Author Topic: J.F.K. & The C.I.A. - Chapter 6 - The Cover Up  (Read 120 times)


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J.F.K. & The C.I.A. - Chapter 6 - The Cover Up
« on: April 26, 2023, 05:40:08 PM »

Let us now look again at some things about the Kennedy assassination. In the earlier section titled It Was Known Ahead Of Time (1), it is seen that there were two military code operators who had intercepted radio transmissions ahead of time, which radio transmissions spoke about the coming assassination of President Kennedy. Those in control of the military sent both of these military code operators to mental hospitals. One of these code operators was named Eugene Dinkin. It appears that after they had messed with Dinkin psychologically in the mental hospital, he then had a changed story. This is spoken about earlier in the section titled A Changed Story (1).

Besides the use of drugs, hypnosis or shock treatments, there are other things which could have been done at the Walter Reed Military Hospital to that military code operator named Eugene Dinkin, who had intercepted those radio messages about the coming assassination of President Kennedy. There are actually some very warped things which could have been done to him, in order to make him change his story about what had actually caused him to come to the conclusion that President Kennedy was going to be assassinated, before it ever happened.

Now, it is becoming more obvious all the time, why the CIA supposedly destroyed all those incriminating records back in 1973, about 10 years after the assassination of Kennedy. This major destruction of CIA records in 1973 is shown within the pages linked below. This destruction would have included records for things which were done under those programs like MK-ULTRA, Operation Midnight Climax and other potentially criminal-like or even treasonous programs. Once all the facts are known, there are some questions which should possibly be asked.

Was there information about the CIA's involvement in the President Kennedy assassination, plus the assassination of Robert Kennedy, which was possibly included in those destroyed records? Was there possibly information in those destroyed records about Eugene Dinkin, plus what was done to him in order to make him change his story? Was there information in those destroyed records about the treasonous type of activity which the CIA did within the United States under things like Operation Midnight Climax, under which operation it appears that the CIA deliberately changed the political landscape in San Francisco, California, from Republican to Democrat?

Was there information in those records which were destroyed in 1973, which spoke about the CIA's use of child sex slaves and the blackmail of government officials? Is there a chance that some highly concerning thoughts may have been going around in the minds of the CIA hierarchy, about the time it was finally decided to destroy all those records? Is there a chance that they were concerned that if the public could have gotten their hands on those records, before they were destroyed, a number of "officials" in the CIA and potentially the military, also, might have been jailed for a long time, or literally been hung for treason and crimes against humanity?

When it comes to the destruction of important government records, 1973 appears to have been a very busy year. Linked below in information about the huge and "mysterious" fire at the National Personnel Records Center in Overland, Missouri, which is a suburb of St. Louis. To this day, the official story is that no one knows what caused that fire. But, it is interesting to note that this happened the same year in which the CIA incinerated an immense amount of its records. Now, since Eugene Dinkin had earlier been in the U.S. military and discharged before this fire at the Archives, is there a chance that records about his discovery of the Kennedy assassination before it happened, and then what happened to him, may potentially have been destroyed in this fire?

At this point, there is another thing to note about the Archives fire. There was that other military code operator who had gained knowledge ahead of time about the Kennedy assassination via an intercepted radio transmission. This man was Air Force Sergeant David Christensen. He had been stationed at the CIA listening post in Scotland, which is located at the Royal Air Force station known as Kirknewton. Now, is there a chance that the military records of David Christensen and what happened to him, could have been destroyed in this Archives fire? Is there a chance that the records of his intercept of the radio communication speaking of the Kennedy assassination may have been intentionally destroyed? As a note, there were said to be no backups for a lot of the information which was stored at the Archive facility.

There is another issue to raise about this Archives fire. Could there potentially have been information stored at this facility which may have related to the military personnel who were involved in the highly questionable or fraudulent Kennedy "autopsy" at Bethesda Naval Hospital, plus what actually took place during that fraudulent autopsy event? Some of the linked information indicates that at this facility was also stored "cultural heritage" information. Would there have been information stored at this facility about the Kennedy assassination? Is there any chance that this fire may have helped to further the cover-up of facts about the Kennedy assassination?

When looking at the cover-up and when considering possible things which could have been done to Eugene Dinkin by those in control, in order to make him change his story, there is something to consider. It appears there is a very good reason why the former CIA boss, James Jesus Angleton, stated about his CIA cohorts in an interview in the latter 1980s that, "if you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess I will see them there soon."(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Now, James Angleton was one of those who was "in the know" in the CIA, so he fully understood what he was talking about. So, why was the CIA worried about the real truth surrounding the Kennedy assassination getting out?

