Author Topic: House passes stem cell research bills but Bush threatens to veto  (Read 173 times)

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Current Party Divisions of the House:
231 Republicans, 202 Democrats, 1 Independent, 1 Vacancy

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- After impassioned debate, the House passed a controversial bill Tuesday that would expand public funding for embryonic stem cell research -- a measure President Bush threatened to veto last week.

The vote was 238-194, short of the two-thirds supermajority necessary to override a veto. The measure now goes to the Senate.

The House then overwhelmingly passed a Republican-backed proposal that would use federal money to study stem cells taken from adults and umbilical cord blood, instead of using human embryos.

The vote was 431-1. One Republican voted against the bill, which was supported by Bush.

The first bill passed would extend funding to research on embryonic stem cell lines that were nonexistent in 2001, when Bush limited funding to lines in existence at the time.

According to scientists, many if not all of the previous lines are now contaminated and unusable.

Stem cell research has been touted by scientists as a possible step toward finding cures for diseases and afflictions including Alzheimer's, cancer and paralysis.

Among its most vocal supporters is former first lady Nancy Reagan, whose husband, former President Ronald Reagan, died of Alzheimer's in June 2004.

But, Bush said Friday, "I made very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers' money, to promote science which destroys life in order to save life, I'm against that. Therefore, if the bill does that, I will veto it."

Bush claims the research destroys life because embryos are destroyed in the process. But supporters point out that there are embryos in fertility clinics that would never be used to create babies, but could be used for research purposes.

Rep. Mike Castle, who introduced the bill, said it "draws a strict ethical line by only allowing federally funded research on stem cell lines that were derived ethically from donated embryos determined to be in excess."

"Under no circumstances," the Delaware Republican said in a written statement last week, "does this legislation allow for the creation of embryos for research, nor does it fund the destruction of embryos."

Under the bill, couples who have undergone fertility treatments and have embryos they won't use can then make the choice of putting them up for adoption, giving them directly to another couple, storing them, discarding them or donating them to science, co-sponsor Rep. Diana DeGette said during debate Tuesday.

"The only federal funds used under the Castle-DeGette bill are federal funds to then develop those embryonic stem cell lines" donated to science, the Colorado Democrat said. "We're allowing more of those lines."

The threatened veto would be the first of Bush's presidency. His stance is supported by Catholic leadership and social conservatives but has been rejected by moderate Republicans.

full article
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 04:49:46 PM by K A I N »


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Re: House passes stem cell research bills but Bush threatens to veto
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 01:26:51 PM »
Bush claims the research destroys life because embryos are destroyed in the process. But supporters point out that there are embryos in fertility clinics that would never be used to create babies, but could be used for research purposes.

Bush never knows what he is tallking about. Why waste embroys for no reason


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: House passes stem cell research bills but Bush threatens to veto
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 04:19:13 PM »
who cares? As soon as we get a new prez this shit will be passed in no time
"You only live once, you might as well die now" - Slim Shady (RIP)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: House passes stem cell research bills but Bush threatens to veto
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 04:43:52 PM »
who cares? As soon as we get a new prez this shit will be passed in no time
exactly, however we could get a nut like him.


Re: House passes stem cell research bills but Bush threatens to veto
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2005, 04:54:16 PM »
Bush claims the research destroys life because embryos are destroyed in the process. But supporters point out that there are embryos in fertility clinics that would never be used to create babies, but could be used for research purposes.

Bush never knows what he is tallking about. Why waste embroys for no reason

Because Jesus called him up and told him it was wrong.
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Re: House passes stem cell research bills but Bush threatens to veto
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2005, 09:42:52 PM »
the thing is, all this including cloning will one day be accepted, the church is the only thing that holds it back (not saying its a bad thing), i believe everything happens for a reason to an extent, the church slowing it down allows for better technology to eventually come through etc. its a sub-liminal way of progress...

did you know that back in the day it was forbidden to open a human and look inside ? the church was against it, the only study that was made was by surgeons that operated on gladiators, they were the only ones that made any progress because the gladiators were already cut up so they could peak inside...

give it time.