Author Topic: The Eight Dusts  (Read 503 times)


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The Eight Dusts
« on: January 27, 2015, 12:56:37 AM »
From Yoboku’s Guide to Tenrikyo:

    Miserliness: The dust of miserliness is to begrudge giving our services; to begrudge paying an imposed charge; to begrudge fulfilling our social responsibilities; to begrudge returning things borrowed; and to begrudge doing one's share of work while imposing it on others.

    Covetousness: The dust of covetousness is to enviously crave for money without making any effort to earn it; to desire good clothes or good food beyond one's means; and to desire more things, knowing what we have is enough.

    Hatred: The dust of hatred is to take offense at someone's advice given in good faith and hate this person; to hate our in-laws; to slander and ridicule others behind their backs; and to condemn not the offense but its perpetrator.

    Self-love: The dust of self-love is to care only about ourselves, forgetting others; to be so attached to our children as to allow them to make unreasonable demands about food or clothes and play when they should be doing chores; to dote on our children so much as not to correct their behavior; and to speak badly of others in an effort to defend our egos.

    Grudge-bearing: The dust of grudge-bearing is to bear a grudge against others, claiming someone has caused us to lose face or kept us from gaining what we desire; to bear ill will because of something said; and to hold a grudge against someone without looking at our own lack of merit.

    Anger: The dust of anger is to become angry when someone has said unpleasant things about us or done something contrary to our expectations; and to feel anger at others' refusal to accept our point of view when we unreasonably insist on our own opinion rather than trying to understand theirs.

    Greed: The dust of greed is to want to have more of everything; to make profits by cheating or giving someone short measure; to steal or misappropriate what belongs to others; and to succumb to lust.

    Arrogance: The dust of arrogance is to be puffed up with self-importance; to be domineering; to look down on others by abusing our wealth or power; to hold others in contempt by boasting that we are knowledgeable; to find fault with others; and to pretend to know what we really don't.  The eight dusts


Sweep your mind.


Re: The Eight Dusts
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 02:18:36 AM »
i like it


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Re: The Eight Dusts
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2015, 05:49:24 AM »
Tenrikyo is a fascinating religion with very disciplined and elaborate rituals.
Their concept of Dust is comparable to Sin in Christianity and through the services they cleanse their spirits of Dust.
They also have an interesting healing method called Divine Grant of Sazuke that I have been fortunate enough to witness.
The followers I have met seem to be very sincere and serving people.

Here is a more elaborate text dealing with The Eight Dusts: