursing em out out loud
Then I get a little sad
Coz they don't like my anger
The Devil does
He likes to keep me on my toes
My god like lover has me breathin heavy and movin' to and fro
The Devil's chant BLM sarcastically and shit
The Gods tell me they know when I admit
The Devil makes me hateful
The Gods make me feel hope
The Devil tries to choke me
The Gods make me feel woke
I hear it God
And I don't know what to do
I've done everything the doctors ask but I think they devils too
Having me put under anaesthesia
Electrocuted and God knows what
They call it therapeutic but Nazis invented that fuckin rot
I don't know what to do God
I wanna trust the gentle voice
I wanna trust his comfort
I wanna trust I have a choice
I don't wanna hear these devils but good do come with the bad
So what am I to do God
Just trust till I been had
Now I'm mad again
But I don't wanna start cursing n shit
My neighbours must think I'm somethin other than fuckin schizophrenic
I don't care bout bein crazy
I don't care bout bein wronged
I just want peace of mind so I can keep on keepin on


Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2020, 06:13:22 PM »
They don't get it God
I live inside my mind
Most my thoughts are warm and kind
Occasionally I gets to thinkin wild
Jump up in a fit of rage
Start cursing
True God I'm just deranged
But most times I'm laughing at nothin but my thoughts
I even laugh about abuse and battles that I fought
I think romantically
Not candle lit dinners
Or roses and chocolates
I think bout having someone not gunna make me feel insecure for being me
Sometimes when I'm in the mood I think a bit naughty
Turns me on
Not like my Imaginary lover who feels just like a song
Coz he don't make me shame
Not like my freaky ways
Thinkin rough and all that shit
But after I just feel like a piece of shit
I'll tell ya
Coz I got no one else to tell
I'm just trying in my mind not to wake up in Hell
I try to think the opposite of truth
But it's obvious I'm at risk and the lengths that they'll go to
They call me a traitor God
There's a special place in Hell for souls like me
The kinda pain you can't explain
No escape
No hope of getting free
I tried to think my way out of this one
Turn it into a righteous suffering
That's won't help me none
So I succumb God
Just live inside my mind
Try and keep that special part of me that no damn man can find
Devils will concentrate on lames like me
Kinda like how they will a man to miss a home run swing or make a 3
I dunno God
All I really got is my mind
And I'm losing it
Not sure I'll ever find it once it's gone

Cubic Zirconia

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Re: New Poems To God
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2020, 06:31:23 PM »
Trust nobody
Love nothing
No one and nothing but myself
You gon send my ass to Hell God for saying shit like that
Do tell
I know you can't intervene
If you could we'd all be safe
I know you'd bring more justice than just a smile on my old face
Should I be cruel God
I know I should be firm
I don't wanna preach to no one
EVERYBODY gonna learn
Everybody gonna burn?
EVERYBODY fuckin hurts
Everybody got they own passions God
Some find them in your words
Within your works
But if I'm your child
And you're guiding me through life
Are these your words
Have you inspired everything I've come to write
I've written sonnets
I've written Psalms
I've sang your gospels
I've read hyms
Are these your words God
Is it your works that bring my soul a song to sing
I'm not testing faith God
I've been tested
It's tiresome
A chore
Constantly seeking to convince a disbeliever
It's a bore
And what's more
Some simply just don't wanna be convinced
I'm asking God
You're answering
I'm writing without having to think
I was on the brink
I know I'll sleep peacefully tonight
That's doesn't mean I won't feel fear
That doesn't mean I won't feel fright
But once again you've answered
As these words flow through my veins
I just wish to thank you humbly once again