Author Topic: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....  (Read 919 times)

Don Rizzle

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2005, 12:19:42 PM »
yea but to be honest are there really millions of people wanting to move to china and saudi arabia??

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

J Bananas

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2005, 12:32:10 PM »
Talking about US and European racism, or lack there of. In America (and I'm sure Europe) there are several voices always badmouthing what a corrupt racist system there is not leaving any opportunity for advancement of minorities, when like C Walker said, most countries ain't even letting others in! In the Middle East and Africa and other parts of thwe world racism means people getting killed out of resentment for them being on someone elses soil. In America, people boo hoo if someoene tells a mexican to go back home, or makes a joke about a middle eastern being a terrorist, WTF!  Let's face it, white nations are always the most powerful, and the international community is always welcome to live and do business in them, but when colored people decline as a community in those white nations, they are so quick to blame the white people in power. it's childish. now the blacks in the US are a different story, because whites actually did keep them down for hundreds of years, but for the most part, the whites get a terrbile rep. Whatever tho, when you're on top, there's envy.


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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2005, 12:36:16 PM »
I can't believe french police isnt capable of shuttin them damage causers down. If something like this happened in my city I know for a fact them rioters would know better after the first couple hours already.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2005, 01:19:25 PM »
It's TOO BAD the French people had to 'taste'  their government's own foreign policy 'medicine'.
If my statement sounds farfetched don't bother responding. :)
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?

Fonky Fresh

Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2005, 01:21:30 PM »
and talking about caring for others the french response was fucking atrocious no money no helicopters just a measly 100 tents, which is outrageous IMO
im not sure of what u are refering to.
1st gulf war ?
tents only?
c'mon can we talk seriously
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Don Rizzle

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2005, 03:00:53 PM »
and talking about caring for others the french response was fucking atrocious no money no helicopters just a measly 100 tents, which is outrageous IMO
im not sure of what u are refering to.
1st gulf war ?
tents only?
c'mon can we talk seriously
and talking about caring for others the french response to the quake in asia was fucking atrocious no money no helicopters just a measly 100 tents, which is outrageous IMO
« Last Edit: Today at 08:37:16 PM by Don Rizzle » 

i saw that and edited it like half an hour before your reply whats ur point??

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2005, 05:37:09 PM »
I think that all the economic problems in Europe prove that the whole socialist experiement does not work. High taxes, high welfare benefits, tons of vacation all leads to shitty economies, high unemployment, etc

America's policies are the best, thatis why our unemployment rate of half that of Europe's. God bless the USA.

LMAO, comedy.  :loco: ;D

J Bananas

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2005, 07:33:52 PM »
yeah funny that Europe still spites us like we're the retarded ones. back to counting my money


Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2005, 07:41:46 PM »
yeah funny that Europe still spites us like we're the retarded ones. back to counting my money

What you and Cwalker doesn't seem to comprehend, is that Europe is 45 different countries, all with dozens of different languages, different economies, different laws, cultures, religions, social systems, etc. There's no United States of Europe, it's 700 million people divided on 45 totally different countries.

J Bananas

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2005, 07:43:21 PM »
no way.

Real American

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2005, 07:50:04 PM »

What you and Cwalker doesn't seem to comprehend, is that Europe is 45 different countries, all with dozens of different languages, different economies, different laws, cultures, religions, social systems, etc. There's no United States of Europe, it's 700 million people divided on 45 totally different countries.

No way, are you serious? And all this time I thought Europe was just one giant country. Thanks for clearing that up.


Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #56 on: November 06, 2005, 08:11:29 PM »
No problem.

I think that all the economic problems in Europe

So I hope we don't see more of these again, LOL @ economic problems in Europe.


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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2005, 05:48:11 AM »
yeah funny that Europe still spites us like we're the retarded ones. back to counting my money

LOL, props to you for making me laugh. I hope you were being sarcastic, because it would be really sad if your serious.

Don Rizzle

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Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #58 on: November 07, 2005, 08:58:20 AM »
heres quite a good article on the whole situation

Violence exposes France's weaknesses
By John Simpson
BBC World Affairs Editor 

Last spring, over dinner in Paris, a close friend of mine who runs one of the biggest opera houses outside the French capital told me: "I've got this persistent feeling that 1968 is just about to happen all over again."
He had no idea that the violence would erupt in the dreary, featureless suburbs.

He thought it was because the French political system had run out of ideas and credibility, and he knew the French.

