Author Topic: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...  (Read 636 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« on: November 28, 2013, 04:07:24 PM »

The New World order is right on the door step

So brushing aside the likes of mdogg who appears to lack no critical thinking skills whatsoever and is one false flag attack away from bowing before the feet of Obama once again and probably pledging his wife to him too, things are taking shape.

The first shot fired was the attempted detonation of the world trade centre, an event in which intel had assets within the nest of terrorists and allowed it go ahead.

The second shot, that was deadly, murdering thousands of people utilising jets and yes, that's right, an act of god bringing down Building 7 at free fall speed, nevermind that it housed a spooks nest, nevermind that it housed the documents which would REALLY have brought down the outright, monumental fraud of the banks, nope that's all coincidence, in a dumbass, denialist, delusional mafia establishment kissing moron.

Nevermind that a passport emerged almost entirely unscathed from temperatures so hot that they were able to bring down a building and not just any passport, no siree, the passport of the supposed ring leader of the attack.

Nevermind the almost impossible to achieve attack on the pentagon which even most veteran pilots could not achieve, no sir, nevermind that, nevermind the fact that thousands of lives were SPARED because the part of the building targeted was newly bought and therefore casualties were by contrast quite minimal, yeah, act of god again eh? I guess those terrorists didn't know that. stupid terrorists, smart enough to fly a fly so imperiously into the pentagon but not smart enough to hit the main part of the building.

Nevermind the fact that no cameras seem to pick up the plane smashng into the building, I mean it's only the pentagon right?, it doesn't have weapons, it certainly won't have surveillance cameras.

Nevermind that video footage was seized from surrounding businesses, so what, the fbi, they are just taking care of the videos and found nothing of interest that's why they won't release them to the public right. Nevermind the air traffic controllers interviewed after the events whose tapes were supposedly binned, it was unhelpful, didn't need to keep them.

Who cares that the steel from the world trade centre was shipped away, it's only tampering with a crime scene, if it's done at a local level, at a national level it's perfectly legit for that to occur. Only a crazy person could suggest that vital evidence is then lost and even if that were true, then it's just incompetence, sheesh, these establishment mafia, I mean officials, really are just stoopid sometimes.

Nevermind the huge increase in put options against the airlines that day, that was just some rumour which led to those options and those people just got lucky, or maybe it was the terrorists but the terrorists are so sophisticated, we can't deterrmine who put those options on.

Decoy 1 The anthrax attacks, coming only a month after the sickening fabrication that was 911 comes the distraction, the type of short lived hysteria to make people forget all about what had just occurred and now face the spectre of bio weapons being released. However hey, don't worry it was just some coincidence as it was some loan scientist who died before being brought to trial anyway, phew another one averted.

Shot 2 The Bali Bombings - Hundreds of people are killed, as huge explosions rock the night clubs, one in particular leaving behind a huge crater in the ground, but lo and behold, they find the licence plate and would you credit it, the mastermind is so smart that he uses his own vehicle in the bombing and so it's traced straight back to him. It's strange therefore that when this test with similar explosives is used in simulations you don't really have much of anything left, but hey, another stroke of luck.

Shot 3 The Madrid Bombings - A series of explosions hit the trains in Madrid, the world is once again plunged into horror and the gangster establishment respond by tightening the terrorism laws. However we will never know what really happened as all of the supposed suspects killed themselves. Who knows what really happened but never let a crisis go to waste.

Shot 4 The London Bombings - Hundreds of people are killed, as huge explosions rock the underground, ah but the cctv will prove what happened right?  oh, no, no CCTV footage, what about the bombing of the bus? no, no CCTV footage. Netanyahou suggests that he was warned before the attacks took place to stay away from the areas which the trains would be passing through, but oh, no, he was warned after the attacks, so he was warned prior to the public knowing? I mean it can't have been after, because it was everywhere by then and no one would have been allowed anywhere near the sites, least of all him.

Too many questions start being asked and then suddenly whoa, a fake attack takes place 2 weeks later and now all of the attention is on that one, gee, good timing again!, or bad timing, those darn terrorists taking our eye off the ball with a LITERAL fake attack.

However no, it all just happened, so then fast forward to 2007-2008, the banks are playing god, leveraging the debts further and further in a pyramid style, but don't worry, Greenspan had already given them the implicit backing that he would print and print to bail them out. All of course at the expense of everyone else, who would have to see their taxes rise, spending slashed, but don't worry though, because now you could worry much cheaper, oh, no, wait, you couldn't, the banks could, while pursuing foreclosure fraud and ramping up their screwing of the people.

That crazy conspiracy theorist Gordon Brown grandstanded at the G8 that this was a great day for the new world order as a new economic order was agreed, oh, I am sorry, I mean economic co-operation, must remember to soft soap everything I say. Then the conservatives rubbished the suggestion by labour mp's that Gordon Brown was the man to lead the new world order "i hardly think that Gordon Brown is the man to lead the new world order" - said a disgruntled conservative mp.

Gee, that's odd isn't it? I guess he just didn't know, and what does the australian government do? oh yes, they pass laws which allow them to trigger emergency powers to kidnap people in brought daylight and to hold them secretly for several days, well, that's pretty reasonable isn't it?

