Author Topic: Bad News by Bez  (Read 116 times)


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Bad News by Bez
« on: October 21, 2003, 03:48:09 PM »
I turn on the tv I see blood and death,
I picture myself in the struggle and I breathe a silent breath,
I got everything I could wish for and I'm still a moanin fuck,
I still ask God for more but I'm already liven in luck,
Kids fightin in wars being trained to be killers,
Teenagers gettin popped on the street cos they born drug dealers,
I'm sick of life, my life, cos I take it all for granted,
I could put all my life into perspective but it would make me sick to write it,
Wearin 135 pound clothes, walkin round like some rich bitch,
But do I spare a second for the little kids that stitched it,
Fuck no, cos I'm narrow minded, I care for myself and no other,
When I see a problem do I stand and fight it, hell no I run for cover,
I take the cowards way out, I take the losers escape,
I'm a fake human being thats constantly living in hate,
I look in the mirror and see a nothingness, an empty glow,
Cos I can't bare to look into the eyes of the boy I know,
Hes selfish, he's arrogant, he's a no good punk,
I get a lump in my throat cos all I see is a chump,
Why can't I live to know that I'm part of the lucky section,
I got all five needs, each one I got in many sections,
Warmth, clothes, food, water, shelter, I got em all and more,
When I don't get my own way I stomp on the floor and slam the motherufuckin door,
And what for, I got things some kids only see in their sleep,
As they lie in there beds in there broken homes as they weap,
I'm a fool cos thats what I choose, I never win I'll always loose,
I'm feelin down in the dumps, or maybe blues, shits hurtin me inside cos I got bad news,

(Chorus)  Everytime I go to bed at night, I don't think of what I've got,
When will I stop feelin this way and start feelin right, got pain like I've been shot,
I'm never thankful for my life, never seem to spare a second to think,
I've got alot from this life, so much I can write I think I've had everything,
So this is bad news,

I gotta realise this ain't life, this life just ain't right,
I've never held a gun, yet I say I have in every song i write,
This jsut don't feel natural, who I'm trying to kid,
Nothing I've ever written about was factual, so this is it, lid,
I'm just a geek, just a nerd, spend all my time at home,
No suprise that when the bads news hits me I feel all alone,
Got friends out there somewhere, but we ain't as close as I think,
Cos I feel I'm being bitched about by em everytime I blink,
I'm just so down at the moment, cant really describe the feelin,
I feel like a fish stook on a hook just waitin to be reeled in,
When's my big break gunna come, yet again who am I foolin,
I'm destined for a shitty job doing somethin that I don't rule in,
But yet again, I complain, cos this the same again and again,
I write about somethin that I don't agree wit but I don't have the balls to change,
I'm just a sucker, I can't believe I've waisted all my young life,
Sat at home on friday nights, sleepin then playin mega drive, my life,
And now shit ain't got no better, I still sit at home and play games,
Then I wonder why in school and college people use to call me names,
I shed tears when I'm in bed cos I wonder just what if,
What if I lived life right, cos lifes there to be lived,
I've waisted it all away, all work and no play,
People will always tell you thats a good way, but look where I am today,
I'm nowhere, I'm stuck, ma skin scared from my acid tears, no longer smooth,
Sick of the fears, tired of liven in the shadows, my life is bad news,

(Chorus)  Everytime I go to bed at night, I don't think of what I've got,
When will I stop feelin this way and start feelin right, got pain like I've been shot,
I'm never thankful for my life, never seem to spare a second to think,
I've got alot from this life, so much I can write I think I've had everything,
So this is bad news,