Author Topic: question for the black folks...  (Read 1082 times)


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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2005, 01:51:43 AM »
why do we call blacks "Folks" when we would never use that word in daily life ever?

i use that word everyday...


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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2005, 02:18:09 AM »
why do we call blacks "Folks" when we would never use that word in daily life ever?

we ?


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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2005, 02:20:49 AM »

Every other minority group in this country, other then Black and Native American...have come here on their own. Those immigrants would naturally have a FAR stronger sense of culture, because their culture was never stolen from them like Blacks and Native Americans were in this country. Mexicans have Mexican culture. Their ancestors, grandparents, parents...or even themselves are FROM mexico. Asians...the same. Italians...the same. Greeks...the same. Black peoples ancestors, are African. But Black people, are not African. You see? Because of slavery, there was a whole NEW culture created basically which would only be a couple hundred years old. Not to mention, a culture that was not developed by choice, but by force from an outside race. So you could understand how it would hard, and even confuzing for an entire "culture" of people to have a real grasp of who they are, what they are, or what theyre capable of under those conditions. The entire black "culture" was started during slavery (before that point, there was no "black people", only African people) and not really allowed to grow in this country until this century, without even having the same rights as others in this country until 40 yrs ago. So for white people to turn around now, and say..."just do it yourself" is fucking amazing. If I were to take a group of 10 infants. And raise them from birth. Say the only difference between the infants were that 5 had blond hair, and 5 had brown hair. I allowed the 5 blond haired children to have their freedom. I allowed them to play. I taught them to to read. How to interact with other people. Encouraged them. Gave them love and built up their self-esteem so they could be strong adults. Then, at the same time did the opposite with the 5 brown haired infants. I locked them indoors. Taught them nothing. Did not teach them how to speak, how to read, anything. They were beaten for even attempting to learn on their own. They were told they were inferior. They were nothing. And that they could not survive when they became adults without the blond haired kids to take care of them. By the time all of these kids became adults, what kind of effect would those years have on them? And we're talking a time span of only 10-15 yrs. Imagine this being done for generations. And now, within the last 30 yrs or so....telling the brown haired kids to quit complaining, and work your way up.

It happened in Greece. The Muslims enslaved them for 400 years, forced their language and religion on them, worked them like pigs. Greece revolted and got most of their land back. Their culture didn't suffer because from day one of slavery they had created underground schools and churches to retain their heritage. Why the greeks were able to hold on to their culture while the blacks weren't, I don't know. Maybe a lot of different African slaves came from different parts of Africa with different cultures.

Like someone else said, those were Greek People in Greece. Not the same as Africans in America. Theres obviously a different effect to being taken captive to a foriegn land and having a new culture, religion, etc forced upon you. Once "slavery" ended these werent Africans in Africa. They were Black people in America. The Greeks were still Greek, in Greece. Basically, the bottom line is this. If you believe that all people are created equal, then you also agree that the differences between how we act in this society are based on the experiences that each one of us, or our particular "group" has had. And if we are created equal, then any of our "groups" would react the same way if dealing with eachothers situations. Best believe if American White people were kidnapped and taken to Africa as slaves for the same amount of time at the same period in time. They would lose all of their culture as well. They would becomete People in Africa, not Americans anymore. On the other hand, if you (not YOU personally, just anyone on here) want to generalize and critisize an entire race for their behavior...then White people have been by far, without a shadow of a doubt, the most evil people on the planet lol. I dont believe that, but look at their history of destruction. By the way, im half white myself. I just know that everyones situation is different. And yes, some people in this world or country are in a worse situation then others...people need to know where they are on that scale and not pretend that they would "do a better job IF they were in someone elses shoes".

