Author Topic: ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!  (Read 212 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!
« on: May 02, 2002, 02:02:31 PM »
I can't believe that no one has talked to DOC before, he has got a TON of inside info on NWA.

Creep with us as we take a trip down memory lane with the Diggy Diggy Doc and bless you all with Part II of one of the greatest interviews ever conducted On Line... - No doubt, Six-Too has an incredible amount of talent. How do you look back at the Ruthless and Death Row days, because to a lot of people think those were the some of the greatest times in hip-hop?
D.O.C. - Those were seven of the most violent years of my life. I ain't lying to you either nigga. I seen and did cause I told you when I was a younger guy I was kind of church kid you know. I had never really been involved in that shit, and those, uh, man! I could remember one time in Hollywood at Snoop's apartment. Daz and Nate Dogg are downstairs about to get into it with some niggaz, and Daz yells upstairs for me to come down and to bring my shit. Because at that time I was packin' a gun, knowin' I'm not fittin' to shoot nobody, but I'm still packin' it because Suge gave it to me, we was close back then. So he told me to come downstairs with my girlfriend. I came down there and you have to picture this because it's the funniest shit you will ever wanna see. I'm downstairs with a gun in my waist trying to break up a fight? Whew! That was some backward shit man! But that's life and I wouldn't change none of that shit. - Did you see everything coming as far as the break up of N.W.A. and everyone heading their separate ways after your album dropped?

D.O.C. - Hell nah! Back in those days, uh, see I was in L.A. because of Dre. Now they never reported this and nobody ever says this, but Dre didn't leave Ruthless because Suge went and found him and showed him some funny shit in his contract, he left Ruthless because I asked him to. He left Ruthless because I wanted us to go and make our own label. Mine and his because we were the ones putting in all the work. - And at that time Suge was your bodyguard right?

D.O.C. - Well at that time Suge was a friend of mine and they said the guy was my bodyguard because I got a 300 pound plus muthafucka following me around. But I never paid this guy to fuckin' watch over me. He probably just smelled money like everybody else and was kickin' it. - So you asked him to leave and you guys were supposed to start your own label right?

D.O.C. - That's what it was all about and Suge had a lot to do with it because I was trying to start a label with Suge Knight. I had an office in Beverly Hills, but I was going through issues after that car wreck. I was trying to find myself and we felt like we needed Dre in order to make that shit work. - How bad did it get for you after that accident when you found out your voice was damaged like that?

D.O.C. - Well you know what's funny dog? I probably really couldn't answer that question because it took ten years for me to even be able to admit that that shit caused me pain. I wouldn't have admitted it to anybody. I was like "ahh we'll just keep it going. That's what I was saying in my mind, but my heart must have been going through some shit. - I still remember the day I heard about your accident. I remember hoping it was just a rumor and then I remember sittin' at home and watching your new video for "Mind Blowin" and thinking to myself saying, "I know it's just a rumor." Because in that video you looked good and it didn't look like anything had happened to you. Plus the fact that you made that video after your accident and that it was a remix.

D.O.C.- But that was the tripped out part though, because in the "Mind Blowin" video I was trying to show muthafuckas that that's what happened. In that particular video I was supposed to have had a crash and they had me on a gurney, then my spirit came out and then it went back in and said, "Nah you can kick it." In laymen's terms to me, that's what happened. I was close to death and I made it. So after the accident Jerry Heller, Eazy and them all thought I should keep going. "Whatever you do, don't stop making records." They thought I should make another one. Well I asked Dre what he thought, and he said that if it was him, he wouldn't make another record. He said they think your the king right now and that's how I would go out. I had so much faith in Dre, that when Dre said that then that was it. There was no more rappin' for me. Now I'm gonna use my writing ability to help us be the shit because that's really what I always wanted. It wasn't about no money to me. I just wanted to be the greatest. I wasn't trying to get rich out there with these guys, even though I did. I mean I wanted the fame and the fortune and all that, but I wanted when muthafuckas said my name, I wanted it to be unequivocal that this guy D.O.C. is the greatest. Now I'm a lot more humble and ill be happy with "he may be the greatest of all time." (Laughs) - Sometimes we sit around and think about what you and Dre would have come out with after "No One Can Do It Better" if it weren't for that damn accident...

