Author Topic: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies  (Read 592 times)


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Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2006, 06:40:51 PM »
Questions for Shallow and Ted (since they seem to believe every statement advanced by the white house in regard to this presidency, as if Bush would never lie on this topic even though he's biult his whole presidency around it.)


1.  How come, there is no video footage of the plane hitting the pentagon, when the pentagon is one of the most heavily secured biuldings in the world?  

2.  Why did they get rid of the video footage they had of the event, why did they even make the Hotel across the street destroy their video footage of the event?

3.  How come the only taped footage they've released shows a camera angle from the back, which doesn't allow a view of the attack?

4.  The government says the plane bounced off the ground and then ran into the biulding, then how can the grass in front of the biulding be so clean?

5.  Where is the wreckage from the wings of the plane?

6.  How come so many eye-witnesses testified to a bomb going off in the biulding?

World Trade Biuldings

1.  How come so many people testified on record and in the news to a bomb going off in the biulding?

2.  How come the biuldings crumbled to the ground, when they were struck at the very top?

3.  How come they say the recording devices from the plane were all destroyed (even though they are biult to withstand anything) yet they were conveniently able to find a paper passport of one of the highjackers?

4.  How do you explain half the highjackers being actually being alive in places around the world like Morroco and Saudi, the government admits that it can't be sure of the identities of the highjackers, so how can they be sure Afganistan played a role in it?

5.  How come Usama says in a tape released to Al-Jazeera a few days after the attack that he had no role in it, but then supposedly a month letter he is confessing?

6.  How come Osama Bin Laden (who is left handed) is writing with his right hand in the confession tape?

7.  How come the guy who supposedly calls his mom from inside the plane, says his full name?  When is the last time you used your full name to introduce yourself to your mom?


...and keep in mind that's only a small percentage of the information put forth in this video.


When I said "Now I'm not sure what really happened on 9/11" I think it made it very clear that I am not putting all my faith in the white house and I never assume something is true because they say it is. Just because I think you are a lunatic doesn't mean I have to be on Bush's side. I just think that when all this research was going on by the people that made the video that someone in the NSA would have caught wind of it. My guess is when they did they realized there was nothing in it that would absolutely prove it was an inside job so they let it go for the sake of making people wonder and making conspiracy theorists sound crazy. I'm willing to bet that if there was a video of George W Bush found talking to Osama like budies and congratulating him on a job well done that it wouldn't ever make it online because the NSA would stop it, and if they couldn't they'd make it look like a fake. I'm not saying it wasn't an inside job. I just don't think it went down as the video said if it were an inside job.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2006, 12:32:03 AM »
ive been spamming this for months now

u can download it through torrents

J Bananas

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Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2006, 12:38:32 AM »
heres a copy of the bomb by pharcyde. smoke drugs people.


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Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2006, 09:04:32 AM »
the video of the plain hitting the pentegan is out now....


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Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2006, 01:22:49 AM »
Questions for Shallow and Ted (since they seem to believe every statement advanced by the white house in regard to this presidency, as if Bush would never lie on this topic even though he's biult his whole presidency around it.)


1.  How come, there is no video footage of the plane hitting the pentagon, when the pentagon is one of the most heavily secured biuldings in the world?  

2.  Why did they get rid of the video footage they had of the event, why did they even make the Hotel across the street destroy their video footage of the event?

3.  How come the only taped footage they've released shows a camera angle from the back, which doesn't allow a view of the attack?

4.  The government says the plane bounced off the ground and then ran into the biulding, then how can the grass in front of the biulding be so clean?

5.  Where is the wreckage from the wings of the plane?

6.  How come so many eye-witnesses testified to a bomb going off in the biulding?

World Trade Biuldings

1.  How come so many people testified on record and in the news to a bomb going off in the biulding?

2.  How come the biuldings crumbled to the ground, when they were struck at the very top?

3.  How come they say the recording devices from the plane were all destroyed (even though they are biult to withstand anything) yet they were conveniently able to find a paper passport of one of the highjackers?

4.  How do you explain half the highjackers being actually being alive in places around the world like Morroco and Saudi, the government admits that it can't be sure of the identities of the highjackers, so how can they be sure Afganistan played a role in it?

5.  How come Usama says in a tape released to Al-Jazeera a few days after the attack that he had no role in it, but then supposedly a month letter he is confessing?

6.  How come Osama Bin Laden (who is left handed) is writing with his right hand in the confession tape?

7.  How come the guy who supposedly calls his mom from inside the plane, says his full name?  When is the last time you used your full name to introduce yourself to your mom?


...and keep in mind that's only a small percentage of the information put forth in this video.


ok i'm bored. i'll refute every single one of your arguments.

1.) there is a video, it just isnt the best quality. explain how could a video camera make the most secure building in the world secure ?

2.) what hotel ? did you go and investigate the scene ? now you are spreading the lies..

3.) unfortunately thats where the camera was situated. they didnt know the pentagon was going to be attacked, so unfortunaltely they didnt set up a camera to capture it.

4.) there were trucks on the grass, how do you know it was so clean ? even so, if the landing gear was up, the damage to the lawn wouldnt be all that bad.

5.) the plane hit the building at over 500km/h

6.) because people were panicing, they arent experts to say what was going on.

1.) they heard exlosions, that does not justify a bomb going off. there was a burning plane in the top floors, there could have been things exploding and the sounds travelling down the elevator shafts.

2.) because of how the buildings were engineered, the wing span of the plane would have compromised the integrity of the building. there were still many floors above, with considerable weight. the pan-cake affect caused the buildings to crumble all the way to the floor.

3.) they cannot withstand anything, and they found one black-box. the pass-port, lets just say that was an act of god ;) a sign.

4.) ever heard of people having the same name ?

5.) because osama doesnt have contol of everything that happens in al quaeda

6.) how do you know osama is left handed ? oh right, the conspiracy video..

7.) again, conspiracy video..



Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2006, 07:57:20 AM »
What lies?

Shawn Nutt

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Re: Best Video Yet On Sept. 11th, Exposing The Lies
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2006, 11:16:25 PM »
i watched the whole thing today...

its kinda like my view on god... i dont really have an opinion, as there is no definite answer as of yet... but if i had to choose sides i definately understand where these citizens are coming from

it provided MANY good questions that bush should answer, but obviously wont