Author Topic: WTF !! FUCK THE NBA , KOBE SUSPENDED FOR TONIGHT GAME  (Read 2991 times)


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« Reply #165 on: February 01, 2007, 10:48:08 PM »
NIK thanks for posting those articles.  But keep the messages from team's message boards out.  I could find a bunch of posts about people calling it completely justified on forums all over the net.  I really hope you're not trying to prove your arguement w/ that crap.  Those have as much cred as any post on this board and doesn't prove anything.  I could probably track down a post about how Mark Madsen was the greatest Laker ever, lol.

The articles were good though - they said the exact same thing that I said.  The league is cracking down on superstars left and right.  Jacob has a good point - since The Malice, the league is in hyper conservative mode and is purposely going overboard on suspensions.  None of the articles you posted say that the league is harsh on Kobe and Kobe alone.  They say they are harsh on superstars.  And that is a fact.

Do you honestly think that the Timberwolves Nation and the Nuggets Nation were in full support of KG's & Melo's suspensions?  Fuck no they weren't.  They were flipping the fuck out as well.  I guarantee you TONS of them believe that David Stern / Stu Jackson hold a huge grudge against those guys. 

And of course the league is promoting it's young superstars.  These are the guys that are gonna be the face of the league for the next 10-20 years.  They're not gonna go out there and spend time / money championing Shaq and all the other geezers.  That'd be a horrible business move.  It's like you're always saying how the Lakers want dynasties and not sacrifice the future for immediate success.  That's what the NBA does - they're putting a HELL of a lot more time promoting the young guys because they're gonna bring them more financial success for years to come than a guy like Shaq who's looking at a year or two left.

But you're only picking out the negative times and focusing on that.  Ask yourself - who plays on Christmas day the last few years?  Kobe.  That's probably the biggest hyped regular season game of the year for the last few years.  The NBA knows that there's a huge audience for that day and they want their biggest names in action.  My dad who NEVER watches the NBA watches with me on Christmas and the only guys he knows are Shaq and Kobe.  You think that is on accident? That's some of the biggest promotion they could get by showcasing those guys on that day.  If there was ANY conspiracy to keep Kobe down they wouldn't put his face on tv on a day that's likely gonna draw some of the bigges ratings of the year.

Again, I'm not saying that Kobe's suspension is warrented or justified.  I'm just saying that fans of every franchise feel wronged all the time by shit exactly like this.  And I guarantee you they feel there is a conspiracy.

Yea, they promote the Christmas game like the bad guy (Kobe) vs. the good guy (Wade)...Thats how the NBA wants it, and that's how they're gunna have it. It's a shame that people like you and even someone like Jake, who considers himself a Laker fan, haven't caught on to this, when pretty much everyone who follows the Lakers has, including professional analysts. If you woulda' listened to KLAC 570 AM in LA yesterday, all you woulda' heard ALL DAY LONG is people talking about how Kobe blatantly gets no respect from the NBA. You shoulda' listened to how baffled Kobe sounded when he was being interviewed, being asked why the league has it in it for him. If it was just me saying this, fine, I understand your argument, but the whole basketball nation is talking about this, and the Laker staff is pleading with the league to lay off Kobe...PeACe

As usual, you dodge 90% of my post and answer the only part that you can come up with some semblance of an arguement to. :-X

LOL, Who doesn't understand this?  You're so presumptious yet you're wrong all the time :nawty:.  It's WWE - good guys and bad guys.  They took what Kobe gave them.  He had a rape case and snitched on Shaq.  So he's got a negative connotation to his name to everybody that's not a Laker fan. 

No matter how many points he scores in a game or in his career or how many rings he gets is gonna change the public perception of him.  Ask Barry Bonds.  HIS actions put him where he's at.   Just how Shaq has a negative connotation for Laker fans.  It's an intriguing story line that the league PROMOTES on its BIGGEST REGULAR SEASON GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!  Only you would be ignorant enough to try and argue that the league doesn't promote Kobe.  So you're fucking conspiracy theory is shot down again. 


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« Reply #166 on: February 02, 2007, 11:23:25 AM »
NIK thanks for posting those articles.  But keep the messages from team's message boards out.  I could find a bunch of posts about people calling it completely justified on forums all over the net.  I really hope you're not trying to prove your arguement w/ that crap.  Those have as much cred as any post on this board and doesn't prove anything.  I could probably track down a post about how Mark Madsen was the greatest Laker ever, lol.