D.O.C. - Ahh man, that would have been the shit! It would have been the shit, but I would have had to probably fight with Dre a lot because I don't think he was really interested in the direction that I wanted to go in. He was only interested in making party songs that muthafuckas wanna get drunk and dance to. - What were you trying to get into?

D.O.C. - Well like I said, I used to be a church kid. Like when you get this record, you will feel it. It's god in my record and its a gang of nigga shit. It's a gang of old N.W.A. shit. When muthafuckas hear this record, their first comment is that they knew I was where all of the old N.W.A. shit came from. That's everybody's first word. So it's dirty in that sense, but there are bits and pieces where I'm rappin' myself for like little soliloquies and it's a trip. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you mad, it will make you wanna drive fast and then it will make you wanna get drunk. This album is a trip. - When you guys recorded the "Straight Outta Compton" LP, did you guys record any more tracks then what was laid down?

D.O.C. - Nah, there were other tracks of N.W.A. There was actually one more D.O.C. song called "Bridget" that i think came out a little later. There were more N.W.A. songs, but they sucked. - Do you think those songs would still sound bad today?

D.O.C. - Sure they would. They sucked then, they would suck now. Either the song is good or it's not. There is really no two ways about it. I'll tell you the mistake that a lot of these people in the rap business make today. They think because they got Snoop, DJ Quik, Ice Cube, and Mack 10 on a song that that song is the shit. Well guess what. If one of those guys raps sounds like shit and the idea of the song sucks, then your gonna have a wack ass song. I wouldn't give a fuck who was on it. Now that was my job and I held my nuts and I stuck them to the plate because I knew that these muthafuckas had so much respect for me that when I said it they wouldn't say shit to me. - Well if anybody could say it, it was you.

D.O.C. - I was one of the muthafuckas that set the blueprint. That's what it was, and if you work with one of the muthafuckas that built the mouse trap then you can't come in there trying to build some shit tellin' me it's right when I'm tellin' you it's wrong. - So did you know Snoop would be the next big thing after N.W.A. and you?

D.O.C. - Shit, it took me about 5 minutes. When Snoop came in, he was great. He had all the tools in him to be what he is right now, but he didn't have the desire and nobody was there to push him. That was my job. You have to be able to communicate with everybody, not just muthafuckas in Long Beach, and not just muthafuckas in L.A. So that means your subject matter may have to switch, your wordplay may have to change a little bit. You know just give us all something that we can love on. - So how did it happen Doc, to where you had no involvement in Death Row business wise?

see the next post for the rest...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2002, 02:03:33 PM »
D.O.C. - Shortly after I had that accident, I started fucking with drugs. That's when I first started doing ecstasy. That was way back in '89. I started trying other things and it got to be a way for me to escape that pain. The white people at the top in the big offices, the ones with all the money, they were really only interested in Dre and Snoop. That shit got to be sort of painful even though they needed me to come and sign papers to get things done. It just started to feel like I was slippin', so I started getting more fucked up. I still seemed to make it to the muthafuckin' studio everyday and put my work in, but the more I fell, the more I slipped into that hole. These other guys, the more they started to rise up, nobody reached down to pick me up you know. - The way you would have reached down and picked them up?

D.O.C. - Sure and it's funny because that's the way me and Six-Too ended up hookin' up. He was out there in the world fuckin' up. I'm not gonna speak on what the fuck he was doing, but I was fuckin' up and I saw in him the world. This guy could have the world if he wanted it. - I feel you on that, I really wish he would of had a bigger part in the Chronic 2001 album?

D.O.C. - Well, and there in you will come up with another one of Hollywood's or the music businesses big downfall. They knew what you knew. What you know about this guy Six-Too, they knew it too. So to have him too much is to take the shine away from other muthafuckas who needed it. Which was any of the muthafuckas on that record god dammit! I wouldn't give a fuck who it was. - Personally I would have loved to have heard more Six-Too. In fact, I think Six-Too and Devin are the most impressive MC's I have heard come out of the South in years.

