Author Topic: "The Other Side (Through An Iraqi's Eyez)"  (Read 167 times)


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"The Other Side (Through An Iraqi's Eyez)"
« on: May 02, 2005, 09:16:49 AM »
[size=08pt]Somedays, I wish the big explosion would just Come Now
cuz niether side'll ever back-off or put their Guns Down
my personal daily routine includes always Being Harrassed
avoiding bullets & even in school, I See The Bloodbath
it's like a senseless slaughter, nobody ends Up Winning
wars in the name of God & Allah, too much Corrupt Sinning
pre-judging & hating, there's so much anger mis-Directed
it's like a Hectic disease & everybody is acting Infected
still, I believe in peace, all while Surrounded By Death
makin' my life count for something since I'm Bound To Be Next
it's said you never know when it's your time to go, but I Do
troops shoot people like scum, looking them in the Eyes Too
Bin Laden is a Terrorist, but I won't be Compared To This
stereotype, because it's not me, I might need a Therapist
and president Bush says that he's setting us Free, How?
I'm not liberated, racist forces try to take Me Out
women are treated bad enough, now their Sons Get Killed
innocent bystandards, but the oil rigs they've Come To Build
are very well protected & cared-for, it's such Gluttony
violence, misunderstanding & discrimination, Must It Be?
by this point, I'm accustomed to gruesome, horrible Tragedy
even my own passing will be a Dastardly Technicality
American soldiers receive proper burials, while I Vask
as dead relatives & friends' bodies are piled-up for Laughs
I feel sorrow for 9/11, but had nothing to Do w/ It
so why should I be the victim of such malicious Ruthlessness
it's wrong & mindless, there is no victory & No Shine
No Time left, an eye for an eye, I see now, we're Both Blind*[/size]