Author Topic: Would you intervene if you saw cops beating someone to death or torturing them?  (Read 821 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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I have been thinking about this question and have reached the conclusion that I would, I pray that the UK never gets to that state, it's going that way in America. I have come to the realisation that once this sickness sets in, the psychopathic and sociopathic frenzy knows no bounds. To just "mind my own business" is as a collective, guaranteed to lead to an ever greater surge of this vile behaviour. It is akin to the bully at school, if you didn't fight back, they just wanted to attack and bully you more. I am aware of course that every action has a consequence but doing nothing also has guaranteed consequences.

I just wanted to ask that question to the people on here and let's face it, the cops should fear the people when it is the cops themselves who spit in the faces of everyone by not upholding the law


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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I have been thinking about this question and have reached the conclusion that I would, I pray that the UK never gets to that state, it's going that way in America. I have come to the realisation that once this sickness sets in, the psychopathic and sociopathic frenzy knows no bounds. To just "mind my own business" is as a collective, guaranteed to lead to an ever greater surge of this vile behaviour. It is akin to the bully at school, if you didn't fight back, they just wanted to attack and bully you more. I am aware of course that every action has a consequence but doing nothing also has guaranteed consequences.

I just wanted to ask that question to the people on here and let's face it, the cops should fear the people when it is the cops themselves who spit in the faces of everyone by not upholding the law

if they're not policing and enforcing the law, then they're gangsters.

gangsters with legal power. whether you win or lose, they still got you in the end and will give you jail time.

so no i wouldnt, because i dont have the power to do so.

not only that, theyll kill me or give me jail time (probably frame me and put extra charges on me) and probably get my ass whopped by the sheriff or COs when they hear that i was fighting with cops.

Virtuoso, you live in UK right? ive been there well only london, but the cops over there, are nothing, literally nothing like the LAPD, and no you cant compare NYPD or any law enforcement to the LAPD.

dont get me wrong, of course you can generalize thousands of people. but the LAPD is the most rude, corrupt, police department i've ever came across. they make NYPD look like saints.

these cops, are sleeved up, basically gang type tattoos (lol because if they were fucking with someone else that had those type of tattoos, theyd say that same type of shit) bald heads.

and they go around hitting people up, saying shit like "where the fuck you from, claim your shit, dont be a little bitch, you aint down for your hood? Where the fuck you from? AKP? korea town gangsters? asian boys?"  basic tactics so they can put you in the gang file.

and they're dirty, if you have good bud or good cocaine, they wont even write you up for that, theyll write you up for some other shit and take that shit for themselves. they kick you, theyre racist, theyre anything, but professional.

most of these guys arent even doing real police work. its really pathetic.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Nah, I'd just take out my cameraphone and start screaming "WORLD STAR!".
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Teddy Roosevelt

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Nah, I'd just take out my cameraphone and start screaming "WORLD STAR!".
Me too. Intervening could lead to you getting your ass kicked, too. In fact, I'd post only a snippet online and when it goes to trial I'll get the victim to pay me some cash to release the tape. I know that sounds fucked up, but it would be a bluff on my part. If they refused to pay me, I'd release it anyway.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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I could find agreement with that were that to lead to justice against these psychopathic scum but as illustrated in the beating to death of the white homeless guy, while it was captured on all camera, they still appear able to get away with it. I know I would have the shit kicked out of me but that wouldn't be my initial thought. The dam is going to break soon,and people will then carry out their own forms of retribution.
The police in France are scared to death to enter into the inner parts of Paris. If this sickness is becoming more prevalent then they need to be scared of people who are otherwise peaceful too. It breaks my heart to see what is occurring, their needs to be a push back. Furthermore any cop that looks the other way is just as complicit


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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I could find agreement with that were that to lead to justice against these psychopathic scum but as illustrated in the beating to death of the white homeless guy, while it was captured on all camera, they still appear able to get away with it. I know I would have the shit kicked out of me but that wouldn't be my initial thought. The dam is going to break soon,and people will then carry out their own forms of retribution.
The police in France are scared to death to enter into the inner parts of Paris. If this sickness is becoming more prevalent then they need to be scared of people who are otherwise peaceful too. It breaks my heart to see what is occurring, their needs to be a push back. Furthermore any cop that looks the other way is just as complicit

cops dont snitch on cops, and if they do, they usually need to get on witness protection.

the thing is about the camera phone, if there arnt others taping with you, theyll take your phone, break it, and probably say you were resisting arrest.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

You know honestly, I would not. It would be might stop it for a minute or 2, but they would have backup there immediately and 1000% guarantee you would end up with about 10 slugs in your back.

Popo is some dirty corrupt motherfuckers. They kill people all the time and their punishment is a month paid leave from work and then they're back to it. They are never punished as the little dick murderers that they are.

I avoid them at all costs regardless, nothing good ever comes by interacting with them at any level. Camron was right.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Oh I also want to add that many cops are on steroids and those faggots rage like hell and take it out on innocent people all the time.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

I could find agreement with that were that to lead to justice against these psychopathic scum but as illustrated in the beating to death of the white homeless guy, while it was captured on all camera, they still appear able to get away with it. I know I would have the shit kicked out of me but that wouldn't be my initial thought. The dam is going to break soon,and people will then carry out their own forms of retribution.
The police in France are scared to death to enter into the inner parts of Paris. If this sickness is becoming more prevalent then they need to be scared of people who are otherwise peaceful too. It breaks my heart to see what is occurring, their needs to be a push back. Furthermore any cop that looks the other way is just as complicit

cops dont snitch on cops, and if they do, they usually need to get on witness protection.

the thing is about the camera phone, if there arnt others taping with you, theyll take your phone, break it, and probably say you were resisting arrest.

Cops don't snitch on cops...they are known as the Fraternal Order of Police. There is unspoken (actually not unspoken) rules that they ALWAYS have each others backs. Just like freemasonry.

And you're right on the camera issue, cops will either confiscate and erase your phone and give it back to you (if they don't break it right then an there). Happens all the time.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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cops just have too much power in the US.

because most of the time, if you dont have an expensive lawyer or connections, the judge is going to take the officer's word most of the time.

we shouldnt generalize them as a whole, we need cops or some sort of policing, but LAPD is just damn corrupt.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


if ur from LA u wouldnt