D.O.C. - You god damn right and I'll tell you why. Because you're going through almost 13 years of what we been doing. That shit is old soup. You can't come tell me you gonna kill a muthafucka no more and shock me! Let me say that 99.9% of these guys even though they think the shit that they saying is coming from them personally and is different from anybody else, it's not true. It all sounds the same. It all sounds like I smoke a gang of weed, I fuck hoes, I'm the shit, and I'll bust you in yo ass. Now Six-Too man, it's hard to put a thumb on this dude man because he's unorthodox with his delivery. I guess if you had to put BB King and Snoop Dogg together and mash out a little kid, it would sound like Six-Too. Anyway, after we all came together and started this Death Row shit, I started sinkin' and they started rising. I started losing control, and they started going to meetings without me. I got to give these guys credit to say that they had enough respect for me to where they thought that I was in complete control and knew what I was doing. I fucked up a lot of Dr. Dre's parties and business meetings that I would go to fucked up and nobody still wouldn't say shit to me. They wouldn't say, "Hey Doc, you can't do this or take this muthafucka home. None of that shit. I'd be the only muthafucka in there drunk, "walkin' around with a sawed off shot gun and no shirt on." Threatening everybody and would nobody say shit to me man. So I'm just out there and I can understand to a certain extent why they would be like, "man we gotta handle our business." I ain't fittin' to let this muthafucka fuck mine off. But when I first started making this attempt to come back, none of those guys reached out to really help me and they had their own issues at the time, and I don't look for no nigga to help me because I could make it happen. But none of those guys really felt bad about none of my situations, except for Nate Dogg, let me take that lie back. Nate Dogg was the one person who continually through those seven years, always had great empathy for my situation and always told me that. - Wasn't Nate Dogg in the military or something coming up?

D.O.C. - Shit, we were all in churches as kids. Hell Snoop used to sing in the church quire. And even to this point all of those guys are great guys, even Suge Knight. You know Suge didn't have to come to my hospital bed everyday. I wasn't paying him. He didn't know at that time we were gonna go make Death Row. - Now what about that D.O.C.? I got to speak to Suge once before he went to jail. He seemed like a great guy and showed a lot of love. So I have always wondered, was he as bad as he was made out to be?

D.O.C. - Sure he was. He was a ding a long, that's for damn sure. Suge is the kind of dude to piss on your leg and laugh because he's 350 pounds and he knows you ain't really fittin' to do shit. He got sort of a kick out of that kind of shit. So the more power he got, the more outrageous he got. I believe that he's at a point now where he can't turn around and go back because he put himself out there as this huge Mafioso figure, which these dudes will do because they don't know how to express themselves any other way. But he's put himself out there as such a mafioso type figure that if he turns around then there will be somebody in his own camp waiting to do something to him. As far as I can see it that's the way that game works. - So basically you feel that even if he wanted to turn back and make peace, there is just no turning back for him anymore?

D.O.C. - He really can't. Take into consideration Al Capone, he was at the height of "gangsterism." If he could have had a change of heart, they would have put a bullet in his ass so quick, you couldn't have smelt it and that's probably the same position old boy's in. He really can't play any other role but the one that he has created for himself. - The stories told about Death Row with all the Gangstas in the studio, and how Ruthless it was, was it all true?

D.O.C. - Most of it. It could be kind of cheesy for me to say that my view is the right one, but the only reason that I stand up for mine is that I can stand up to you face to face and man to man and tell you I was Fucked up. - Well you were one of the only ones that were never really caught up in any of the major beefs.

D.O.C. - For what? What they gonna fuck with me for. I'm not talkin bad about nobody. - Well you were there since day one and I believe that if anyone was tellin' the truth, it would be the one that was there since day one and was never really caught up in any beefs.

D.O.C. - Well I got a movie thing happening right now and it's gonna bug muthafuckas out because number one, I don't fear none of these guys you know, so I'm not worried about it. When I get ready to do this movie thing and you can believe what I will tell you is a hundred percent truth. I mean all the shit that they did and all the shit that I did. Oh it's gonna be some shit dawg. It's gonna be some shit! I'm gonna tell you what the name is, but maybe if I'm lucky late 2003 or 2004 I'm gonna be puttin' this movie out and it's gonna be based around my experiences from when I met Dr. Dre in Dallas Ft. Worth Texas, until today. Were actually doing the end right now. It's a great movie because coming from Dallas, being sort of a church kid and getting caught up in a world of gang bangon and I dun saw shit that I knew nothin of. - What are you looking at doing with the movie as far as distribution?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2002, 02:03:55 PM »
D.O.C. - Well actually, were talkin' to a couple of different people to see how viable it is to get it to a big screen, but I really just wanna get this monkey off my back. To get the truth off my chest. - I always wondered how a real N.W.A. movie would have done?

