Author Topic: Shit is heating up within Israels government over the flotilla incident...  (Read 425 times)


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I personally feel this is a good thing...The IDF has already shown that they will fake radio transmissions and likely the video showed all over the mainstream media (MSM).  They committed murder, even killed an American on a boat that was flying the US flag.  That act alone should be grounds for retaliation of some sort from the US, however, the powers that be (were) continue near blind support of Israel.  Too many in our government have dual citizenship and their allegiance to Israel is often greater than their allegiance to the US.

So seeing this video showing Israelis speaking out against the Zionists (two VERY distinct and different factions) I think is a good thing.  The Zionists' time has passed, their way of thinking is completely barbaric and outdated, and people are catching on to all of their bullshit wars and bullshit shady tactics. 

Anyway, let me know what you think of this regardless of your perspective.  I'm always open to new aspects.  Peace

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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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First of all whoever provides PR advice for the israeli establishment should be sacked for incompetence because they are doing an awful job of trying to spin this into a positive light.

Secondly the Israelis point out on a regular basis that the arab governments don't really care about the palestinians and that's true, they do use it as a political football something worth pursuing because of popular opinion. However the palestinians are treated like complete animals, like they are sub human and there are obvious parallels between the mindset of some of these israelis and the nazis.

I actually think this is bigger than Israel though, because we see so many things unfolding from so many different angles, in that respect, I think the Israelis actions were approved beyond the Israeli government to open a new stage up, or potential new stage.

I don't know whether Israel is genuinely the centre of all power but I do believe it is central to the politics and it's apparent that some of the genuine fundamentalists can be found in both their religious community and political.

However I also think that and this is not defending Israel, that as you may or may not know almost half of israelis are secular and are the moderates not preaching war, but yet once again as is seen throughout the world, their identify is hijacked, and the manipulators hide behind in this case the israeli flag.

For instance whenever you see some jewish people in Israel who are openly opposed to the policies they are immediately labeled as left wingers whether that is lawyers demanding the court passes a motion to prove that Israeli's raid was justified, or just pressure groups.

I also have noticed from discussing this with some americans that they to share this same mindset that arabs are lesser because arabs have been so demonised which only undermines the very one sided nature of U.S media throughout all of the main publications.

I think this probably marks the beginning of a new phase though, because attacking a flotilla which had so many people on board, was not smart but also people will identify with the events on a more personal level because there were lots of europeans on board as well as turkish.

The danger is that those who control Israel want to case Israel as the ultimate pariah because they are nihilistic and therefore with their preaching about Israel vs the world, they make it become a self fulfiling prophecy.

Israel is about the size of Wales, so we are talking about a very small country and could not withstand a sustained military assault at least not with conventional warfare. However those politicians in the Knesset were behaving like wolves ravenously wanted to unleash themselves upon that woman, it was both cowardly but also would be cause for alarm when you consider just how far they are willing to go.

Of course what this also does is serve as a distraction away from the economic collapse and therefore whether the events were organic or not, the shootings will snowball into a provocation. In addition to which israeli politics has never been clean or anything approaching it, so no doubt there are some domestic scandals which they are trying to draw attention away from also.

I think pragmatic cool heads must succeed here because while I am once again outraged by the blatant complicity and murder, feeding into the anger is perhaps a dangerous thing, because war is the last answer for anyone, or at least anyone meaning 99.9% of the world.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 08:11:27 AM by virtuoso »


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jews lose

The Overfiend

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That Knesset Chairman/Speaker is way too tolerant. If that was Australia the dude screaming out 'she's a terrorist' would have been ejected from the House already.

Looks bad for their democracy that they tolerate all that heckling and screaming.

You can imagine Zoabi needs security for days, every ultra nationalist nutcase in that country is itching to put a bullet in her head.

Having said that, this of course will all blow over.

Israel is really only doing what nearly every other Western country has done before them.
Force people off their land, ethnic massacres here and there, then implement a legal system to maintain their ethnic creed at the apex of the country's prosperity and majority.

Obviously Israel is trying to build a nation, thats what zionism is all about. Traditionally, if you want your own nation you need several things: land and a dominant ethnic nationality.

Same thing that happened in Australia, the English came in culled back the natives, made the whites the racially dominant demographic within the country by flooding the country with their creed and kept the aboriginal numbers down so that Australia could be a majority white nation. Now it has the luxury of indulging in multiculturalism.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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i truly do not get your point? rolling this back to an historical context misses the point, the arab countries use the palestinians as a political football and the israelis use the palestinians as a literal football. This goes much wider and deeper than Israeli tanks and apaches vs homemade rockets, stones and suicide bombers, therefore there has to be a solution, hamas has already backed a 2 state solution to and yes they are terrorists blah blah, show me a government which doesn't engage in state terrorism, from Israel, to NATO bombing serbian news offices, to America and Britain bombing "strategic" points, bombing weddings etc.

Israel is determined to set itself up as the ultimate pariah and i have to ask why? for instance in February of this year Netanyahou was suggesting that Israel just go ahead and block ships into Iran, constantly threatening to bomb. This is not going to go away because there is clearly a certain level of nihilism about this all and the more they perpetrate, the bigger the backlash and the more their prophecy is realised.

The Overfiend

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Of course a historical context is relevant. You have to look at it from a historical context as well. Israel sees itself as a Western nation. The West too, arguably, sees Israel as a Western nation.

Historically, Western nations that were developing implemented a system that favored their racial, ethnic and religious creed.

Later, when that creed had been safeguarded through time, power and wealth, Western nations were then able to relax and socially liberalize their laws and ideals. Israel is going through the same process.

Australia had a whites only immigration policy that only ended in the 1950s, and that continued indirectly for some years after.

If you look at what Israel is doing now, its only what nearly every other Western or Western influenced liberal democracy has done before it in some way.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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However the state of Israel is already very clear, the borders were created, this isn't about the boundaries of Israel, it is about the territories they have occupied since 1967. Historical justification is no justification for the here and now shitting on the Palestinians like they were sub human.

The-Leak (aka) kingwell (bka) JULES

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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It's gonna be a real hot summer...  FOR EVERYBODY.

The Overfiend

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However the state of Israel is already very clear, the borders were created, this isn't about the boundaries of Israel, it is about the territories they have occupied since 1967. Historical justification is no justification for the here and now shitting on the Palestinians like they were sub human.

I never said it was. But thats the reality of nation building. Not much will change.