Author Topic: Arnie's facing problems!!!  (Read 433 times)


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Arnie's facing problems!!!
« on: October 02, 2003, 10:48:47 AM »

 hey check this out... Arnie seems to be Tyson reincarnated!!!

 facing sexual abuse suit/allegations from SIX women..
 read on by clicking here...



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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2003, 10:19:38 PM »
Everytime somthing good is happening some dumb shit like that has to happen...


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2003, 11:17:00 PM »
There is also news that Arnold's father was a nazi ... and Arnold wrote an unpublished book ... expressing that ideas of Hitler being a good leader...

that is kinda scary... :-\


Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2003, 05:57:43 AM »
I think most of it is just bullshit mudslinging, which is typical with democrats.  I thought when Clinton did this, and was caught red handed, that it didn't matter, because it didn't compromise his ability to do his job?  Swartzy has denied all the accusations, also, but apologized for what he said was 'improper' conduct when he was younger.  


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2003, 06:03:17 AM »
its all bullshit...both democrats and republicans are cold blooded in campaigns. I just dont want him to be governor...i mean this guy wantsto get rid of the EPA =/


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2003, 09:44:57 AM »
I e-mail this to my grandma and this was her reply

Here's the problem with the "reporter" and outlet who is responsible for initially hyping this, the story of all these six women coming forward was released back in 1999. So then why did a media source publicize it a week before the recall? It shows the recent source of the story has no integrity and exposes their pinko agenda. And do you think that these women, all in their early 20's, didn't enjoy having the world's most successful bodybuilder slap their ass or touch them? Hell no, they enjoyed it. Hell, at least Arnold is man enough to admit he was wrong and apologized. Compare that to a disgrace who couldn't do that just a handful of years ago? And who said there isn't a bias in the mass-media?

Tyson is innocent of that big rape scandal many years ago. Anyone who can think for themself can tell you that. Allow me to butcher his quote
"I didn't rape that girl but if I saw her today, I would for what she did to me."

Arnold will win, mouthpiece bustamante will finish a distant second and McClintock will finish just behind the shil bustamante.

I didnt understand the last part she said but o well... my grandmother wants Arnold to win becuase she is moving to Cali in like a year so i really dont know...


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2003, 01:41:17 PM »
There is also news that Arnold's father was a nazi ... and Arnold wrote an unpublished book ... expressing that ideas of Hitler being a good leader...

that is kinda scary... :-\

hit WAS a good leader,maybe you should read up on how good off germany was once he came to power.

you may not like him for the person he was,but theres no way you can say he was a bad leader.

and im curious,why would it matter if his father was a nazi or not? it doesnt mean arnold is,thats like saying you are an alcoholic just because one of your parents are.


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2003, 02:54:12 PM »
There is also news that Arnold's father was a nazi ... and Arnold wrote an unpublished book ... expressing that ideas of Hitler being a good leader...

that is kinda scary... :-\

hit WAS a good leader,maybe you should read up on how good off germany was once he came to power.

you may not like him for the person he was,but theres no way you can say he was a bad leader.

and im curious,why would it matter if his father was a nazi or not? it doesnt mean arnold is,thats like saying you are an alcoholic just because one of your parents are.

hitler was also responsible for thousands and thousands of deaths... not only to the jewish community... but the polish... homosexuals... criminals.. people who refused to support him...

a good leader takes care of alll his people... not just the ones who are like him... that is not america.... i dont trust arnold... he doesnt make a good representation for me and people like me... davis march for chavez... and cruz... knows what it is like to be a stuggling chicano...

arnold... has no vote... from me...