D.O.C. - Oh, we gone see, and you know what's funny? I'm not gonna have any problems getting any of those guys to be involved in it. Any of them! That's the cool part about the position I'm in now. If I call Dr. Dre and ask him for some help, he's gonna say yes. - Why is it that you get this respect from these guys that's very rare to get?

D.O.C. - Well, they know me. Those guys know me like nobody ever will ever know me. They knew me when I was in the front. We could have all took pictures and I would have been the nigga standing in the front, but I was comfortable standing in the back because in my mind, when they won, I won. Now Cube is one of the realest muthafuckas I'll ever meet, I already know that to be the truth because he told me when we were on this "Up In Smoke" shit. "When you need me, call me," so that's what I did and the nigga came right away. I mean he didn't take 5 minutes. He had to leave his movie shoot to come to the studio and give me 30 minutes and got back to work. Now you tell another muthafucka, "Oh 'I'ma call Cube and he'll be over here in 30 minutes, bust his lyrics and go back to work. He wil say, "Nigga what!!" That's Ice Cube man! - That's love and loyalty man.

D.O.C. - That's what I'm talkin' about, and that's what it's really all about. See I never got a chance to finish the lessons. It's not really all about shoot em' bang bang, kill a muthafucka. We do need soldiers. Soldiers are very necessary, but we have to think. We can't be dumb. Sellin' see that's what got everybody geeked up. Eazy-E sold dope. That made everything lovely because that's all that really niggas could do, so they got off into making records about sellin' dope. Now everybody is a dope seller. Now what we never got a chance to tell these kids is that sellin' dope ain't cool. Sellin' dope ain't the shit, don't get it twisted. Just because niggas is rappin' about this shit and it may even sound great, but that's a record. It's like going to the movies and you see Arnold Shwartzenegger bustin' somebody in the ass may have looked pretty good, but that will get you put in jail. Nobody gave these kids that lesson. See when I lost my voice, that was my next lesson dawg. Well now after ten years, I finally got enough air back in my balls where I feel like talkin' and trust me when you hear this record, your gonna be like man! Matter of fact there is shit on this record that is so dirty, I know these muthafuckas are gonna be comin at me like, "Nigga how you gonna say some shit like that, hell naw get that off the shelf. You're ruining our kids. When they come at me with that conversation, watch how cool, calm, and collective as I sit back and converse with these folks. Oh, I got they ass. They fucked up( Laughs). - Now let's get into the Chronic. You were in the "Nuthin' but a G Thang" video and everything seemed great at Death Row. Was it? - Be sure to check back later this week as we continue with Part 3 of this CLASSIC interview with the Diggy Diggy Doc here on The only place to find quality, in depth interviews with hip-hop's past, present, and future stars.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2002, 02:34:59 PM »
im already anticipating part 3. thx for the post.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

Nima -

Re: ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2002, 10:53:11 PM »
nice interview! thanks
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: ThaFormula DOC Interview PART 2!
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2002, 03:50:22 AM »
very deep interview, can´t wait for pt. 3...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
Gårdsdagen efterlod mig sådan temmelig sløj
Men vi har en tank fuld af benzin og kabine fuld af røg
Klokken er ved at være halvsen
Vinduet nede og tager hjørnet langs kantstenen
Hey Stoddah sæt lige farten ned
For panserne hænger altid ud det samme sted
Og jeg gider ikke noget pis fra de svin i dag
Så det er ved næste kryds at vi drejer af
Fuck hvad de gamle med-bilister siger
Kan knap nok se gennem ruden og fuck at skifte op fra første gear
Hey so skal du ikke med
Hvis ikke så ved du vist godt hvad du kan æde