Author Topic: Are you Vaxx or not and Surgeon General's stern warning  (Read 290 times)

Proc pka KP

Are you Vaxx or not and Surgeon General's stern warning
« on: June 30, 2021, 04:56:50 PM »
Posted here because most see this section and we can better track our friends.

I'm not vaxx.

Surgeon General said if you're not vaxx you're in trouble and probably dead.


Re: Are you Vaxx or not and Surgeon General's stern warning
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 09:54:09 AM »
Right, probably dead if you don't get the shot. From something with a 97-99% survival rate. But the new fake "variant" will require more experimental shots with with zero possible research into the long term effects, more mainstream news ignoring the thousands of documented people that have died and suffered severe complications from the vaccines and attempted lockdowns/masking again. I'm guessing some new new variant is going to be predicted to hit it's peak leading up to the midterms so they can mail out millions upon millions of unsolicited ballots with no signature verification needed to verify a ballot. Again. Probably why they are shitting their pants about the voting "restrictions" as an "attack on Democracy" now. It's racist to have to provide an ID to vote to prove who you are and you're a citizen and your ballot is legit, right? After all, non-white people are too stupid to figure out how the internet works or aren't successful enough to have lawyers and accountants if they're business owners like Joe says. Voting shouldn't be easier to do than buying cigarettes, booze or a lottery ticket. Oh wait, it's EXACTLY that easy and you need ID to do all three of those things. If you honestly can't figure out with all of the free programs in place, how to get to a polling place or register to vote with a 2 and 4 year heads up every election cycle, your voice isn't one that needs to be heard. It's not racism that the polling stations don't hand out ice water and treats for adults waiting in lines to vote either. You're an adult, figure that out on your own and bring something to drink if it's hot out and you're going to be outside waiting in line.  They can't make it any easier to show up and cast your vote. Legally and legit, like it should be done. Not absentee ballots they can manipulate the shit out of.

What does this have to do with West Coast rap?

Proc pka KP

Re: Are you Vaxx or not and Surgeon General's stern warning
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2021, 04:56:21 PM »
For Infinite. You're headed back to your job overseas.

For now there's no universal online system. So the fake card easy to create N should get it done. Congrats Infinite!


Re: Are you Vaxx or not and Surgeon General's stern warning
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2021, 03:28:35 AM »
I'd like to get vaccinated but....I don't know which one is the safest.  I heard pfizer is the best one BUT....there are stories which don't get talked about those who are vaccinated but still get co-vid.  That's why i'm still skeptcial about getting vaccinated.  Media wants to put all the blame on the non-vaccinated people for that.  There might still be side effects from the vaccine.  I still wear the mask & do my best to stay safe.  I know i'm jinxed so I know I'm not indestructible like some fools love to think they are.  I have gotten sick twice since the pandemic began.  Regular sick, not co-vid sick.  Both times was most likely due to sleep/rest deprivation. 

My brother & mother still haven't gotten vaccinated either, most likely of the same reasons.  I asked a person who had co-vid & asked if it was worth getting a vaccination & he said no.  He said it's similar to the flu.  Some people say its worse than the flu.  Too much confusing stuff & I don't know who to believe in all this.  Think about it...There was sars & swine flu in the past & there was no lockdown.  But there's a lockdown with co-vid.