I don't know exactly what the problem is oir how to fix it, but when I look at the black population up here in Canada I notice that the black kids in Toronto are crime driven hooligans (not all, or even most, but some). They live the street life and all that business. 90% of the blacks in Canada weren't even here 30 years ago. Most of the them came from the carribean in the late 60s and ealy 70s. The 10% or so that have lived here for hundreds of years were and are mainly in Nova Scotia. I'm not sure if you've seen it on Oprah when they did a special on Canadian blacks but you should see what a group that comes together can accomplish. They had to battle racism the same way, they were slaves from down south seeking refuge, and they came to Nova Scotia stuck together and lifted themselves up. They act and speak like any other east coast Canadian. They have extremely low crime and murder rates, as well as next to no unemployment. They didn't become like this because of hand outs, or affirmative action (neither of which I am opposed to, I'm just saying). They simply leaned on each other and worked with the their white neighbours to builde a strong community.
I'm not sure how it is in the US every where, but from what I understand there are places in the south where they have striving black communities as well. Bottom line is it can happen.

bottom line is, if it can happen...why isnt it? Like i said before, do you agree that we are are born equal? If you do, then you have to admit that the reason why this progress isnt taking place isnt necassarily because the people dont want it. Or else youre saying that if you were in the same situation youd act the same (remember, the equality part. lol). I cant speak on Canada, its a completely different country then the US. Like you said, i know Toronto has a very big population of people from the Carribbean. I dont think i know one person from the Carribbean lol.

To me, its just funny that people cant see that there is a problem here. And it isnt that minorities, or black people for our argument LIKE living in poverty, its that theyve been forced too for so long and only very recently had the same rights as whites in this country. Every country out there has wealthy, and poor people. Why in America is there such a dispairity between races? You cant honestly believe that one race works harder then the other. Thats fuckin ridiculous. Like i said, where i work im in charge of hiring/firing...etc. Ive had everybody work for me from white to black to hispanic to asian to middle eastern and even african. And by FAR, the worse workers were the white people. Most of them didnt want to work. Mommy and Daddy were just making them or some shit. And once they went to college, they were made to quit their job because Mom and Dad were going to take care of them. Others didnt have that luxury. So there has to be something else thats holding certain people back in this country. Anyways, im getting kinda tired of this subject and its only going back n forth...without really going anywhere lol. The way i see things is this. White people in this country (in the past) have created exactly what they wanted, a country for them...ran by them. they used others in order to create that, and now they have to deal with those "others". They dont want to, but have to. Its such a cop out to say "pull yourself up", when youre the one on top. Especially, when most of the time you didnt even work your way there. To expect others to work 10 times as hard as you, to get where youre at...and then critisize them for failing is bullshit. If the roles were reversed we would all go through the same struggles as everyone else. If a white person can tell a black person that they need to look at themself as the problem for why they are where they are. Then that same white person needs to look at themself, because like they say if youre not part of the solution...youre part of the problem.


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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2005, 02:21:40 AM »

Every other minority group in this country, other then Black and Native American...have come here on their own. Those immigrants would naturally have a FAR stronger sense of culture, because their culture was never stolen from them like Blacks and Native Americans were in this country. Mexicans have Mexican culture. Their ancestors, grandparents, parents...or even themselves are FROM mexico. Asians...the same. Italians...the same. Greeks...the same. Black peoples ancestors, are African. But Black people, are not African. You see? Because of slavery, there was a whole NEW culture created basically which would only be a couple hundred years old. Not to mention, a culture that was not developed by choice, but by force from an outside race. So you could understand how it would hard, and even confuzing for an entire "culture" of people to have a real grasp of who they are, what they are, or what theyre capable of under those conditions. The entire black "culture" was started during slavery (before that point, there was no "black people", only African people) and not really allowed to grow in this country until this century, without even having the same rights as others in this country until 40 yrs ago. So for white people to turn around now, and say..."just do it yourself" is fucking amazing. If I were to take a group of 10 infants. And raise them from birth. Say the only difference between the infants were that 5 had blond hair, and 5 had brown hair. I allowed the 5 blond haired children to have their freedom. I allowed them to play. I taught them to to read. How to interact with other people. Encouraged them. Gave them love and built up their self-esteem so they could be strong adults. Then, at the same time did the opposite with the 5 brown haired infants. I locked them indoors. Taught them nothing. Did not teach them how to speak, how to read, anything. They were beaten for even attempting to learn on their own. They were told they were inferior. They were nothing. And that they could not survive when they became adults without the blond haired kids to take care of them. By the time all of these kids became adults, what kind of effect would those years have on them? And we're talking a time span of only 10-15 yrs. Imagine this being done for generations. And now, within the last 30 yrs or so....telling the brown haired kids to quit complaining, and work your way up.