Well, let's look at things a bit further. A page linked here speaks of the James Jesus Angleton retirement from the CIA. The page states: "When Angleton's successors cracked open his legendary safes and vaults, out spilled the sordid secrets of a lifetime of service to Allen Dulles... The safecracking team was also horrified to find files relating to both Kennedy assassinations and stomach-turning photos taken of Robert Kennedy's autopsy, which were promptly burned. These, too, were mementoes of Angleton's years of faithful service to Dulles." Another page linked here states that James Jesus Angleton, of the CIA, "masterminded the JFK conspiracy cover-up."

Once again, clearly note that after he retired from the CIA, potentially incriminating Kennedy assassination files were found in safes and vaults which were associated with that CIA boss named James Jesus Angleton. These potentially incriminating Kennedy assassination files which were found in Angleton's safes and vaults "were promptly burned." What were these people connected with the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA trying to hide? Were they trying to hide the CIA's extremely treasonous involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and in the later assassination of his brother, Robert Kennedy, plus, were they trying to hide the CIA's serious involvement in the major cover-up which continues to this day?

There is now something to say about what those associated with the Jesuit-controlled (Jesuit-controlled via the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, plus others associated with or who are the pawns of the militia of the pope) CIA did in this situation. It appears that the intentional destruction of those important and revealing, plus potentially very incriminating CIA files relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, which were found in the safes and vaults connected to James Jesus Angleton, goes right along with information found earlier in this presentation (1). In that earlier linked paragraph is found the following words:

"The Vatican has for centuries instructed its 'agents' (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to 'erase', as much as possible, the Vatican's history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition -- and also to 'rewrite & revise' history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful." And that appears to be what has treasonously happened with the records and other evidence relating to the cold-blooded murder of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy.

With the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled CIA, plus with those which are associated with the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, it appears to be a situation of: "Destroy the evidence or use the CLASSIFIED stamp, so we can keep the big lie going and the real truth hidden from the public." It appears that the destruction of evidence has been happening, as the agents and pawns controlled by the foreign-based Vatican/Jesuit organization and its government, the Vatican State, steadily cover their tracks. They steadily cover their tracks, as they work to hijack the United States for their real bosses within Rome, just as surely as the agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization hijacked Protestant Germany in the earlier 1900s and converted it into Nazified Germany.

And, once the treacherous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization, plus the treacherous agents and pawns of its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, had hijacked and Nazified Germany, they then used Nazified Germany as the conquering and enslaving "sword of the Catholic Church." Then, it does appear that as part of the continuing Counter Reformation, they ultimately brought to destruction that which had been Protestant Germany. And, because the treacherous agents and pawns of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its militia have virtually hijacked and taken control of the United States, it truly does appear that the "handwriting is on the wall," for the United States and its all-too-often-clueless citizens.

Regarding the CIA, again, James Jesus Angleton declared: "Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted." (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Looking a bit further at the CIA, Angleton, while he was dying in the later 1980s, also stated the following about the CIA: "There was no accountability. And without real accountability everything turned to shit." (1)(2) It appears that Angleton was possibly stating things very mildly. In a page linked here, scroll about one-quarter of the way down to the second "Answer" to the question. This person who allegedly had worked for the CIA speaks of it as "an agency which no longer answers to the president, the senate, congress, the UN, or any force on Earth."

Well, at this point, we possibly need to look once again at those words from former President Harry Truman, which were quoted earlier in this presentation. Truman declared: "I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo."(1) Truman also declared: "Those fellows in the CIA don't just report on wars, they go out and make their own (wars), and there's nobody to keep track of what they're up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble. The CIA has become a government all of its own."(1) Truman thought the CIA had become a government of its own, or at least that was his point of view, from what he saw. What is worse, the CIA was using multiple billions of dollars, from U.S. taxpayers, while they were not actually working for the United States or its citizens. Now, there truly is more to this story. It is time for the real truth.

It appears that, in the latter 1940s, the CIA was hijacked by the agents of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope. Now, about one-half of the way down a page linked here, it states: "During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated... Somehow, however, Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section." In a page linked here, at the top of PDF page 2 or 2, are found these words: "The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature. The CIA serves as an agency through which secret 'assistance' to the Holy Mother Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders: In the meantime, the Vatican is enhancing its political power through generating domestic divisiveness." Why is this happening? Well, once again, there is even more to this story about who it appears the CIA is really working for.

