Author Topic: Another heartwarming story  (Read 237 times)


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Another heartwarming story
« on: December 11, 2003, 10:02:14 AM »
'Please don't hurt me' plea

A CHILLING tape of a schoolgirl begging two alleged rapists “Please don’t hurt me” was played to a jury yesterday.

Throughout the 999 recording the 15-year-old screamed and pleaded to be let go.

And the youngster — who was kidnapped from a bus stop — could be heard sobbing as she was threatened with a knife.

The attackers said they would kill her if she didn’t have sex, it was alleged. Prosecutor Simon Waley told Bradford Crown Court the recording was made as the girl rang 999 on her mobile.

Ali Ahmed, 31, and Asif Hussain, 33, are said to have driven her around Bradford, West Yorks, for two hours before raping her.

Ahmed has admitted rape and false imprisonment but Hussain denies the charges.

Don Seer

Re:Another heartwarming story
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2003, 10:28:35 AM »
hmm lets see. you posted this because the defendants names arent typical english ones..and dont give a damn about the rest really other than pushing your twisted agenda?


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Re:Another heartwarming story
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2003, 10:28:25 PM »
hmm lets see. you posted this because the defendants names arent typical english ones..and dont give a damn about the rest really other than pushing your twisted agenda?
^^^Yup Yup...And This Cat's (Not You Seer) Other Posts also are along the same lines...he's straight U"KKK"


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Re:Another heartwarming story
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2003, 06:03:49 AM »
Another heartwarming story  :P

Soham case jury considers verdict

The judge said a unanimous verdict must be reached
The jury in the Soham murder trial has retired to consider its verdict.
Ian Huntley, 29, admits Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman died at his house and that he disposed of their bodies, but denies murdering them.

His former girlfriend Maxine Carr, 26, denies conspiring to pervert the course of justice and two counts of assisting an offender.

Judge Mr Justice Moses told the jurors to appoint a foreman, and said they must reach a unanimous decision.

The 10-year-olds disappeared from their village in Soham, Cambridgeshire, on 4 August last year. Their bodies were found two weeks later.

The girls went missing in August last year

Earlier, the judge continued his summing-up, which he began on Thursday, by reviewing the evidence regarding Ms Carr.

The court has heard that Ms Carr admits lying to police to provide an alibi for Mr Huntley.

But she denied she even suspected her boyfriend had been involved in the girls' deaths.

Mr Justice Moses told the jurors they must decide whether Ms Carr lied for him knowing or believing that he killed the girls.

He reminded the jury to examine her evidence carefully, saying they must bear in mind that she might want to make Mr Huntley's situation worse and hers better.

The judge warned that it would be "unfair" to Mr Huntley to speculate on the nature of the relationship between him and Ms Carr.

 "Any emotional reaction to the events cannot and must not influence your verdict"
Judge Justice Moses

Key questions for Soham jury  
He said Mr Huntley had told Ms Carr shortly after they met about a time he was falsely accused of rape, and the effect that had had on him.

Ms Carr had said she loved Mr Huntley "very, very much".

She had also known Holly and Jessica and had said they were "lovely girls" and the kind of daughters she would have wanted to have, he said.

Ms Carr had left the house in Soham on the Saturday before the girls vanished to see her mother in Grimsby - and left it "very, very clean".

Holly and Jessica's badly-decomposed and burnt bodies were discovered in a ditch on Lakenheath RAF base on 17 August 2002.

During the trial, Mr Huntley told the court Holly died accidentally, after falling into his bath as he helped her with a nosebleed.

But he admitted killing Jessica by putting his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming.

Verdict choice

The judge stressed to the jury the fact Mr Huntley had dumped the girls' bodies in a ditch did not mean he had murdered them.

He said the jury could return verdicts of murder or manslaughter on either or both girls; of manslaughter by gross negligence in the case of Holly; or not guilty of killing either girl.

The judge warned the jurors not to be influenced by the press or emotions roused by the case, and to judge it on the evidence alone.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2003, 06:07:21 AM by Max Powers »


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Re:Another heartwarming story
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2003, 07:49:33 AM »
hmm lets see. you posted this because the defendants names arent typical english ones..and dont give a damn about the rest really other than pushing your twisted agenda?

No. Just posting a newspaper article, not that much of a big deal. Did I say you had a twisted agenda against white people when you posted a topic about Ian Huntley?

Max Power - theres already a topic on Ian Huntley.