Author Topic: the difference between humour and sarcasim  (Read 1097 times)


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the difference between humour and sarcasim
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:05:57 PM »
first off
humour is funny, in a delightful, playful, geniunely cheeky way....
humour brings a smile to your face like when your a kid and you learn a new nursery rhyme....
humour is contagious, like finding out you've got the love and respect of many and wanting nothing more than to share it and pass it on....
humour is an acceptable form of foolishness.....
humour will have you giggling to yourself in the bath tub like a 3 year old when your 32 and everythang's corrupt.....
humour is meant to uplift you, bring sunshine on a cloudy day.....
humour is not malicious even if you say some nasty things occassionally....
humour is the best medicine, that's why clowns visit childrens wards.....
humour was even acceptable in the eyes of the prophet (pbuh), they said he laughed so much sometimes you could see his molars....

on the other hand
sarcasim is the lowest form of wit, only suitable to be used by the type of lowlifes that get off on disgusting images and love nothing more than to continue the cycle of abuse and degradation imposed apon others through out the ages.....
sarcasim, even when employed in a deceptively "kind" ( and i use the term kind very loosely here ) manner, denotes a flaw in the conscience, it is a weak mans form of false flattery, flattering themselves in their attempt to make something appear as if it is the complete opposite of what it acctually is.....
sarcasim will make you think, it will make you try and decipher the hidden meaning, where'as humour just makes you laugh.....
sarcasim is the weak mans sword, he will use it as a defence against those he has not the ability nor the know how to defeat....
sarcasim, when employed by a sarcastic person, is quite akin to a pedophile abusing a child after he has used the excuse that he himself was abused, or any form of abuse imposed apon others by someone who not only assumes themself to be immune to the same abuse he inflicts but actually laughs about the abuse in a manner that suggests he would be extremely cut if someone used his own tactics against him.....
sarcasim is an unintelligent form of manipulation....
sarcasim is best left to the fouls of the earth who you should not trust and whom you should always think of a humourous way of defeating. keeping in mind that the name of the game is to not leave any evidence so that the sarcastic idiot who started the little two and fro cannot complain any more than the humourous one....

there's alot more that can be said about humour and sarcasim, but im too busy thinking up humourous ways to defeat the sarcastic maggots that consider themselves immune to the same abuse they impose upon others.....

comedy sells alot quicker than sex, its more acceptable, its got a bigger audience, i can put a pg rated movie out there that tottally demeans you for a quater a view and i'd still make more for charity than your ever gonna make selling disgusting snuff films about celibate women or young people incapable of defending themselves.....

have a good sleep sweetie pie......


Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2015, 03:39:41 PM »

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2015, 10:31:00 AM »
It's funny, I always see these dumbass broads on social media bragging about being sarcastic, and if you're not sarcastic as well, you're just not cool.

No, you basic, simple bitch. It does not take a deep train of thought to go "yeah I love that" or "noooo I hate that" when the opposite of either is the obvious and apparent true reality of the situation. So deep.

The other side of this coin, is one can easily exploit those who think sarcasm is the end all and be all. Just be sarcastic a couple times and you're money.

I love the sheep.

And I love the doe.

More than you know.


Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2015, 01:49:10 PM »
It's funny, I always see these dumbass broads on social media bragging about being sarcastic, and if you're not sarcastic as well, you're just not cool.

No, you basic, simple bitch. It does not take a deep train of thought to go "yeah I love that" or "noooo I hate that" when the opposite of either is the obvious and apparent true reality of the situation. So deep.

The other side of this coin, is one can easily exploit those who think sarcasm is the end all and be all. Just be sarcastic a couple times and you're money.

I love the sheep.

And I love the doe.

More than you know.

sarcasm is alright in small's usually the fake/insecure ficcaz who use it in excess.

that new movie "focused" actually had a character who broke it down pretty nicely...if u want some1 to fuck off, tell em to fuck off. dont say "nice sweater". the new generation is abusing sarcasm and pretty much killin it off.

J. B A N A N A S

Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2015, 02:47:57 PM »
Sarcasm is a form of humor.  ::)

Why are we comparing them as different entities?

What is the difference between Steph Curry and the NBA?
What is the difference between water and the Ocean?
What is the difference between jazz and music?


Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2015, 03:17:31 PM »
Sarcasm is a form of humor.  ::)

Why are we comparing them as different entities?

What is the difference between Steph Curry and the NBA?
What is the difference between water and the Ocean?
What is the difference between jazz and music?

true....i think title should been "difference between wit and sarcasm"

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2015, 04:06:43 AM »
SarcasAm( thank you for the spelling lesson sccit) is usually negative or derogatory in some form or another... Yes it is funny, but it is separate from humor which I'd generally positive and something that you simply laugh at rather than attempt to outwit with a reciprocal sarcastic remark... No one ever came up with a sarcastic joke, that wasn't one upped, where as a funny humorous positive joke, just gives ya a sore belly n ribs from laughing, again, sarcasam is funny but its usually negative, hence the word sarcasam existing, so as to differentiate between the two, its like you can have an r rated movie or a pg rated movie, there both just movies but the rating better describes the content...

J. B A N A N A S

Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2015, 03:29:16 PM »
SarcasAm( thank you for the spelling lesson sccit) is usually negative or derogatory in some form or another... Yes it is funny, but it is separate from humor which I'd generally positive and something that you simply laugh at rather than attempt to outwit with a reciprocal sarcastic remark... No one ever came up with a sarcastic joke, that wasn't one upped, where as a funny humorous positive joke, just gives ya a sore belly n ribs from laughing, again, sarcasam is funny but its usually negative, hence the word sarcasam existing, so as to differentiate between the two, its like you can have an r rated movie or a pg rated movie, there both just movies but the rating better describes the content...

I'm sorry your experiences in life have led you to this current state and outlook.


Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2015, 08:11:13 AM »
It's always about style. And it don't have to be sarcastic to be mean-spirited, there's plenty more ways to make you the butt of a joke. On the other hand I can be sarcastic and you still won't feel put down, cuz it's funny. You didn't think this one through.
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: the difference between humour and sarcasim
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2015, 01:52:11 AM »
It's always about style. And it don't have to be sarcastic to be mean-spirited, there's plenty more ways to make you the butt of a joke. On the other hand I can be sarcastic and you still won't feel put down, cuz it's funny. You didn't think this one through.

What's there to think through...
Sarcasm - Negative
Humour - Positive
Sarcasam - Belittling
Humour - Encouraging

Just cos the butt of the joke laughs too or doesn't realise that they are the butt of the joke doesn't mean that somehow the joke was not sarcastic....

My brothers first joke was when he was 3 or 4...
He said "knock knock"
I said "who's there"
He said "Mr. Bear"
I said "Mr. Bear who"
He said "Mr. Bear with glasses on"
It was humorous because it was innocent. He had no concept of sarcastic wit.

But I could say to you....
"Knock knock"
And you be like....
"Who's there"
And I be like....
And you gon open up n I'm gon just straight up start kicking the luvin shit outa ya and you gon be screaming "help, help!!! Nobody's attacking me"
And no one gon come to your aide cos they gon take you literally when I was just being sarcastic...

Get it?