At the bottom of PDF page 2 or 4, in a page linked here, it states: "Officially, the Knights of Malta [SMOM] are a global charity organization. But beginning in the 1940s, knighthood was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations. SMOM is ideal for this kind of activity, because it is recognized as the world's only landless sovereignty, and members enjoy diplomatic immunity. This allows agents and supplies to pass through customs without interference from the host country." So again, let it be noted that "beginning in the 1940s, knighthood [in the Knights of Malta] was granted to countless CIA agents, and the organization has become a front for intelligence operations." There is also another thing to note about the Knights of Malta, which would also apply to the situation with the CIA.

A little over three-quarters of the way down in a page linked here are found the following words: "Ironically, in recent years a belief in the Catholic faith has not been an essential prerequisite for potential members who have the right connections. Non-aristocratic parties can now be initiated by the 'Magistral Grace' of the Grand Master, although not in Britain, Germany and other European countries with a strong tradition of nobility. However, this has allowed many Americans to join, and an 'Order of Merit' is bestowed upon those who have outstandingly served the Knights or their works." What this tends to mean is that even well-connected people who claim to be Protestants can be members of the Knights of Malta, and thereby, be under Jesuit control, as just another "tool" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its foreign government.

Being that members of the Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret society called the Knights of Malta appear to be in key controlling positions in the CIA, it does appear that the CIA is virtually acting as just an arm of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its Jesuit-controlled militia. Now, looking once again to the first paragraph in this section, there is that person who stated that the CIA is "an agency which no longer answers to the president, the senate, congress, the UN, or any force on Earth." Well, it is time for the true answer about what it appears is really going on with the CIA, plus the biggest secret about the CIA to be known, regarding who it appears that this questionable agency really answers to. It is also time for the lower-level employees of the CIA to know one of the biggest secrets of all about the organization which they work for, regarding who it appears they are actually working for.

It appears that many high-level controllers in the CIA seem to be associated with those Vatican/Jesuit-controlled secret societies like the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus, etc. It appears that, in one way or another, a number of these high-level controllers in the CIA are actually in submission to the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its foreign government, the Vatican State, rather than being in submission to the U.S. government and its true citizens. In all that has been happening over the years, it does appear that the CIA, via the ties of its high-level controllers, actually answers to the Jesuit General in Rome. Research indicates that the CIA is just a dangerous Trojan Horse and a "tool" of the Vatican/Jesuit organization and its foreign government, the Vatican State.

If we truly want to find out why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, we should possibly be looking at whether Kennedy had displeased the Vatican/Jesuit organization or its agents in any way. Now, when considering all the information presented so far, there is reason to believe that the CIA was connected in one way or another with the Kennedy assassination, plus with the deception and cover-up which followed and continues to this very day. There is reason to believe that the Knight of Malta named Allen Dulles, who had been the Director of the CIA and was fired by President Kennedy, had foreknowledge of the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy.

So, let us look a bit further at things relating to Allen Dulles. The pages linked below contain some interesting or questionable bits of information about this Allen Dulles. The first linked page declares: "Although Kennedy had fired him in 1961, Dulles basically kept, de facto, running the CIA anyway. And, even more ominously, after Kennedy was killed in Dallas on Friday, November 22, 1963, Dulles moved into The Farm, a secret CIA facility in Virginia, where he remained for the weekend -- during which time the 'suspect,' Lee Harvey Oswald, was shot to death in a Dallas police station, and a vast machinery was set in motion to create the 'lone gunman' myth that has dominated our history books to the present."

The second linked page presents a little fuller picture of what Allen Dulles was doing. It states: "The weekend of Kennedy's assassination, Allen Dulles is not at home watching television like the rest of America. He's at a remote CIA facility, two years after being pushed out of the agency by Kennedy, called The Farm, in northern Virginia, that he used when he was director of the CIA as a kind of an alternate command post. Well, he's there while Kennedy is killed, after Kennedy is killed, when Jack Ruby then kills Lee Harvey Oswald. That whole fateful weekend, he's hunkered down in a CIA command post." So, two years after Dulles was ousted from the CIA by Kennedy, Dulles went to the remote command post before Kennedy was assassinated. Was this all just coincidence or was Dulles expecting something important to be happening?

After everything which had happened --- after Allen Dulles had been fired from the CIA by President Kennedy a couple of years earlier --- then Allen Dulles was placed as one of the leading members on the Warren Commission, which Commission was supposed to thoroughly investigate the Kennedy assassination --- which they actually did not truly do. Now, with Allen Dulles as one of the leading members on this Commission, does anyone see a problem here? All the writer can say is, "No wonder the Warren Commission did not do a true, ethical and full investigation of the Kennedy assassination."

