Author Topic: Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 487 times)


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Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: February 20, 2003, 01:57:05 AM »
Yo, this is some crazy shyt I just read on another posted by some dude...i thought it was an interestin read....


Nas the Beast (the false prophet)
Revelation 13:11 - Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke as a dragon.- That was the sentence I read and then it hit me ….. The head ANTICHRIST is Nas. He is the one that will bring on the mark of the beast. He is the king that will proclaim himself the greatest and the best and will claim himself to be higher than the Most High. Nas is one of the beasts that will be thrown into the Lake of fire when the King really returns. Nas is Satans chosen one, he is Satans begotten son. I call him the head ANTI-CHRIST because he is Jesus Christs opposite number, he is Satans begotten son, Damien.
I was shocked when I worked it out for myself. There were plenty of signs and when I heard that he was calling himself a prophet I said jokingly false prophet. But then certain things didnt add up when I pictured Nas as a leader. There was the problem with Tupac and from that I based my thoughts. Why would two prophets have beef with each other? I thought to myself, Shouldnt they be working together?After a while I began looking for the differences between the two. Then I saw that the difference was in the type of revolution they were speaking on. Nas revolution was about ruling the world in its present state, Tupacs revolution was apocalyptic. From then onwards I knew that Nas was the anti-christ, the Beast from the Earth as written in the book of Revelation. He always said it was written and Im the type of person that wants to know exactly what it was thats written. I got there in the end. I knew I was right because of the reaction of people when I told them. I realised that they already knew and that it was a big secret. I thought to myself Im not gonna let this remain a secret. I want the whole world to see him coming.
Many people didnt believe it could be Nas and for many different reasons. Mainly because they dont know about how this freemason game works or how things are done secretly and without any racism. They only want us to be racists, they arent. I noticed a lot of things that Nas was talking about for a while but I didnt put them all together till I realised who he was. There have been certain salutes and messages that only people that have freemason type knowledge would notice. I got my freemason knowledge from Malachi Z. York, they call him the doctor, my dad used to laugh and ask, a doctor of what? - [ Dr York as he is most commonly known is another black devil playing with the minds of people searching for the truth, he mixes the truth with lies and so he seems believable. Dr. York is just another deceiver. Hes always changing his name and the name of his group, he is based in Atlanta where he owns land and claims that anyone that lives there will be saved, that he is the Lamb in the book of Revelation, and that he is raising the 144,000 for certain extra-terrestrials.Dr. York is a deceiver and all deceivers need to be sent BACK to the bottomless pit, swiftly.
I spent a lot of time on Nas website , I learnt a lot about Nas there from interacting with people that I got to know and by reading a lot of posts. I found that the most popular subjects were about Tupac Shakur, I started many myself. I had plenty of arguments on the board, it was a part of my search for the truth, though I was unconscious of my search until I found what I found. I never lost one argument on the boards, the reason being that I always spoke the truth and argued by it. I began to realise that the truth could not be argued with, so did they. My favourite co-users were EbInfinite, Mobbin and aja1, I learnt most from my interactions with them, One Love people. My username was Kareem I doubt theyll have forgotten me that quickly. I really wanted to get to the bottom of why Nas was copying Tupac, it bothered me. Tupac is the realest character in Hip-Hop and this punk Nas was stealing his show, incorporating Pacs style with his so that he could be seen as the next black leader. I tried to have respect for Nas but as time moved on the reasons that I had to respect him didnt exist. I cannot respect a fraud. They say he that seeks shall find, me, I found out what I needed to know and answered some very personal questions along the way.