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2003, 03:33:03 PM »
There is also news that Arnold's father was a nazi ... and Arnold wrote an unpublished book ... expressing that ideas of Hitler being a good leader...

that is kinda scary... :-\

hit WAS a good leader,maybe you should read up on how good off germany was once he came to power.

you may not like him for the person he was,but theres no way you can say he was a bad leader.

and im curious,why would it matter if his father was a nazi or not? it doesnt mean arnold is,thats like saying you are an alcoholic just because one of your parents are.

hitler was also responsible for thousands and thousands of deaths... not only to the jewish community... but the polish... homosexuals... criminals.. people who refused to support him...

a good leader takes care of alll his people... not just the ones who are like him... that is not america.... i dont trust arnold... he doesnt make a good representation for me and people like me... davis march for chavez... and cruz... knows what it is like to be a stuggling chicano...

arnold... has no vote... from me...

but but but... you dont know either


Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2003, 03:51:37 PM »
Well, by that logic, pink, you racist bitch, I'd vote for Arnold since he knows what it's like to be white.  Fuck you and your bullshit.  


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2003, 06:06:53 PM »
There is also news that Arnold's father was a nazi ... and Arnold wrote an unpublished book ... expressing that ideas of Hitler being a good leader...

that is kinda scary... :-\

hit WAS a good leader,maybe you should read up on how good off germany was once he came to power.

you may not like him for the person he was,but theres no way you can say he was a bad leader.

and im curious,why would it matter if his father was a nazi or not? it doesnt mean arnold is,thats like saying you are an alcoholic just because one of your parents are.

hitler was also responsible for thousands and thousands of deaths... not only to the jewish community... but the polish... homosexuals... criminals.. people who refused to support him...

a good leader takes care of alll his people... not just the ones who are like him... that is not america.... i dont trust arnold... he doesnt make a good representation for me and people like me... davis march for chavez... and cruz... knows what it is like to be a stuggling chicano...

arnold... has no vote... from me...

obviously he didnt consider them his people now did he,he considered aryans his people.  why dont you read up on the state that germany was in after ww1 up to the point when he came into power. the country did a 180,the people obviously lived better lives once he came into power


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2003, 06:18:41 PM »
Hitler was a great political leader. He just used his power the wrong way. I mean who else can get millions of people to follow him and his beliefs? If he used it to better use he would be an even better leader IMO.


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2003, 06:20:38 PM »
Hitler was a great political leader. He just used his power the wrong way. I mean who else can get millions of people to follow him and his beliefs?

good point,but actually a lot of the german people were becoming weary of the jews before hitler came into power,so the anti semetism wasnt just him, a lot of germany was starting to hate jews too


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2003, 06:22:57 PM »
Hitler was a great political leader. He just used his power the wrong way. I mean who else can get millions of people to follow him and his beliefs?

good point,but actually a lot of the german people were becoming weary of the jews before hitler came into power,so the anti semetism wasnt just him, a lot of germany was starting to hate jews too

Only if the US was like that...


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Re:Arnie's facing problems!!!
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2003, 12:34:56 AM »
This thread has touched on several points:

--- I, and other people shouldn't care about Arnold messing around with those women back in the days, because he wasn't doing it while in office, it doesn't change the way he performs his job, and it has nothing to do with his role as a governor... What Clinton did was worse, and even that I don't think was anybody's business, except for when he lied about it, then it became the people's concern

--- Arnold's dad being a Nazi doesn't mean Arnold is

--- Those 2 ^^^ points have nothing to do with his political role, but I wouldn't vote for him regardless, for other reasons.

--- Hitler was a political mastermind. He was a great leader. Cruel... yes... but you can't deny him being a good leader. What he did with jobs, the economy, the national spirit, etc was amazing. In addition, anti-Semitism existed in Germany, in fact all of Europe, long before Hitler's arrival. There never really was a leader to feel so strongly about it though that gave the people the chance to express their feelings. Also, the country was at its lowest point, and people needed spirit. Hitler made them feel proud, and they couldn't blame themselves for their problems, so they conveniently used the Jews as a scapegoat, since they didn't really like them to begin with.

--- I in no way think that what Hitler did was right. The things he did to these people was horrible. Medical experiments, burning in ovens, gas chambers, etc... cruel fucked up shit.