Author Topic: The End Of Lust  (Read 259 times)

Ebony Bree Caple

The End Of Lust
« on: December 26, 2020, 10:12:32 PM »
So I’ll just try to keep my mind from lust and trust in God
I’ll wait a lifetime for that heavenly kinda love
A love that can’t be robbed of you
No promises to keep
Just faith and understanding
A rewards for fallen sheep
A gentleness
A bliss still so  unfelt
A heavenly reward for all the pain and stress been dealt
Because I’m in over my head
Can’t even see the shore no more
Just waiting
Ever patient for my heavenly reward
Can’t fight against the constraints of tyranny and devilishness
Can’t even seem to shake this everpresent depressiveness
Can’t recall a love long lost in which I’d try to find some calm
I’m just wading in the depths of a despair scared and alarmed
So I pray
God save me once my time is up
I’ll rid myself of evil
I’ll give up on the lust
I’ll remind myself it’s your favour I should seek
For men are simply shallow and care not for the tears I weep
I’ll try to persevere even when I’m overwhelmed
Not sure if I’ll succeed or succumb to Satans spell
Not quite sure of anything anymore
I just know I gotta go it all alone until the dawn
Rise each day appreciative that I made it through the night
Hope for something of more substance than intimacy or pride
Knowing I’m not the only one
Knowing many fall
For man is prideful
We’re just muses for his gall
So I’ll pray for that reward that can’t be kept of me or stolen
More precious than any gem yet just as golden
I’ll pray God pays me favour and comforts me these nights where I’m lonely and scared and filled with fright
I hope God calms me when they provoke me
I hope he shields me from the shame
Steers me from pretentiousness and gives me unworldly gains
I’ll just trust in a love that can’t be corrupted or taken from
And maybe I’ll recieve when I’ve sung my final song