This might sound weird but part of how I saw this bastard was because I saw him in me. Its like I know Nas or I knew Nas just by knowing myself. I guessed he was a Virgo just by the way he expressed certain things. I thought those ways myself at times, so when I heard someone else saying these things I thought,thats how I would have said it.- That was when it hit me  
There was an occasion when I wrote a goodbye post to all the people on the Nas board. I told them that through my interaction with them I had learnt the greatest lesson of my Life. I must have left them confused, wondering what does he mean? Ill tell you now
The greatest lesson of my Life was realising that the person Ive been searching for was me all along. Im still adjusting to the slight shock but Ill be alright. I know that its going to be a grand pleasure of mine. The things Ive understood have allowed me to trust my instincts 100% and not listen to other people telling me different.
I got one last message to the people of the Nas boards: Kareem is ETERNALLY COMFORTABLE!!! - I have no grudges, I was only looking for THE TRUTH, shes my first wife.
People miss 2Pac and Biggie and soon theyre gonna be missing a few more of their favourite rappers. I just want to say that the deaths of 2Pac and Biggie were set up by Nas. He is the man behind their deaths even though he didnt necessarily pull the triggers on them. Nas couldnt complete his objectives with two people taking the light from him, he couldnt reach who he needed to reach. 2Pac and Nas had dramas because Pac knew his secrets and he was scared that he would reveal them to the world. Tupac knew the truth. When they knew that the Makaveli album was going to come out they were worried that Tupac was going to give them away. They knew he wasnt afraid to say names. On Against All Odds 2Pac made it clear that it was the realest shit he ever wrote. He was at war with Nas and it was serious. From then I worked out that there was a problem, that maybe he was trying to say something but couldnt say it blatantly because of censorship. Tupac knew about the freemason game, he called his album All Eyez On Me because he knew that they were all watching him because he knew the truth. By mentioning ILLUMINATI in the title of his next album, I knew who he meant by having all their eyes on him. Tupac was smart, he was easily misunderstood but I could see the real person, the man that wrote heartfelt songs for his people. He wouldve been our greatest leader to date if he wouldve been allowed. I realised that all Nas was doing was copying, his aim was to take over 2Pacs fanbase, 2Pacs army. Nas wants 2Pacs Thug Nation to be his army. My response is hell only have the Punks, never the real soldiers. Fake cannot cater for real, and you disgust me.
The way I see it is fake soldiers (punks) feel Nas and Mobb Deep messages over real messages like Tupacs. The realest Thugs recognise 2Pac as the true Thug Warrior. Real recognise real, and we recognise the fakes. Fake people that just follow, they just follow. The way Nas behaves I wonder if he is the infamous gay rapper. Was Nero gay? Tupac asked Nas a question and he hasnt answered it properly, all of his enemies should try and answer it. Tupac asked, What would you do if you were me? - What would you do if you was in his shoes in his last days? - Half of the people he mentioned are too scared to say the truth and are scared of death, for that reason theyre Punks. Where do Punks end up? Disgraced in the Eternal Fire.
Ive heard time travel mentioned on his Nastradamus album. I realise that this is something that his team wish to achieve. They know WHATs WRITTEN IS WHAT WILL BE and of course theyll try to avoid it but cannot. My message to you Olu is that you are already burning, its like you said,It Was all Written. Remember one thing: At the end of Scarface Tony got what was coming. He was f**king with the wrong nigga all along. - I TOLD YOU A LONG TIME AGO ...
There aint an army that could strike back. - ESCOBAR
I beg to differ. I say, with a general like You youre whole army must be gay.
You and your whole team are suicidal, begging to fry; I can help you with that.- JOHN CONNOR
Captured and he began begging for mercy like a bitch.but no-one wanted to hear it.he was thrown into the great lake of fire and brimstone, alive, while the Lamb and his angels began to gloat with laughter. All bullies are cowards, and in the presence of God Almighty they are a revolting joke.
Until The End Of Time: 8th September 1977 publishing

The rapper Nas' name adds up to 666, here's how you calculate ….
A=6 I=54 Q=102 Y=150
B=12 J=60 R=108 Z=156
C=18 K=66 S=114
D=24 L=72 T=120
E=30 M=78 U=126
F=36 N=84 V=132
G=42 O=90 W=138
H=48 P=96 X= 144
It's the six times table up to 26 since there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
Using this algebraic system you will see that:
N+E+W+Y+O+R+K = 666 [Babylon: The Empire State]
C+O+M+P+U+T+E+R = 666 [ Artificial Intelligence: The future Internet and how it will control everything. Robots (Machines). ]
S+U+N+M+O+O+N = 666 [ Sun Myung Moon, a man claiming to have replaced Jesus Christ ] - Moonies leader. See
N+A+S+I+R = 366
O+L+U = 288
B+I+N = 150
D+A+R+A = 144
J+O+N+E+S = 378
O+L+U+J+O+N+E+S = 288 + 378 = 666



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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2003, 01:57:50 AM »
It is written in Revelation that in the last days there will be three significant enemies of JEHOVAH roaming Earth taking advantage of the masses. Two of the characters will be more easily because of their blatant statements against the Most High, but one of the characters will be subtler with his plan of deceit. The three characters are the dragon (Satan), the beast from the sea and the beast from the Earth (the false prophet). The false prophet is the most dangerous because he will be a great deceiver, he will mislead the world with miraculous signs and eventually cause people to take the mark of the beast. The false prophet is Damien, and Ive said already (many times) that Damien (the false prophet, Rev 13:11) is the rapper Nas, O+L+U+J+O+N+E+S = 666.
The dragon (Satan) will be thrown to Earth after the next and final war in Heaven. All three of these characters will be present during the last world war at Armageddon, the war when the KING of Kings and the LORD of Lords will return to destroy the wicked, his enemies.
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a Lamb, and he spoke as a dragon ... … And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from the sky in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast he deceived the inhabitants of the Earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honour of the beast who was wounded by the sword (gun) and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666. ” - Revelation 13:11 [The False Prophet]
This character is dangerous because he will be a (mis)leader, he will be someone that the world will grow to trust and then be led astray by, his entire game-plan is based on deceit, especially by other peoples lack of knowledge and understanding of what they see. If the world didnt trust him maybe he wouldnt be so dangerous, but he is a snake by nature, a very crafty man, he learns about what people think and how they feel before he moves. He comes as a prophet and leader to the scattered tribes of Israel, as if he is their Messiah. The reason Damien has come as a black man is because his first objective is to deceive black people, being black makes it easier, and by sharing the pain of the punishment that black people have experienced in the world he gains an advantageous perspective of how the Israelites feel, he relates to the hardship and uses it as a cover for his real plan. Damien is here to lead as many people to the Eternal Fire as possible, he comes speaking about God because he plans to use Gods reputation to the advantage of his will. He will blaspheme the Holy Spirit by claiming that the miraculous signs that he will perform are by the Holy Spirit, a punishment for which there is no forgiveness, Jesus gave this warning, but Damien has nothing to lose anyway. I am quite sure that when it is time for the Mark Of The Beast to come he will tell the world that it is the mark of God; if he can call himself GODs Son then expect this also. After Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Tupac Shakur, who were all good men, Satan plans on bringing in his own leader/ prophet that will seem to be following in his predecessor footsteps, but isnt. This is the man that will re-explain what the Bible says to make Christians think that he is good for them and better than Jesus Christ, he comes to make bad moves look good and to make the world fight against Jesus Christ when he returns. [King of the Wicked Vs. King of the Righteous]. I call Nas the anti-Christ because he is Jesus Christs opposite number, he is Satans begotten son.
The Revolution that will take place in America is really Satan changing captains, it isnt freedom, it is the start of ending era.
Probably be murdered for the sh*t that I said, I bring the real, be a legend, breathing or dead? Lord listen to me, God dont like ugly, It Was Written, Yo Nas, your whole damn style is bitten. You heard my melody, read about my Life in the papers, all my run-ins with authorities, felonious capers, now you wanna live my Life, so whats a Hassa Nas? N*ggas that dont rhyme right!! Youve seen too many movies. Load him up against the wall, close his eyes, since you lie you die, GOODBYE!! Let the REAL Live-n*ggas hear the truth from Me, what would you do if you was me? . I go against all odds, hoping my true m~f~ know this is the realest sh*t I ever wrote- Tupac Shakur, Against All Odds [MAKAVELI, the Seven Day Theory]
Tupac gave warnings about Nas on his album, The Seven Day Theory, for those that hear. He knew that he was going to be replaced by somebody that wasnt with his frame of mind, he saw that it was Nas and knew that Nas was a liar, so he gave warnings on his last signatured album, the last album he was alive to oversee. He warned that Nas should not be trusted, and now Im telling you the same and Im against the same odds as he was. Its only someone that you trust that can betray you, deceive you, and mislead you. Nas is called the false prophet for good reasons, his work has already been seen by St. John the Divine and is written in the book of Revelation. Tupac worked out that Nas was the false prophet in 1996, before his death, and he was killed because Nas feared that he would spoil his plans, he knew that Nas would have something to do with his death. He said,expose snakes cos they roam freely. The World Is Mine set me uo, wet me up, n*ggas stuck me up, heard the guns bust but you tricks never shut me up, touch one of mine, (I swear) on everything on Earth, I will destroy everything you touch, play the game n*gga, all-out warfare eye for eye last words to a B*TCH-n*gga, why you lie? Now you gotta watch your back now, watch your front (Against All Odds). [The World Is Mine set him up is Tupac saying that Nas set him up, Nas is the one that says the world is his, and the rest is Tupac making it clear to Nas that they will eternally be enemies.] Nas and Tupac were soldiers of the same struggle but were in opposition to each other. Jesus Christ and Satan are soldiers of the same struggle and they are enemies. Ambiguous sentences can be blinding.