The articles were good though - they said the exact same thing that I said.  The league is cracking down on superstars left and right.  Jacob has a good point - since The Malice, the league is in hyper conservative mode and is purposely going overboard on suspensions.  None of the articles you posted say that the league is harsh on Kobe and Kobe alone.  They say they are harsh on superstars.  And that is a fact.

Do you honestly think that the Timberwolves Nation and the Nuggets Nation were in full support of KG's & Melo's suspensions?  Fuck no they weren't.  They were flipping the fuck out as well.  I guarantee you TONS of them believe that David Stern / Stu Jackson hold a huge grudge against those guys. 

And of course the league is promoting it's young superstars.  These are the guys that are gonna be the face of the league for the next 10-20 years.  They're not gonna go out there and spend time / money championing Shaq and all the other geezers.  That'd be a horrible business move.  It's like you're always saying how the Lakers want dynasties and not sacrifice the future for immediate success.  That's what the NBA does - they're putting a HELL of a lot more time promoting the young guys because they're gonna bring them more financial success for years to come than a guy like Shaq who's looking at a year or two left.

But you're only picking out the negative times and focusing on that.  Ask yourself - who plays on Christmas day the last few years?  Kobe.  That's probably the biggest hyped regular season game of the year for the last few years.  The NBA knows that there's a huge audience for that day and they want their biggest names in action.  My dad who NEVER watches the NBA watches with me on Christmas and the only guys he knows are Shaq and Kobe.  You think that is on accident? That's some of the biggest promotion they could get by showcasing those guys on that day.  If there was ANY conspiracy to keep Kobe down they wouldn't put his face on tv on a day that's likely gonna draw some of the bigges ratings of the year.

Again, I'm not saying that Kobe's suspension is warrented or justified.  I'm just saying that fans of every franchise feel wronged all the time by shit exactly like this.  And I guarantee you they feel there is a conspiracy.

Yea, they promote the Christmas game like the bad guy (Kobe) vs. the good guy (Wade)...Thats how the NBA wants it, and that's how they're gunna have it. It's a shame that people like you and even someone like Jake, who considers himself a Laker fan, haven't caught on to this, when pretty much everyone who follows the Lakers has, including professional analysts. If you woulda' listened to KLAC 570 AM in LA yesterday, all you woulda' heard ALL DAY LONG is people talking about how Kobe blatantly gets no respect from the NBA. You shoulda' listened to how baffled Kobe sounded when he was being interviewed, being asked why the league has it in it for him. If it was just me saying this, fine, I understand your argument, but the whole basketball nation is talking about this, and the Laker staff is pleading with the league to lay off Kobe...PeACe

As usual, you dodge 90% of my post and answer the only part that you can come up with some semblance of an arguement to. :-X

LOL, Who doesn't understand this?  You're so presumptious yet you're wrong all the time :nawty:.  It's WWE - good guys and bad guys.  They took what Kobe gave them.  He had a rape case and snitched on Shaq.  So he's got a negative connotation to his name to everybody that's not a Laker fan. 

No matter how many points he scores in a game or in his career or how many rings he gets is gonna change the public perception of him.  Ask Barry Bonds.  HIS actions put him where he's at.   Just how Shaq has a negative connotation for Laker fans.  It's an intriguing story line that the league PROMOTES on its BIGGEST REGULAR SEASON GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!  Only you would be ignorant enough to try and argue that the league doesn't promote Kobe.  So you're fucking conspiracy theory is shot down again. 

You have no clue what you're saying, dude..."Kobe snitched on Shaq". LOL. You think the supposed interrogation on a false rape case is an excuse for the league to hate on a dude nonstop and give him promotion only as an arch nemesis and a classless thug? LMAO@comparing Kobe's public perception to that of a Barry Bonds...DUDE GOT ACCUSED OF RAPE BY A MONEY HUNGRY BITCH, HE'S STILL ALWAYS BEEN THE SAME PLAYER THAT LA GREW TO LOVE. It's not like Barry Bonds where EVERYONE hates him with good reason, Kobe is hated by most because the Lakers have ALWAYS been a hated team, and when you're the greatest player on the most hated and storied franchise ever...Well, I'm sure even you can add that one up. If you haven't followed the Lakers (which you clearly haven't) and the leagues treatment towards its undisputed best player, then don't comment on this, cuz you sound like you're just speaking out your ass...PeACe