It appears that the true purpose of those in control of the Warren Commission was to simply cover-up one of the biggest U.S. crimes of the century, so the guilty and treasonous parties could go free. So, it is now time to begin exposing at least some of the deeds of the guilty parties, that the public may obtain a much better understanding of at least one of the methods which the CIA commonly has used to gain control over people, so the CIA can do things like make them change their story --- like that which happened to that code operator named Eugene Dinkin, who intercepted those radio communications about the coming assassination of President Kennedy.

So, getting back to that Eugene Dinkin, what could have been done to him in order to get him to change his story about how he had actually gained foreknowledge about the coming Kennedy assassination? Well, consider the following, as being just one potential example of how something like this could have been done. On PDF page 319 of 393, in a page linked here, is found the following words: "A top US intelligence source told WMR (Wayne Madsen Reports) that the CIA's involvement in procuring children in Thailand for the purpose of engaging in sexual trysts with visiting VIPs from the United States, including members of Congress and high administration officials, began in earnest in 1978." So, is there a chance that the CIA may have been experimenting with this type of activity, possibly on a smaller scale directly within the United States, even back in the 1960s or earlier? They were also using mind control and hypnosis.

Let us consider some other important information which is found in the page linked above. It states: "In fact, WMR has been told, the operations at one point in time were run out of the CIA station in Bangkok and were directed by the deputy chief of station. The CIA station cooperated with American 'procurers' who were working in Thailand to arrange for the encounters between children and the VIPs. The CIA's motivation was simple: the VIPs were later subject to blackmail if they failed to support the incumbent administration's policies." And, when it comes to a potential coup d'etat in 1963 and the assassination of President Kennedy, it appears that if some official would not have "gone along with the agenda," they could have been threatened or placed into fear. They also could have been outed one way or another, either by exposure of some criminal acts or by "holey" ventilation with lead projectiles, or possibly by simply being "suicided."

So, it appears that the Catholic-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and Knight of Malta controlled, plus secret society controlled CIA has a history of using pedophile sexual encounters and other questionable activities, in order to blackmail and control even government officials. Now, we must remember that President John F. Kennedy allegedly stated: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child." (1)(2)(3) And now for the kicker. How many government officials that the leaders of the CIA actually control, using this method of child sex slaves and blackmail, is completely unknown at this time, except to the elite hierarchy of the CIA and the Vatican/Jesuit organization. Now for more of the evolving story.

There is documentation which appears to indicate that the CIA and those associated with their crowd have been using pedophile sexual encounters even directly within the United States, in order to blackmail and control people. It also appears that the Catholic-controlled (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) CIA has used little boys for homosexual encounters with adults which they want to blackmail and control. This criminal activity with children is something like what all those Catholic priests have been doing (1)(2), as they have been grooming the kids for these types of activities with adults for quite a long period of time, like for many decades. They have been doing this in order to get their jollies, plus also to apparently use their young sex slaves for gaining control over various other people.

The part about those associated with the CIA and other government agencies using homosexual pedophile-type of encounters to gain control over officials, even directly within the United States, is merely introduced in the pages linked below. There is a lot more information to be found on the Internet, using a diligent search, about this type of criminal activity. Yes, once again, it appears that there is a really big reason why the CIA destroyed that huge volume of potentially incriminating documentation in 1973! They, along with those sodomizing and raping Catholic and Jesuit priests, possibly have much more in common that the general public realizes.

So, let us get back to Eugene Dinkin and the radio messages which he intercepted about the upcoming Kennedy assassination. In all of this mess, who would the plotters have possibly felt was extremely important to control, but someone like Eugene Dinkin, who had all of this incriminating knowledge. This may especially be true when it comes to things like covering up a major conspiracy which was involved in the treasonous assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Yes, Dinkin was possibly like a loose cannon. He had gained foreknowledge of the coming assassination event and had spoken out. Dinkin appears to have been a serious threat to these people and their questionable cover story.

Now, is there a chance that Dinkin may have been drugged or hypnotized at the Walter Reed Military Hospital, or at some other facility? Could he have then been set up for some pedophile sexual encounters with little girls or homosexual pedophile encounters with little boys, which could potentially have been used on him by the CIA? If they had done this to him, could they then have photographed the whole show, in order to blackmail him and get him to change his story and then remain quiet? This should not seem as such an unreal thing, knowing the highly questionable history of the CIA. And remember, at that time, it was numerous Nazi "holy warriors" and others of their ilk, plus foreign agents and the Jesuit-controlled militia of the pope, which was being dealt with here.