dude seems a bit *makes drinky drinky motion* but there are some good points for ghis arguement...i dunt really believe it tho


Don Seer

Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2003, 02:01:15 AM »
lol @ drinky drinky


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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2003, 02:38:35 AM »
lol @ drinky drinky

what did ya think of the article?

Don Seer

Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2003, 02:40:25 AM »
u mean do i believe it? .. no

an example....
"the world is mine set me up"... doesnt master p have a scarface/tony montana style fountain in his home.... means it coulda been him.... lol

Don Jacob

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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2003, 05:05:40 PM »
i read a page like this that thinks the pope and the catholic church are the antichrist(s)

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2003, 06:01:08 AM »
i read a page like this that thinks the pope and the catholic church are the antichrist(s)

yeah i read the next pope supposed ta be the antichrist.....

but not that i believe this shit but.....

listen to "projects too hot"

"let you hate a nigga like george bush jnr"

now apparently the bush's are free masons...also most of the verse nas and 50 are referrin ta nas as a prophet....

as i said not dat i believe it...jus tryin ta keep my thread alive lol


Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2003, 04:02:21 PM »

I think Nas just got a lil confused as to which religion he should stay with, and flirts with different other religions.
And he obviously thinks it's a coo topic on records.


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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2003, 08:01:36 PM »
what was this dude smoking, for real
fun to read tho

M Dogg™

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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2003, 12:03:26 AM »
what was this dude smoking, for real
fun to read tho

For reals, whatever this man was smoking, I want some of that. That has to be the greatest shit on Earth.


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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2003, 02:17:45 AM »
what was this dude smoking, for real
fun to read tho

exactly how i ;D
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


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Re:Nas the Antichrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2003, 11:13:21 PM »
That was a good read.  I used to be more into this kind of stuff.  This guy makes a good argument.  I mean, look at the way Nas calls himself "God's Son".  That's shirk at it's worst.  Look at the way Nas has used Pac when Pac clearly rejected him and warned us about Nas.  Still people follow Nas.  See, all these things make for a great discussion.  

By the way, I'm a Muslim and I don't get into the Bible much, or talk about any prophets after Muhammad ibn Abdullah (saws).  However, I do think that it is very entertaining and imaginative when people draw paralells between the Bible and hip-hop.  Jesus, Muhammad, Noah, Moses, Ibrahim, and all the prophets attracted the downtroden and disenfranchised.  Similarly, modern day rappers attract those people deemed outcastes by society.  That's why these paralells are so entertaining.  Although they don't reflect my personal ideals.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 11:17:38 PM by Haj Infinite Ibrahim »