Author Topic: Bush security swings into action  (Read 159 times)

Don Seer

Bush security swings into action
« on: November 17, 2003, 01:36:41 AM »
Bush security swings into action
Negotiations over protest march routes are ongoing
An "unprecedented" security operation is under way ahead of US President George Bush's state visit to Britain.
Extra police are at ports and airports, and have been checking people arriving on Eurostar trains from France.

Police are also meeting the Stop the War Coalition to discuss the route of Thursday's protest march, where tens of thousands of people are expected.

Mr Bush has shrugged off the protests, saying he supports free speech and expects the trip to be "fantastic".

There have been reports of terrorist alerts ahead of the visit, including that security services are on a heightened alert - though this is not believed to be linked to the visit.

Scotland Yard is in overall charge of security for Mr Bush's visit - which begins on Tuesday - and has said it will have all its armed units and 5,000 officers on the streets.

Mr Bush will also be protected by hundreds of armed guards from the US.

They will not be granted diplomatic immunity, and will face courts if they shoot anybody, the Home Office has promised.


There is currently a stand-off between the police and the Stop the War Coalition over what roads can be included in the march.   Aren't you lucky to be in a country that encourages people to speak their mind?

US President George Bush on BBC1's Breakfast With Frost
Bush's key quotes

 Watch Bush interview  

The coalition insists protesters should be allowed through Whitehall and close to the Houses of Parliament.

But it is unlikely this will be allowed amid security concerns.

Stop The War Coalition said they believed some recent terrorism warnings could be propaganda aimed at stopping protesters from attending.

A group spokesman said: "It appears to be a lot of smoke signals at the moment but I wonder if these are the same intelligence people who warned about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

"Our office has been incredibly busy over the weekend.

"People are booking coaches from all over the city and we get the feeling this is going to be a substantial demonstration."

Lessons learned

Other protests are planned for the four-day state visit.

On Monday, Vietnam veteran and author of Born on the Fourth of July, Ron Kovic, will hand a petition to Downing Street demanding the visit be called off.

The petition has reportedly been signed by 100,000 people.

On Tuesday, the day Mr Bush and his wife arrive in London, a Stop Bush rally will be held near Euston Station.

On Wednesday, when the president is due at Buckingham Palace, there will be an "alternative state procession" including a Big Red Peace Bus.

George Bush told Sir David Frost he would not be shaken from his mission in Iraq
London Mayor Ken Livingstone is holding a peace party in City Hall on Wednesday, attended by many groups opposed to the war in Iraq.

Mr Bush said in a BBC interview with Sir David Frost on Sunday he was unfazed by the planned protests.

"I understand you don't like war, and neither do I.

"But I would hope you understand that I have learned the lessons of 11 September 2001, and that terrorists declared war on the United States of America and war on people that love freedom."

He later added he expected to enjoy the trip.

"I'm really looking forward to it, it's going to be a fantastic experience," he said.

Mr Blair has also defended both the action in Iraq, and the president's visit.

'Grave reservations'

He said the trip was an ideal time to celebrate freedom, security and a "better, more prosperous and peaceful future" for Iraq.

But former foreign secretary Robin Cook, who stepped down as Commons leader over the Iraq war, said Mr Bush had not learned from what had "plainly" gone wrong in Iraq.

"If President Bush does not learn the lessons there is that risk he will ask us to do it again in another country," he added.

Former International Development Secretary Clare Short, who also quit over the war, said she hoped protests would be peaceful.

But she added: "The people in Britain have to say to both leaders: 'You have messed up badly, you have messed up the world, it's more dangerous, and this is what we've got to say to you.'"

Menzies Campbell, Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, said: "President Bush should go back to Washington knowing that in Britain there are grave reservations about his foreign policy.

"If Mr Bush understands these things then his visit to that extent will have been worthwhile


Don Seer

Re:Bush security swings into action
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2003, 01:36:53 AM »


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Re:Bush security swings into action
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2003, 03:35:43 AM »
nothin will get through to bush from the protests during his britian visit just like nothing got through to him from the protests during his australia visit

Don Seer

Re:Bush security swings into action
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2003, 03:49:04 AM »
yeah they keep mentioing phrases like "exclusion zone" and "security bubble"

plus he's staying at buck palace..


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Re:Bush security swings into action
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2003, 05:56:45 AM »
Funny how he is going to be the first us president allowed on "official state visit" since JFK...even Clinton imo did more good than this clown...

...what gives him the right to stay at Buckingham palace above all else from around the world before him ? ...

...just cos he has pissed more people off ?

His only retort to the press telling him people were not happy was that at least we live in a coutry where people are free to express their views...which is true..but lame at the same time...

...not saying i agree with the demonstrators either..i dont believe that does much in todays world.

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