Author Topic: French & Dane's 'ban' DRM  (Read 155 times)

Don Seer

French & Dane's 'ban' DRM
« on: March 30, 2006, 03:51:28 AM »

Denmark next in line to challenge Apple, DRM
3/26/2006 6:32:39 PM, by Ken Fisher

Apple's problems in Europe look to be getting worse, not better. Following on the heels of France's legislative push for DRM interoperability comes word that Denmark is thinking along the same lines. Reportedly, Maersk and the country's largest telecommunications company, TDC, are speaking out in favor of such interoperability. Maersk and TDC are not only two of largest companies in Denmark, but they are amongst the largest and most powerful in Europe. Both also operate online music ventures.

Media attention has focused primarily on how the French legislation could affect Apple, and for good reason. The company owns both the world's most popular online music store and the massively successful iPod. The legislation is not Apple-specific, however. Rather, France (and now Denmark) is pushing for general DRM interoperability that would eliminate customer lock-in.

Basically they're making it illegal to tie iTunes downloads to iPods.. meaning anyone can compete with the iPod... these are pro-competition laws.

Ultimately this may force a global 'single DRM standard' which all devices use.. which of course would be broken quickly..


Re: French & Dane's 'ban' DRM
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 06:24:00 AM »
Basically they're making it illegal to tie iTunes downloads to iPods.. meaning anyone can compete with the iPod... these are pro-competition laws.

Ultimately this may force a global 'single DRM standard' which all devices use.. which of course would be broken quickly..

Norway looks set to follow as well.
This is good news for the consumers, and good news for mp3 player manifacturers who doesn't want monopoly, but of course U.S. bitch ass government takes Apples side, their motto: "The more restrictions, laws, rules and limitations, the better". :rant: Probably got RIAA so far up their asshole that they can smell the brylcreem.