What do western governments do? oh you know, they bring in benign laws allowing them to charge people with indirectly supporting terrorism, indirectly inciting terrorism, indirectly this, indirectly that, and just to keep you super safe, they expand the definition of terrorism, after all, they have to keep the people safe from the people who may object to their criminality, I guess legal moves.

The EU, aka the European Government wanted to prove it was benign, so to encourage a new era of economic co-operation wanted all countries to sign the lisbon treaty, which would further centralise, oh, i am sorry "pool sovereignty" but the Irish, who, along with a few other countries had to be given a vote according to their own constitutions, said No, the EU said fuck you, how dare you say no, you will vote again. Just to keep things fair and balanced, the yes vote pushers had ten times the budget as the no voters and in the end defeatism and apathy won the EU for the EU gangsters.

Then came along the prospect that it would be voted on in Britain too, but suddenly the EU said no, there is no need for that, we are going to stop with this formal process as we can just ratify existing agreements to extend our power.

Oh and people like mdogg will like this one too, just to really debunk a new world order, the EU installed technocrats into the presidential and prime minister positions of Greece and Italy, that's softly, softly liberal sucking thumb language for, they violated the democratic rights of the people of said lands by deposing their existing governments and instead install dictators into power.

But why stop there? after the supposed killing of a british soldier in London, yep that's right almost right by the barracks, with no pool of blood around the soldier, with the soldier facing away from the camera, we are told that 2 insane black men hacked his head off, i didn't see a dismembered head though, but anyways, I am meant to believe he wasn't already dead. Anyways those wonderful gangsters decried the evil that had befallen this soldier and said that they would pursue terrorism and extremism in all it's forms.

Fast forward to now, 24 torrent sites have been blocked in the UK, countless streamed sites have been blocked, now we are told the government wants to pursue "extremist sites", after the scandal of hacking, the government demanded that the supposed free press sign up for the press charter, so that you know, the state could scrutinise the media. IOh sure, you can refuse, but if you refuse, then you will have to pay all the legal costs in the course of any litigation, yes that's right, all the costs, your's and the claimants and if you win, you don't get reimbursed. Oh yes, it has been deemed that the information found on the partner of Glen Greenwald was supporting terrorism.

No, I know what you are thinking, terrorism is about killing people, mass murder, no, the article in the telehraph clarifies this, terrorism is utilising information which could be used to undermine the governing ideology, yes that's right, if you expose evil or criminality, then you are an evil terrorist.

However why stop there? the business insider wrote an article 2 weeks ago, announcing that the dilemma of negative interest rates will soon be eradicated as we move to a digital currency. This could happen in 3 years, that's way cool right? you won't be able to protect your savings because there won't be cash to take out. That means the task of stealing straight from your banks accounts can occur without any hitches.

So what is a new world order? the new world order is the composition of satanic scum who want to obliterate sovereignty, demonise and destroy individualism, pervert any social or moral values, bankrupt the masses, bring about complete dependence, because then the people become serfs, exercising complete control whilst they quickly kill off the masses.

The destruction of the white race is one part of it, the emancipation of all males is another, the glorification of homosexuality is another, massive dumbing down is a key aim, the decimation of the family unit

How do they achieve this? the poisoning of the food, the poisoning of the water, the poisoning of our minds, the overwhelming immigration, the demonisation of anyone who wishes to have any form of identity outside of the prescribed list, the wars,

It masquerades in many forms, equal rights, fighting terrorism, gay rights, the zuckermann spearheaded immigration reform bill, the sweet loving obama care, the "we should be a nation without borders crowd" the communists, the economic reform crowd, the "political co-operation" crowd and not to mention the blatantly secret TPP.

It comes in the form of Darpa spreading the propaganda of rescue robots, "follow the leader" robots, "robots carrying stuff", it comes in the form of drones in the sky keeping you safe, it comes in the form of new climate agreements.

Things are going to get worse, much worse, some people will hide, others will deny, some people will flip out and do something stupid, many will end up fighting this. You know....we are close to a key point in this takeover when speech becomes demonised and just outright state censored, because in a time of the enemy trying to remain hidden and acceptable, dissent is the greatest weapon.

It is though, bewildering, when some actually apologise for this, or even deny it, this is no longer about political ideology.



  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2013, 03:06:53 AM »
In big lines I agree with you.

But, I don't know if every attack is a false flag. (With the exception of 911, that one is really strange)
A lot of people can be fooled to think what they do is right.
They are handled and controlled by a third party without even knowing it.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2013, 03:39:37 AM »
I want to remind you how close we came.....

But those still in doubt.

They will not stop, they will not bend, till they achieve their goal.

See it as a can not reason with 'It.'


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2013, 07:12:29 PM »

Watch this Australian documentary on the Bali bombings Aladin

Watch this documentary on what went down at Waco



  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2013, 02:31:46 AM »

Watch this Australian documentary on the Bali bombings Aladin

Watch this documentary on what went down at Waco

Thank you, I will make time to look at them.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2013, 04:26:38 AM »
False flags are the norm, not the exception. That may seem pessimistic but its true.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Dumbasses, deniers, those with delusions won't hear it but...
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2013, 10:16:53 AM »

I don't know about you Jrome but when I watched those 2 documentaries, I was heart broken for those victims and full of anger too, it's a very powerful mindset when you are filled with those 2 conflicting emotions at the same time.

This is why I see that some people are just going to flip out and so something stupid and target some level meaningless person who is probably just doing what they do, just to pay the bills.