Author Topic: Peace to my people of color  (Read 691 times)


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Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2012, 08:06:29 AM »
Just wondering, if the balck man is the original, then dose that make the white man the evolved man?


 LOL! thats not bad. *looks down at beer gut* i just ate burgers and fries too....

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Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2012, 09:17:39 AM »
Just wondering, if the black man is the original, then dose that make the white man the evolved man?
 hey dont get offended, iam just saying?
 i mean look back in history how black people were living, shit even Asian people and then look at the technology the white man introduced to the rest of thew world. Dose that make white people evolved, from another planet, or are we really the devils doing?
 Did white people improve the world or fuck it up? hmmmm
 White people are and endangered species though.
 Its interesting, White people are the more intelligent race as far as history would suggest but black people are superior physically. No i dont mean dick size i mean athletically, stamina, resistance to sun burn, things of that nature.
 Black people dont seem to handle alcohol well though, shit iam an alcoholic but at least i can hold down a job, dont murder and rob people, rape people, end up in jail.  (ok so that was a little racist and i do apologize but shit i can only speak for what i see here in Australia).
 The Sundanese seem to work and dress well and shit though.  
 EDIT: Blacks are fucking good at sport and music though i dont think whities tryna steal we just like the music. But i guess u talking about the people in power making money off of it.
 Anyway cant we all just get along lol? i have friends of many different races, who gives a fuck about history now is now.
 Oh and Romper Stomper is a good white power movie, better than American history X, it has a young Russel Crowe in it. Shits funny as hell, its not white vs black though its white vs Asian. The sound track is lol. "kick him if he's yellow, kick him if hes black"

I'm glad you brought up this point.  The first man, hence the Original man is from Africa (the motherland) so all people are descendant from the blessed earth of Africa.  The skin color as well as other physical changes are all mutations from the original picture of what the most high intended for man to be (Black).  So while I do not hate all people of no color, it seems that at some point many many of them conspired to hold down the Original man.  It's been happening since the beginning of time.  The mutated white man fears the powerful Original black man so he enslaves him in many ways.

It was the creators test to place the beginning of man in an area that was lacking any resources to advance.  The original man stays true to his roots and feels most comfortable in the blessed motherland.  The mutants feel better the further from their past they can travel.  Thats why there are so many whites on the other side of the world.  they are subconsciously distancing them selves from their birthplace so they wont feel so guilty about raping the Asiatic culture.
“There is plenty to blame whiteness for. There is no crime that whiteness has not committed against people of color.  … We must blame whiteness for the continuing patterns today that deny the rights of those outside of whiteness and which damage and pervert the humanity of those of us within it.”


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Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2012, 09:52:38 AM »
 Interesting theory. Interesting though how much humanitarian acts and aid the white nations/leaders provide for every other nation and race that isnt white and how we need to educate them to be able to have a civilized society. But i guess you could argue if they were left to ancient ways their nations wouldnt be so fucked up.
 Funny how it turns around and now races of every color flock to the white nations to escape their own fucked up countries. So much so that white nations are being over run, without resistance too one might add.Political correctness and all.
 Funny white nations like American influence the whole word, both from consent and forcefully. They dont complain about financial and military aid though.
 Who knows man, whites were in a postilion of power once, so much so that they probably could've taken over the world yet they did not. Cant be so evil and fearful as you say otherwise history may have been written very differently.
 Now the white man is outnumbered and many other races have caught up and have wealth and power. At the end of the day it wont be whites or blacks running things when shit goes down. Umm, China and Nth Korea anyone?
 But thats another story.
 Thing is though, you could always leave America and go back to Africa?  And lots of Aboriginals still live out in the bush in tribes n shit. I guess they happy doing that.
 Anyway i dont think it matters whos the original or whos what. Religion just holds people back and causes conflict. You sound like a very religious person. That shit just consumes people and controls them. The Muslim religion is the biggest casue of bullshit. But i guess a white man with no culture or religion dosent understand these things.
 I mean even the Sudanese who live here in peace still feud amongst one another because of not being able to mover forward from the past and tribal feuds..   
 meh i duuno, seems to me lots of blacks doing good in America and lots of white people struggling here in OZ i agree with Nas 'we are all slaves" to the system. We all have to work and pay taxes. there will always be racism but then there is reverse racism and self destruction. 
 Why white people get so much hate but its fine for Asian nations to not allow foreign citizenship and to be proud of their racial purity?
 I'd love to see a boat of white illegal immigrants arrive at middle eastern or Asian shores..
 I think white people went from feeling superior, to feeling guilt and regret, to the whole "black people are cool" to now being over it. Get over it.