It happened in Greece. The Muslims enslaved them for 400 years, forced their language and religion on them, worked them like pigs. Greece revolted and got most of their land back. Their culture didn't suffer because from day one of slavery they had created underground schools and churches to retain their heritage. Why the greeks were able to hold on to their culture while the blacks weren't, I don't know. Maybe a lot of different African slaves came from different parts of Africa with different cultures.

Like someone else said, those were Greek People in Greece. Not the same as Africans in America. Theres obviously a different effect to being taken captive to a foriegn land and having a new culture, religion, etc forced upon you. Once "slavery" ended these werent Africans in Africa. They were Black people in America. The Greeks were still Greek, in Greece. Basically, the bottom line is this. If you believe that all people are created equal, then you also agree that the differences between how we act in this society are based on the experiences that each one of us, or our particular "group" has had. And if we are created equal, then any of our "groups" would react the same way if dealing with eachothers situations. Best believe if American White people were kidnapped and taken to Africa as slaves for the same amount of time at the same period in time. They would lose all of their culture as well. They would becomete People in Africa, not Americans anymore. On the other hand, if you (not YOU personally, just anyone on here) want to generalize and critisize an entire race for their behavior...then White people have been by far, without a shadow of a doubt, the most evil people on the planet lol. I dont believe that, but look at their history of destruction. By the way, im half white myself. I just know that everyones situation is different. And yes, some people in this world or country are in a worse situation then others...people need to know where they are on that scale and not pretend that they would "do a better job IF they were in someone elses shoes".

I don't know exactly what the problem is oir how to fix it, but when I look at the black population up here in Canada I notice that the black kids in Toronto are crime driven hooligans (not all, or even most, but some). They live the street life and all that business. 90% of the blacks in Canada weren't even here 30 years ago. Most of the them came from the carribean in the late 60s and ealy 70s. The 10% or so that have lived here for hundreds of years were and are mainly in Nova Scotia. I'm not sure if you've seen it on Oprah when they did a special on Canadian blacks but you should see what a group that comes together can accomplish. They had to battle racism the same way, they were slaves from down south seeking refuge, and they came to Nova Scotia stuck together and lifted themselves up. They act and speak like any other east coast Canadian. They have extremely low crime and murder rates, as well as next to no unemployment. They didn't become like this because of hand outs, or affirmative action (neither of which I am opposed to, I'm just saying). They simply leaned on each other and worked with the their white neighbours to builde a strong community.
I'm not sure how it is in the US every where, but from what I understand there are places in the south where they have striving black communities as well. Bottom line is it can happen.

bottom line is, if it can happen...why isnt it? Like i said before, do you agree that we are are born equal? If you do, then you have to admit that the reason why this progress isnt taking place isnt necassarily because the people dont want it. Or else youre saying that if you were in the same situation youd act the same (remember, the equality part. lol). I cant speak on Canada, its a completely different country then the US. Like you said, i know Toronto has a very big population of people from the Carribbean. I dont think i know one person from the Carribbean lol.

To me, its just funny that people cant see that there is a problem here. And it isnt that minorities, or black people for our argument LIKE living in poverty, its that theyve been forced too for so long and only very recently had the same rights as whites in this country. Every country out there has wealthy, and poor people. Why in America is there such a dispairity between races? You cant honestly believe that one race works harder then the other. Thats fuckin ridiculous. Like i said, where i work im in charge of hiring/firing...etc. Ive had everybody work for me from white to black to hispanic to asian to middle eastern and even african. And by FAR, the worse workers were the white people. Most of them didnt want to work. Mommy and Daddy were just making them or some shit. And once they went to college, they were made to quit their job because Mom and Dad were going to take care of them. Others didnt have that luxury. So there has to be something else thats holding certain people back in this country. Anyways, im getting kinda tired of this subject and its only going back n forth...without really going anywhere lol. The way i see things is this. White people in this country (in the past) have created exactly what they wanted, a country for them...ran by them. they used others in order to create that, and now they have to deal with those "others". They dont want to, but have to. Its such a cop out to say "pull yourself up", when youre the one on top. Especially, when most of the time you didnt even work your way there. To expect others to work 10 times as hard as you, to get where youre at...and then critisize them for failing is bullshit. If the roles were reversed we would all go through the same struggles as everyone else. If a white person can tell a black person that they need to look at themself as the problem for why they are where they are. Then that same white person needs to look at themself, because like they say if youre not part of the solution...youre part of the problem.

btw, like i kinda done with this thread lol. peace man...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2005, 05:36:28 AM »
do people not realize that it takes time to heal the wounds that racism in america has caused?

you don't break your leg and expect it to heal overnight.

you don't oppress a whole group of people for hundreds of years and expect it to change over a fraction of that time...