These moments of weakness are the times when trouble always seems to break out.

Moment of weakness?

If President Jacques Chirac and the centre-right government which supports him had been in full control of France's political life, it is hard to think these long days and nights of continuous rioting would have taken place.

The feelings of resentment and simmering anger in the suburbs would have been just as strong, but the crowds would mostly have held back.

Years of reporting on riots and revolutions have shown me that crowds display a mysterious collective sense which somehow overrides the perceptions and fears of the individuals who make up the mass. And crowds have a remarkable feeling for the weakness of government.

There is of course a huge well of fury and resentment among the children of North African and African immigrants in the suburbs of French cities. The suburbs have been woefully ignored for 30 years.

Violence there is regular and unexceptionable. Even on a normal weekend, between 20 and 30 vehicles are regularly attacked and burned by rioters.

Power decline

This time the riots are joined up, pre-planned, co-ordinated. At some level of consciousness, the demonstrators know that the governmental system they are facing is deeply, perhaps incurably, sclerotic.

Mr Chirac, standing back until his ministers showed their inability to agree a clear line on the rioting, seems not to have the answers when he speaks now. His presidency is overshadowed by an inescapable sense of past corruption and weakness, and he has governed France at a time when its economy and its position in the world have both declined sharply and markedly.

No matter that events have thoroughly borne out his criticisms of the US and British invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Muslim teenagers who briefly applauded him then have long since forgotten all that - though of course if he had supported President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair then, he would be in even greater trouble now.

In 1968, too, President Charles de Gaulle and his ministers spoke sternly of the need for order to be restored immediately, and yet they did nothing.

If the riot police could have restored order they would have done so, but they were overstretched and outwitted, and their only response was more of the kind of violence which made the crowds even more ferocious in their turn.

Anti-French tone

I remember the 1968 riots very well. But of course the differences between then and now were as great as the similarities. For a start, the riots of 2005 are still all about the bitter and genuine grievances of the Muslim and African communities, ignored and demeaned and kept in poverty by a system which cares very little about them.

Only if a much wider swathe of French society gets involved on their side will the situation become truly pre-revolutionary, in the way that the crowds of 1968 were.

And since the riots have taken on a fiercely anti-French tone, and the violence and destruction have sickened so many people in the suburbs themselves, that seems unlikely at present.

France, though, tends to move forward in fits and starts, rather than organically, and these fits and starts are often associated with violence.

Spirit of revolution

Thanks to the Revolution, violence even has a kind of virtue which it simply does not possess in a country like Britain. When government becomes incapable of change, the crowds in the streets have to do the changing for themselves.

There is a great deal that has to be changed. I have seen many times for myself how the CRS, the deeply aggressive and ferocious force of riot police, have attacked Muslims and Africans in the streets in times of trouble.

Last April, Amnesty International singled out the violence and racism of the French police towards the non-white people of the suburbs for particular criticism.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the Interior Minister, now seems to be playing politics with the situation by appealing to the most basic and resentful attitudes of conservative France.

Much of the violence on the streets of France's cities is mindless; some of it is malign. But simply stamping it down will not work - and anyway the CRS and the civil police have tried that, and their toughness has only made things worse.

France is going to have to change towards its unwilling, often unwelcome young second-generation population, and accommodate them better.

It is not enough to demand that these people drop their sense of themselves and fit in with the way France has traditionally ordered its affairs.

But most of all there has to be change in attitudes at the top. And if Mr Chirac cannot do it, he will be fatally damaged as president.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

Fonky Fresh

Re: The Muslims in France have been rioting for 6 days straight....
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2005, 09:34:29 AM »
yeah that resume well the situation.We are near a new 'may 1968''
thing have to change in the highest political spheres & corporations policies have to change too real quick
Chirac is a well known bandit thats not new he even should  face a trial once he'll be out of the presidential throne for some obscur case that happened 10 years ago... if there is a justice of course.

those fucking politicians i hate em from the 1st to the last u waitng a YES answer & he answer with a ''maybe'' they vote for unapplicables laws n stuff like that while the whole country is falling.
all they do is ruining this country we need a legitimate president asap with a real goverment
and the interior minister aka sarkozy can burn in hell the more he'll preach violence as a solution against the Bg's&Og's from the suburbs the more hell get azz burnt.

but u know i tell it loud&clear coktails molotov are the beggining but there  is a ton of AK47 which are on standby,no joke.
he can call army we will laugh soon
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