Author Topic: Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!  (Read 247 times)


Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« on: January 12, 2003, 09:29:13 PM »
What's the scariest thing you've ever done? I don't mean, the Scariest thing you've ever seen, then ran away from.  I don't wanna hear about the time a dog chased you home.  I mean, the SCARIEST thing you ever stood up to, like a man!  I think I'm a pretty brave person, most things, I stand up to and don't back down, even if i'm scared to death, but I'm sure yall have seen and done more than me.  I don't mean, the time your buddy got shot next to you.  I mean the time your buddy almost got shot next to you, but you grabbed the gun away from the guy.  Something like that.  I'll give a bunch of examples, but I know yalls will be better.  Try to explain with as much detail as you can, so we can really feel the effect of it.

1. Most of mine revolve around death.  This is one of the best.  I used to work at a limo company, and one night, I was waiting on one driver to pick up his car.  He showed up, late at night, and it was pitch black; we were in the woods, away from businesses, all alone.  I was the only one there, and as he was pulling his limo out for the night, I was about to shut the door, and he slammed on the brakes... he rolls the window down, and says "Oh, by the way.  What's with the coffin out back?".


"Yeah, There's a coffin out back.  Done been in the ground and everything".  I was scared to death, LOL.  He starts telling me this story... last night, he pulled his limo in at 3a.m., and was out rinsing the car off with the hose.  As he was walking to the trash can, he saw something... there was a coffin laying right there in the grass, next to the building.  

By now, i'm scared to death.  Like almost shaking, LOL.  Coffins and me don't get along, i'm kinda claustrophobic anyways, even though I always deal with it.  So, I go "Show me".  He gets out of the car, and we walk around the building.  Sure enough, there in the grass is a casket, shimmering in the moonlight.  It's a light green color, with rust stains, and dirt caked all over it.  It's obviously been in the ground for years.  There's a great crack running down the center of it, where the lid opens, and a rubber seal hanging off the side.  Larry and I started walking towards it.  I'm dying.

As we get closer, suddenly, the smell hits us.  I don't know if you've ever smelled it, but you'll never forget it if you have.  It smelled like dirt, it smelled like mold, and it smelled like rotten meat.  Finally, here we are, Larry and I standing next to an old full size casket in the middle of the night.  I'm about to wet my pants.

Larry, I swear to god, has balls of steel.  He reaches down (cautious, because his 350 pound 6'4 ass is scared to death too), and opens the lid.  we slowly peer under it, and what I saw, I'll never forget until the day I die.  Inside the casket, all the way around, was white silk linen, ancient, that had turned brown from age.  There was a line about 3 inches up, and from that line down, you could see where the body had been lying in water for years.  The linen on the top of the casket was hanging down, all ripped up, from where it had been deteriorating for years.  the bottom of the casket was covered in fine dirt, and the linen had all turned into a brown mess... and at the top of the casket, there was a little pillow, with an indention in it about 6 inches deep; in the shape of a head.  You could see exactly how the body had lain all those years.  

We shut the casket back up, and went home... the next night I came back with my friends, but wouldn't open it up.  It worked out pretty good, all the girls thought I was the man for that.  

The story on how the casket got there isn't as important, but that's one of the scariest things I've ever stood up to, and not ran from.  What's yall's stories?

Suga Foot

Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2003, 10:15:54 PM »
I have a brave/scary story.  One of my friends was having a house party back when we were in the 10th grade.  We hung out with a lot of older kids and "bad kids" back then.  One might even had considered us "bad kids", lol.  So anyways, we had all the girls at the party.  Then a bunch of guys who I kinda knew showed up tryin to take all the girls over to their party.  Well my friend wasn't havin it.  He doesn't handle his liquor well, so he goes into the kitchen and grabs a butcher knife and starts threatening the guys with it.  I asked the guys nicely to just leave cuz I didn't want any shit to go down.  So there we are on the front lawn, everone yelling at eachother.  Then my friend starts running at the other guys with the knife, I tackled him and wrestled the knife out of his hands, we both ended up cutting ourselves and our clothes in the process.  I usually don't do things like fight and stuff, but this was just a reaction.  I didn't even know what I was doing.  But all the girls thought I was a hero for it so it was cool.  ;D


Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2003, 10:34:44 PM »
Damn! Thats Ultra scary. Caskets freak me out

I guess the bravest thing I've ever done was about 4 months ago. Me and some friends were at the bowling alley rolling some balls enjoying some brews. Everything was pretty cool untill this dude and his old lady showed up and started bowling in the lane next to us. This guy was the typical looking redneck type guy. Armpit stains on the nascar shirt, semi-mullet, beer belly type stuff. Anyways, my firneds and I were done bowling and so we were getting our shoes on and this big redneck guy starts getting all crazy and yelling at his wife. He's being hella beligerant, telling her that he's gonna kick her ass and mess up her kids and things of that sort. I was like, WTF, whatever, mabey she just pushed his buttons or something so we all get up and are returning our shoes and paying off our bar tabs and all that jazz. All of a sudden, I hear this HUGE slap over the sounds of the bowling alley and I turn around and see the woman on the ground holding her face. I was like wtf is this. I thought mabey somebody else would do something about it, but get this: The whole bowling alley was acting like nothing happend. This type of behaviour really dosne't fly with me, and since nobody else was gonna do anything, I knew I had to speak up. I went over to the guy and told him that if I saw him do it again that I was gonna call the police. I was about 8 feet away from him and he just looked at me like he was gonna beat my ass. I had my friends with me, but I didn't want to get a case, so I thought he would stop it. I told my friends that we needed to stick around and make sure he didn't hit her again, and I told them I'd buy them a round, so they were cool with it. Sure as loose shit through a goose, not 5 mins go by and he raised his hand again. I walked over to him and told him the police were on their way and he'd better stick around. This made him even more irate and he took a swing at me. I got hit right in my cheeck and it threw me back a couple of feet. I wasn't gonna let this slide so I gathered my senses and got my thoughts back in a right state of mind. By this time, my friends were coming over, but it was too late. It was squabble time! I hit him in his mouth twice and he went down. The fucked up thing was that his wife was trying to pull me off him! I was like WTF is this?!! SO anyways, by this time, the bowling alley people had actually called the police and they were on their way. My friends pulled me off him and wanted me to bust out, but I was thinking: "Why should I leave? I've done nothing wrong" So I stuck around and waited for the police to show up. Long story short, The wife decided to press charges aginst him, and he got arrested for assult! I got off scott free, sans a bruised face. It felt really good to stand up for somebody when nobody else gave a shit.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2003, 10:35:15 PM by Engel-Rock »


Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2003, 10:56:06 PM »
Man, both of those are good.  Yall are heros for that there.

here's another one, LOL.

2. One time, I was at work, at a photo lab at Winn Dixie.  I'm sitting there, and this little girl rolls up that I knew; I was 18 at the time, and she was 16.  Anyways, she says she's goin' out to have fun, gonna egg some girls house, wants to know if I wanna go... now, of COURSE I'm down! LOL.  I go out, and get in the car, there's like 4 girls in there, all 16.  So, the first thing that runs through my mind is, man, if I get stopped, I might get in trouble, these girls are all underage.  So, anyways, we run over to this foodlion, and it's about midnight.  We met up with this other car of girls, and one girl's boyfriend driving.  So it's like, a guy with a girl, and me, and about 6 girls.  LOL.  Anyways, they're sitting in the food lion parking lot, and she leaves her keys with this one chick, so she can just sit there and listen to the radio.  Well, as we're walking off, the girl starts driving around in the parking lot, no big deal.

So, me and Julie (her name) start stalking through these backyards; we're gonna egg the hell outta this girls house.  We get up towards her  house, and at 1 a.m., her entire family is sitting in the dining room with the patio door open, talking and eating. LOL just our luck.  We can't egg the house, because they're sitting right there.  So, we turned back around, and walked back to the food lion.

Well, we didn't wanna waste the eggs, so the girls all start throwing the eggs at food lion, LOL.  It was pretty fun.  well, One of them's a friekin' idiot, and throws it and hits the glass window.  An alarm starts going off, REALLY FRIEKIN LOUD, lol.  Well, I think it's funny as hell, because they're all friekin' out, and I've done my share of stupid crap, so I knew we had all kinds of time before the police would show up, LOL.  So, I was just gonna get in the car and drive off, we probably had 10 minutes before the cops would even be there.  So, I'm tryna calm them all down; they all run and jump into the one car, and drive the hell off; so it's me, Julie, and some little 15 year old girl.  I walk over to her car, get in...... No keys.  The bitch she let drive through the parking lot, just jumped in the other car and drove off with her keys.

So, basically, we're screwed.  We started running down the road (alarm still going off) after the car, LOL.  We get like two blocks down, and I hid the girls behind somebody's house... she was like "just leave the car, and they'll leave"... but I was trying to explain to her all they'd do is scan her tag, call her dad, and then I'd be dead, LOL.  So, the car drives by again, the wrong way.  I chase it down, and end up about a quarter mile from the grocery store.. .the alamrms been going off for at least 10 minutes now.  The girl's in the backseat, she tells me she left the keys laying in the floorboard, LOL.  So, the asshole wouldn't drive me back, so I got out of the car, ran the quarter mile back to the store, jumped in the car, found the keys, turned the headlights on, pulled out of the parking lot...

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! There's the police.  They jump  out, pull their guns on me, get outta the car.  I got out, bumped my head on the door (LOL) and ended up looking like I was drunk.  So, they get me, slam me on the side of the cruiser, cuff me up, throw me in the backseat.  The little girls run up crying and stuff "BAWH BAWHH, I"M WITH HIMMM, BAWLL BAWLLL".  I'm sitting there, and they asked me who's idea it was, and I just told them I did it, and they happened to be in the car with me.  The girl's looking at me going "I"M SO SORRY' because they've got her in the other cruiser... finally the manager showed up, and said he wanted to whip my ass, but I told him I'd clean it all up and he let me go without pressing charges, LOL.  Man, I was like superstud for 2 years with all them since I took all the blame for them wanting to egg the house.  Not really that scary, but kinda brave I guess, wasn't that big of a deal, though, since I wouldn't have gotten in any trouble, but they made a big deal out of it for a long time, scared them to death.  


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Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2003, 11:00:36 PM »
callin 911 when i saw the van on top of my dad.  it was really brave its jus suptin i had 2 do.  what was i supposed to do ,  jus watch my dad die


Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2003, 11:06:54 PM »
Actually, don't underestimate what you did, you saved your dad's life.  

King Tech Quadafi

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Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2003, 08:17:57 AM »
i once saw my pops get in a fight downstairs in the lobby of mybuilding and i ran down with a mop and starting smashin on fools, but i dont think that

um, I once had to deal with some drunk fuck who tried to kidnap my lil bro when he was like 3 in front of my cuzins house....he grabbed my bro and i ran up to him, i was 9 and i kicked him in the balls and grabbed my lil bro into the house and called the po po's.

I was fuckin scared cuz i was a lil kid, and here is some drunk 40 year old man...had to go to court as a witness for that shit.
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2003, 08:07:33 PM »
That's crazy, Tech.


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Re:Scariest/Bravest thing you've ever done!
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2003, 04:35:33 PM »
DAM that shits interestin... i cant think of nething iv been threw off the top of my head so ill think 4 a whiel lol