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Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2012, 04:55:01 PM »
This black man alias is fucking funny

he is funny. i thought it was Blue Magic at first, but he is too retarded to write clever sentences like that

please remove your chin from my balls sir !!!!!!!
"Summa y'all #mediocres more worried bout my goings on than u is about ya own.... But that ain't none of my business so.....I'll just #SipTeaForKermit #ifitaintaboutdamoney #2sugarspleaseFollow," - T.I.

Darkwing Duck (The Reincarnation)

Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2012, 06:56:24 PM »
thanks for all the text, i concur to most of it,
but this is how i look at it -- :)

the orignal man mightve been black, but the orignal man was also dirty.
the color on his skin reflected his dirt, and as revolution progressed the original man cleaned himself, and the white, clean and Aryan power showed itself =  no more color, no more dirt

« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 07:16:51 PM by Michael Madsen (Der Führer des Dritten Reichs) »



Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2012, 11:10:40 PM »
Thats a creepy ass picture.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2012, 03:58:51 AM »
Job > this guy.

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2012, 12:32:45 PM »

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2012, 12:44:14 PM »
Just wondering, if the balck man is the original, then dose that make the white man the evolved man?
 hey dont get offended, iam just saying?
 i mean look back in history how black people were living, shit even Asian people and then look at the technology the white man introduced to the rest of thew world. Dose that make white people evolved, from another planet, or are we really the devils doing?
 Did white people improve the world or fuck it up? hmmmm
 White people are and endangered species though.
 Its interesting, White people are the more intelligent race as far as history would suggest but black people are superior physically. No i dont mean dick size i mean athletically, stamina, resistance to sun burn, things of that nature.
 Black people dont seem to handle alcohol well though, shit iam an alcoholic but at least i can hold down a job, dont murder and rob people, rape people, end up in jail.  (ok so that was a little racist and i do apologize but shit i can only speak for what i see here in Australia).
 The Sundanese seem to work and dress well and shit though.  
 EDIT: Blacks are fucking good at sport and music though i dont think whities tryna steal we just like the music. But i guess u talking about the people in power making money off of it.

Actually when you look at a real perspective of history, the nation that contributed the most to technological advancement was Egypt. You're thinking of Europe's version of history that you were taught about in grade school. The whole period of exploring the Americas. You must realize 90% of the European cultures weren't contributing anything to advancement. Britain, Spain, and France were running shit, all the other European countries were basically tribes fighting each other with spears.


Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2012, 12:50:48 PM »
Just wondering, if the balck man is the original, then dose that make the white man the evolved man?
 hey dont get offended, iam just saying?
 i mean look back in history how black people were living, shit even Asian people and then look at the technology the white man introduced to the rest of thew world. Dose that make white people evolved, from another planet, or are we really the devils doing?
 Did white people improve the world or fuck it up? hmmmm
 White people are and endangered species though.
 Its interesting, White people are the more intelligent race as far as history would suggest but black people are superior physically. No i dont mean dick size i mean athletically, stamina, resistance to sun burn, things of that nature.
 Black people dont seem to handle alcohol well though, shit iam an alcoholic but at least i can hold down a job, dont murder and rob people, rape people, end up in jail.  (ok so that was a little racist and i do apologize but shit i can only speak for what i see here in Australia).
 The Sundanese seem to work and dress well and shit though.  
 EDIT: Blacks are fucking good at sport and music though i dont think whities tryna steal we just like the music. But i guess u talking about the people in power making money off of it.

Actually when you look at a real perspective of history, the nation that contributed the most to technological advancement was Egypt. You're thinking of Europe's version of history that you were taught about in grade school. The whole period of exploring the Americas. You must realize 90% of the European cultures weren't contributing anything to advancement. Britain, Spain, and France were running shit, all the other European countries were basically tribes fighting each other with spears.
hahaha what? you ever heard of ancient rome?

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Re: Peace to my people of color
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2012, 12:55:55 PM »
