Author Topic: ISRAELI WAR CRIMES  (Read 137 times)


  • 'G'
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« on: September 08, 2006, 07:59:06 AM »
Here's sumthin you won't see on mainstream news networks, check it, check it, check it...

Weapons Used and Targets Hit in Israeli Bombing Raids

By Leuren Moret
August 23, 2006

The following maps of Lebanon (scroll down) indicate the amount of munitions used on targets, and what parts of the infrastructure were destroyed by Israeli military attacks.   

These maps are from official Lebanese government sources.

This data has been examined by Dr. Douglas Rocke, a specialist in DU ammunition and myself, specifically focussing on the spread of depleted uranium radiation resulting from the Israeli attacks on civlian targets, in densely populated areas. 

The following types of ammunition were used by Israeli forces:

* cluster bombs

* depleted uranium bombs - including an order during the war by Israel from the US for 100 more GBU-28 5000 lb. depleted uranium warhead bombs

* depleted uranium 105mm and 120mm tank rounds [Info from Major Doug Rokke which he saw in the news]

* missiles (probably DU)

* white phosphorous weapons

* Baccilus globigii - bioweapon which makes people vomit but does not result in death. (A military source said this was determined from color coding on the weapons)  This weapon was used in southern Lebanon and reported that it suddenly caused people to get sick.

* Reports from MDs treating the wounded describing new kinds of wounds never seen before which may be laser weapons. The US has them (classified) on the ABRAMS tanks. There were certainly Directed Energy Weapons. (DEW) used by Israel because shrunken bodies and other types of indicators were reported by Lebanese MDs, descriptions exactly like wounds etc. reported in Baghdad at the airport in 2003 and since.

* Toxic chemicals. Lebanese MDs working with the dead and wounded reported horrific new types of wounds and causes of death. In every war new weapons are tested and old weapons are dumped.



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