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2005, 06:03:02 AM »

bottom line is, if it can happen...why isnt it? Like i said before, do you agree that we are are born equal? If you do, then you have to admit that the reason why this progress isnt taking place isnt necassarily because the people dont want it. Or else youre saying that if you were in the same situation youd act the same (remember, the equality part. lol). I cant speak on Canada, its a completely different country then the US. Like you said, i know Toronto has a very big population of people from the Carribbean. I dont think i know one person from the Carribbean lol.

To me, its just funny that people cant see that there is a problem here. And it isnt that minorities, or black people for our argument LIKE living in poverty, its that theyve been forced too for so long and only very recently had the same rights as whites in this country. Every country out there has wealthy, and poor people. Why in America is there such a dispairity between races? You cant honestly believe that one race works harder then the other. Thats fuckin ridiculous. Like i said, where i work im in charge of hiring/firing...etc. Ive had everybody work for me from white to black to hispanic to asian to middle eastern and even african. And by FAR, the worse workers were the white people. Most of them didnt want to work. Mommy and Daddy were just making them or some shit. And once they went to college, they were made to quit their job because Mom and Dad were going to take care of them. Others didnt have that luxury. So there has to be something else thats holding certain people back in this country. Anyways, im getting kinda tired of this subject and its only going back n forth...without really going anywhere lol. The way i see things is this. White people in this country (in the past) have created exactly what they wanted, a country for them...ran by them. they used others in order to create that, and now they have to deal with those "others". They dont want to, but have to. Its such a cop out to say "pull yourself up", when youre the one on top. Especially, when most of the time you didnt even work your way there. To expect others to work 10 times as hard as you, to get where youre at...and then critisize them for failing is bullshit. If the roles were reversed we would all go through the same struggles as everyone else. If a white person can tell a black person that they need to look at themself as the problem for why they are where they are. Then that same white person needs to look at themself, because like they say if youre not part of the solution...youre part of the problem.

I'm not sure where in the states you're from, but if you travel the country and read the sats you'll notice there are way more poor down and out white people than poor black people. It may not be the same percentage wise but that is irrelevant. The point is for every ghetto there is a trailer park or two. For ever black homicide there are 2.9 white suicides. Maybe where you're from, a northen city I presume, whites are on top of the world, but if you go to parts of Arkansas, Montana, Michigan etc, you'll see more than your fair share of whites with nothing.

Let's go back in time to the slave trade era. The population about 100 years ago was 90% white 10% black. So it was at most about that 400 years ago, maybe even less blacks. But for argument's sake we'll say 10%. There is no way humanly or logically possible 10% of the nation enslaved could support the other 90%. What does this mean, we'll plantation owners had dozens of slaves, and well to do folks a had a few here and there for cleaning and such. But the vast majority of whites had no slaves and had no benefits because of slaves. While the fertile land was taken by the rich so the slaves could work on it, the shit land and mountain tops were given to the common white, who was only needed in times of war, possible slave revolt, or taxes. Everything else they had to fend for themselves, and they didn't get much out of it. When you say the worst wrkers by far are the whites at your work place, that leads me to believe you live in avery nice area where there are plenty of rich whites, or at least well off whites, because believe me there are a lot of places across the country with all whites know is hard work.

P.S. Does anyone live in the South? Someone told me that the black population in the south is filled with nice small towns and not much crime.

Compton Casanova

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Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2005, 01:31:33 PM »
I Agree with Lyrical G. Forget about racism in another country, but in your own home. You have some seven year old white girl talking smack to a forty year old black man in South Africa!  >:(


Re: question for the black folks...
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2005, 01:51:48 AM »
Fuck racial excuses, I don't use that as an advantage.

My race has nothing to do with an issue. Now if my person has an issue with my race and hold a grudge against me because of it, that's a different situation. Unlike some black people, who want to be equal with everyone else unless it benefits them, I like to be treated fairly always.
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